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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. You see 10x more J45s than H'Birds in the application you described. Probably it's the most frequently seen model of all. I'd guess for 3 reasons: 1) less expensive than H'Birds - with the corollary that road rash is less of a heartbreak; 2) different tone but undeniably as 'good'; and less of that pretentious bling (ie. it's 'the workhorse'). Southern Jumbo is basically a J45 with a little bling. If I were me, and price were not a consideration, I'd go with an H'bird - for the reasons 62Burst noted above. Welcome Aboard and Good Luck. Keep us posted. Many here live vicariously.
  2. More proof H'Birds are as cool today as they were 60 years ago !
  3. Only Martins...? - I would have thought you'd at least have had a J-45 !
  4. I've found tighty-whities show bear claws.
  5. Welcome Aboard! Gibson's tend to be 12'' radius and 15'' isn't really that far off. Most here use 'generic' capos like Kyser which is a great one. It has a radius, but not 15". G7 is another good one and it has more of a radius than the Kyser - looks close to the 12" I have on my Thalia, which comes with a half dozen different radius pads you can choose from. If your capo is flat (put it up against a straight edge ruler), AND if fretting with your finger doesn't result in buzzing - it's likely your capo. I'm not familiar with the D' Addarios capos. Conversely, if you go to your music store and try a G7 and your guitar still buzzes - it's highly likely it's not the capo. And, of course at home - if you fret the D string with finger on the same fret that the capo causes buzzing, and it buzzes, it's more proof that it's the guitar. Maybe a nut slot a little too deep. G'Luck!
  6. If you're only having to put out $250, it is definitely worth the gamble that repairs will be less than $750. It is in very good cosmetic/play/wear shape. The finish crazing is nothing. The good ol' fat frets are not worn, no divots I could see in the fretboard. Very little yellowing on the inlays. The photo from the bridge pins looking north up the neck indicates the neck and action are not visibly out of whack. Tuners appear in good shape - no rust or tarnish, so guitar was probably stored in a reasonably good way for most of its life. The tuners can be taken off and cleaned and oiled, with the buttons replaced if desired. The surface dirt, including the 50 year old sticker, can be safely removed by the luthier after he replaces the bridge and bridge plate. This looks like the street urchin sister of the one I had for half a century. Sound/tone is unique and an acquired taste. But - if you have a different taste - you have to buy a different flavor. This one will never sound like a J-45, even though it resembles one in passing. It was Gibson's entry level guitar back in the day. Over the years, prices have kept pace with other used Gibson acoustics. Difference is, once you've had a qualified luthier (not a guitar technician) bring it up to speed - you'll have an excellent guitar, which might not be what you would get if you spent $1,000 on one in 'great' condition at Guitar Center.
  7. Coconut Oil... been using it about 5 years. On ebony and rosewood. Like everyone, I clean off the fretboard first so I'm not layering new oil on top of dirt, etc. , but use Mrs.Murphy's (no relation!) Wood Soap (a Vegetable based liquid soap diluted) to break up / melt away the oils previously soaked into the wood that steel wool wouldn't touch. Get's rid of gunk I suppose, but I take care not to have gunk on my hands when I pick up my guitars. Let fretboard dry for a day before applying coconut oil.
  8. JCv, Your contributions over the past 11+ years have been greatly valued and would be sorely missed. I can assure you many here appreciate them, though they don't comment - you bring wide ranging topics of interest in, which otherwise would go un-noticed. For example - your other recent post on the black signature J-45 in Japan. Even there we find that there are always people on every forum who have to be negative. "MEANS NOTHING" ! So - please don't dismiss this forum based on the comments of a few. (And then there's the 1980s bumper sticker - "Don't Let The Turkeys Get You Down", which was created even before Al Gore invented the internet. )
  9. "He must be as they say "Big In Japan". Lived there for 2 years . Man I had fun. Didn't drive a car for 2 years. Took the train everywhere. .....I was stationed there from 89 - 91. I was not into guitars at the time. I was concerned with drinking and women, cause I was a sailor. ...No tat's I have a saying about that I can't post on the forum. ..... All most want to discuss is how great a J-45 is, and nothing more"
  10. Gibson had a nice black J-45 in their line up a couple of years ago. The white p/g - had the retro 'Gibson' logo. I do not know if it had fake screws though. I like that idea. A lot. Of course, it was not terrified. They also had 'Pelham Blue' at the time. I was tempted by that one. Good to see this type of music has a strong following in Japan. And that Gibson has made lasting inroads. Artist seems to be very talented. His signature guitar would certainly sell over here. After all - the standard black ones did !
  11. Thanks Bill, this was the best A/B demo I've seen/heard. It makes it easy for someone like me to clearly hear the differences - nuanced or obvious. Your collection may not be a National Treasure - but it is clearly a national treasure. Each guitar is special - but the overpowering presence of all of them - Wowsers !
  12. Agree. OP certainly has certainly gotten enough info to go on!
  13. Pepper, Yesterday: "An insult of some kind, I'm sure." Today: "... if it's supposed to be an insult once again I don't get it." Usually, on this forum, when your insulted - you're sure of it. To the best of my knowledge, Em7 has never come close to insulting anyone here. (Wish I could say the same about me. ) The OP said his necks imperfection was only visible when held up to reflective light and he hadn't felt it on the neck until then. So, not a major issue. Just something to ask about. There is no way to know if it left Bozeman that way. Chances are better it was sprayed evenly and smoothly and the issue was created later by a capo or other item on the uncured/undried finish. This forum often gets questions from people experiencing a new facet of guitar ownership. Sometimes when the issue is small (interior bracing not sanded with 400 grit sandpaper) some members respond with "Just Play The Thing". Not meant to be insulting. Just like the cliche 'Drive it like it's stolen." isn't meant to suggest the person concerned with a shopping cart ding on his new car is an actual car thief.
  14. I was skeptical when Gibson announced hiring a CEO from LEVIS in San Francisco, but this is a master stroke ! Building on their heritage (brand recognition) won't require they build and sell sell hundreds of thousands of these Historic Collection guitars every year - this just shows they have the commitment and expertise to produce the best quality acoustics at the best price (IE "VALUE") of any maker. Wish I were younger and richer.
  15. That is clearly over the line. Not an instrument - a work of art. I could never play that: I'd have to tear my eyes off it.
  16. This ^ Like Willie Nelson's "This Face of Mine" "This face is all I have worn and lived in / And the lines below my eyes are like old friends."
  17. I'm guessing you've let it sit on a guitar stand too long and the dimple is from uncured UNDRIED Nitrocellulose resting on the rubber-coated neck support. There, cured FIXED it for ya !
  18. I'm guessing you've let it sit on a guitar stand too long and the dimple is from uncured Nitrocellulose resting on the rubber-coated neck support.
  19. I would like a new Escalade, but the prices are out of my market.
  20. Sounds very encouraging. Crank out the 'entry level' guitars for players ready to commit to their first GOOD guitar, but also market the solid reputation they built on some of their iconic models to that segment of the market which appreciates and values '' the Gibson Sound".
  21. The guy I was working with had worked at the GC up in Waco; while there they got in as a trade a 90's Gibson MasterTone bluegrass banjo. A relatively valuable banjo (maybe $5k?) - they haven't re-built their banjo facility since the Nashville flood - and were the premier brand up until then. He said they would not put it out on the wall due to the tendency of people who have never held one - to have to mess around with it. They just kept it in the back while advertised on the internet, and in the event someone walked in and asked if they had any 'real' banjos. So, while they do have to display 'representative' stock so people can get their hands on it , and get excited about buying it, I think the people that work there basically love and respect quality instruments and try to protect them from the rabble.
  22. '62 sounds great. Love the way he bangs the two together at the end.
  23. Was in the Guitar Center here in San Antonio 2 weeks ago and, although mid-week, it was busy with the post-Christmas and New Years sales, etc. I noticed they had 7 or 8 new Gibson Acoustics in their Sanctum Sanctorum. Usually, there's 2 or 3. I didn't get a chance to really look at them because there were two teenagers gigging in their. She was playing an Epiphone or something from the big room outside she had plugged into the amp in their, and her associate was playing an electric bass. And, there were two 20 year olds in their listening. Strange. But I figured I'd be back in a week or so. Anyway- had to go back yesterday to finish what I had started - trade in my 15 year old Deering Boston and order a new Deering Sierra. (banjos). I was most struck - after the deal, when I went back to sniff the guitars - that they all had locks on them! They have replaced the leather strap type hangers with metal hangers with a hinge and a key lock. The Martins, Taylors and Gibsons were all nice and secure. Hadn't heard this mentioned here, so I don't know how many other Guitar Centers might be doing it. I guess, from my perspective, since Gibson has more inventory at risk of being damaged by teenage shredders now - it makes sense to lock them up. And of course the Martins and Taylors. ( I know GC owns the stock, but indirectly, the maker's reputation and the perceived value and selling prices are negatively affected if the 'new guitars' are dinged, dented and have BBQ sauce on the fretboard and strings.) There were several walnut bodied Gibbys. A J-15 marked down significantly - sounded very thin to my ears. A couple of GC Spec'ed models. Only one there that floated my boat was a beautiful standard H'Bird hog. I guess the conundrum is - now that there are new Gibsons available Under Two Thousand Dollars ... and there will be more folks wanting to try them who can actually afford them - will the locks deter future sales? I would think not.
  24. Sounds like a First World Problem. I'd be more worried about blood having dripped into the sound hole. Except I usually know when I'm bleeding and try not to get my DNA on anything I can't clean up with bleach.
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