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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Purdy. ( Keep her out of the sun. UV plays havoc with red ! )
  2. Thanks Dave. Wow - this forum is The Bomb !
  3. The instructions (from a year ago) included by Thalia with their capos differ from this. They state 'Gibson - 10" or 12" " No mention of Les Paul, Most or J45s. I'm disappointed for such an expensive piece of hardware - touted as being so fine-tuned to the fingerboard, that their website contains significantly different information.
  4. Yep. For some reason - their "Generation" series (the g-45) and their "Studio" models have the 16" A 'Sea Change" at Bozeman? I'd be more inclined to get a nut wider by 1/16" than a difft radius.
  5. Re-read 3x - can't tell if these pix are his guitar, a Reverb similar one, or something else. Probably of a listing on Reverb. Film at 11. But - the pix are certainly of a classic keeper.
  6. I've gotten a set of bone pins and saddles for each of my 3 Gibsons from Bob Colosi. Great service. Be aware, you will hopefully get a saddle very slightly larger and need to sand it just a very small amount for a nice tight fit. Jury rig some type of guide so you sand it straight and flat. And, make sure the replacement isn't too thin - that'll cause it to lean towards the neck and put undue pressure on the bridge slot.
  7. That's the truth. Or even Jay Leno. If you watch The Tonight Show now 'With Jimmy Fallon" - you find 3/4 of the 'jokes' in his 'monologue' are attacking Trump. Old clips of Carson show how there is a wealth of comedic material out there that doesn't have to be political, let alone politically biased. And - the jokes back then poked fun at things that today are off limits. PC has destroyed our ability to laugh at ourselves.
  8. Yeah, we all know that generalizing about a group of people larger than 2 is always wrong. But ignoring the obvious is as well. It is painfully obvious from the political speeches that take place at these "Awards" ceremonies - that In General - they virally attack conservative politicians. This is the first time an insider did the opposite. Ever hear the term "You'll never work in this town again."? I guarantee you he's heard it 100 times in the past 48 hours. My favorite line from a Hollywood Actor "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV."
  9. NaVet, I remember, barely, when I had 12DTG - 11 and a wake-up. Many of my fellow radiomen had gotten out and I was reduced to going out drinking every night with the Mail Clerk ! He had a month or so longer than I to go. We were in dry dock in Jacksonville FL, and could walk to The Flying Dutchman across from the Greyhound Station - and then walk back to the ship passing the Maxwell House coffee factory. The aroma awakened us to the fact that Navy Coffee wasn't all it was cracked up to be. The day I last crossed the gangway - I felt relieved, but lost. Walked, in my dress blues to the Greyhound station and headed south to my new home. Thank you for your service. Although I only spent 4 years in the Nav - I am now Really Retired. You need to realize that it takes 3 or 4 'hobbies' to fill the workday. Guitars alone will NOT do it ! I did 2 volunteering gigs - one at the city zoo for a year and another, 4+ years at a horse rescue ranch. Found they were a little too reminiscent of 'work'. I busted my chops for the 38 years after leaving the Navy, and had/have no interest in being forced into anything resembling a work schedule with rules and expectations. Just remember - you've earned this - you are now really at the point we dream of from our first day of school - to be free. Enjoy it, you've earned it - no pressure - it's your life ! Oh, and congrats also on the NGD....Next guitar ? Consider a banjo !!!
  10. Great touch with that pick - you never cease to impress! You could quit your day job whenever you wanted.
  11. GC currently has 77 different Gibson acoustic models on their site. 41 are less than $3,000 - that seeming to be the 'magic number'. ( Tax is irrelevant to the discussion - it varies depending on where you live, goes to politicians, Gibson can't control it and can't cut costs to compensate for it.) One way to save the trees is to buy Carbon Fibre Guitars. Sadly, they aren't below The Magic Number either. But - if you want a 'name brand' - you can get a Martin for $300.
  12. Looks like a knock-off of the Martin CEO8. Except for the funny looking bridge.
  13. Bison , Billroy - that ship has sailed. He said he already ordered a standard J45. I know, from a visit 5 years ago to the Boston Guitar Center - Gibsons acoustics are as rare as Republicans. They didn't have any. We use to live in Western Mass. and it wasn't any better. On the other hand, I was in the San Antonio Guitar Center yesterday and was amazed at the number of Gibson acoustics. Hadn't been there since the change-over at the top (Henry's departure, etc.) - but back then, they usually only had 2 or 3, never more than 4. Now, after the Christmas Sales - they had a dozen.: a couple of J45s, couple of Hummingbirds, a J=15 marked down, etc. Of course, I couldn't do much with them, there was a teenage girl and boy perched in there, plugged into an amp singing and playing for another couple in the small space. Ironically, neither her guitar nor the bass he was playing were from that area - reserved for Gibsons and some Martins and Taylors. I guess it was too cold for them to play at home in their garage. I may may have to go back today. Maybe they'll have gotten better. And, as I think of it - our local "Mom&Pop" had 1 or 2 when I stopped by for picks and strings, a couple of months ago. A first ! I wonder if Bozeman has added a second shift.
  14. Isn't there a Statue of Limitations for Curmudgeons?
  15. SBPark - why would you suggest he sell the J45? He's looking for a guitar to complement it, not replace it and get one to complement the replacement??
  16. Yep... and if you consider that 0.8mm narrower nut and divide it by 6 strings ... that's 0.1mm between each string. Even my dog can't hear the difference !
  17. Yep. Stella. Bought at Macy's Roosevelt Field for $29 as I recall. Gave it to my younger brother who had even less talent than I. How that poor guitar suffered !
  18. Hoped to see my little geographic joke linger longer. Having been dragged up on Long Island and lived from Ft. Lauderdale to Key West, I figured it would be the same for Jersey !
  19. Beautiful tree... beautiful sunset. Thanks! Merry Christmas To All !
  20. Glad you took my advice. (The cannoli being a metaphor for the H'Bird, and the AJ, of course, being the gun) Congrats! Merry Christmas !!
  21. BK7. An extra star for your Christmas Tree ! I got 2 of my 3 in a similar way. Virtually mint, traded in (buyer's remorse?) and I was just in the right place at the right time. Can't say I saved them from a pawnshop or dust bin though.
  22. No, not Robert Earl Keen's classic.... A bevy of Gibson's ...
  23. If you go back and read the 'Part I' predecessor to this thread you'll probably get it quicker than waiting for replies here.
  24. Is it feasible to keep your acoustic guitars in their cases when not being played? I personally would avoid 20 degree changes several times a day on my own, but as J45N stated - probably less risky if your guitars humidity is always appropriate. Cases would mitigate the abruptness of the temp change - again assuming the humidity isn't also fluctuating - which I think it might.
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