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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Standing or sitting? How much does it weigh? I found I had issues a while back with my left shoulder due, I think to weight and strap, and made changes, after several weeks layoff, and it went away. Anecdotally, the causes may have been different and I'm sure my muscles, tendons, etc are.
  2. I see what you did there .....
  3. I wouldn't turn down a FREE J45 if it were blue. They use to have a shade "Pelham Blue" that was OK. But, since 99.99% of the time - the customer has to actually PAY for the guitar, I doubt there are very many blue, pink or green ones sold. They make black and gray, and I'm sure those sell better. Electrics, of course, is a horse of a different color.
  4. I never get excited about 'pick guards' - but this one is absolutely fantastic... Goes perfectly with the black face, underwhelming buy complements it. Like a frame around a portrait !
  5. Stay safe.... keep your vehicles fully gassed up. Have an emergency escape plan and don't wait until the last minute. We learn that when a hurricane threatens. One butthead on the hi way going 15 mph towing his wobbly trailer brings everything to a halt for 50 miles behind him.
  6. Journalist writes: "Fire season is just underway." and "since we began recording statistics in 1983". So - I'd say: You need to wait until the season is over to declare anything - certainly can't start with the 'sky is falling' at the very beginning'. And, if you want to draw conclusions of a possible trend. - Forty Years is a blink of an eye in Nature.
  7. Strings, picks, relief - can have a difference, though then won't make an H'Bird sound like a Taylor ! As far as strings - if theses are brand new - that would explain the 'harshness' to me. My H'bird seems louder than my SJ200 and J45Koa - but I think part of it is more subtle - it is more like it PROJECTS the sound further out of the sound hole directly - whilst the other two let it rumble around and mellow in there before sending it out. I'd never say one is 'better' than the other - only that their each different, and great.
  8. Who appointed you arbiter of all that is worthy?Have you considered a muzzle? and .... Olive - A belated Welcome to the forum..... You'll find at least half the threads tend to 'go off track' as people go off on tangents. Sort of like when a family is sitting down after Sunday dinner talking about - almost anything. Sort of like most Social Media.
  9. Yep - the wings are wider than the OP's scratches would explain. Are there corresponding scratches on the back ?
  10. Glad you passed on it. Sketchy 'provenance' when they got it in exchange for something and no Serial Number. But, my rule of thumb, quick and dirty guideline is "No Case - No Deal".
  11. I keep all 3 of my guitars (SJ200, H'Bird and J45) in DGCFAD and have for decades. Don't play with others often, but sticking a capo on the 2nd fret to match their standard tuning doesn't seem to cause confusion. I had to tweak the truss rod on the SJ200 once with a set of Light strings. Other than that - no issues. Started doing it to decrease the tension (easier on the neck and fingers) but now only keep it up because I really prefer the tone and the lower range for singing. Need a bit stiffer pick. First set of strings that really stood out - after countless experiments - Elixir Nano Phosphor Bronze .12 - 53s. But, just like every guitar is different - every player is, not to mention their ears ! G'Luck !!
  12. Did you mean a replacement that would be virtually identical to the original ?
  13. Not sure if there is a question in there somewhere. As far as the OP - these types of Gibsons, from 60 odd years ago, are a bit pricey for a student guitar. Suggest you look at classical guitars - size is similar and the nylon strings easier to deal with. If you don't lose interest after a couple of years - you can feel confident plucking down five times the cash on an upgrade. Suggest you practice At Least an hour a day, or you'll not get the momentum most people want: don't see any improvement, so they quit. G'Luck.
  14. That price is right about right where they've been, especially with the case. Of course, like BK7 says - it depends on the condition! Plastic bridge isn't a 'deal breaker' unless it's broken. Sound as I recall is transmitted through the bolts to the plywood bridge plate. I had mine in to a luthier for a fret finishing job - and asked if he'd replace it. He said it wasn't worth doing until it broke. No one outside this forum would even know the bridge was a skeletonized, hollow plastic thingy from sitting across the room from it. Of course, a solid rosewood bridge would change/improve the tone..... but then you'd be tempted to fiddle with the bridge plate which could very likely be chewed up. More change/improvement..... And I'm guessing the original big, thick pick guard was as big a factor! Which, BK7 seems to have also addressed !
  15. I really miss that 'ladder braced sound' from my old '64 LG1. Good on you for breathing new life into that treasure.
  16. Good question. Based on the specs - it should be a good, all-round example of Gibson Tone.
  17. .... and doesn't ask you "How is your meal?" when your mouf is foo .
  18. I've found the Amazon Alexa thingy can hear me when I whisper at night "Alexa turn off Jim's light." And she is considerate enough to do it without the usual somewhat loud "OK!". Which caused me to wonder about 2 things: Can 'she' (not sure of the proper pronoun) here hear what we're saying even when we think we're being quiet? AND ... Is "It" compiling reams of information on us to create a massive database? For Example: "Did you remember to turn off the iron?" "What is the expiration date on the milk? " "IF Hallmark starts putting out Christmas movies in the Fall, THEN when will their Halloween movies come out? Same time Hobby Lobby puts out Halloween decorations?" "IF prices on 18 year old Irish Whiskey go up due to inflation, THEN how do we define 'inflation' ? " "Robots are our friends." I'm repeating that every night after I have 'him' turn out the light... insurance. Like the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. "I do believe in spooks."
  19. Agree. My First Directive though (its more of a guideline) which applies to "LIFE" as well as light bulbs and carburetors and guitar tuners - is "If it's not broken, don't fix it."
  20. Absent a plastic bridge - introduced in 1963, the guitar would likely have been built before that year. But - the experts have narrowed it down to a gnat's .... whisker, for you ! Curious - do you think that being stored in an attic for decades may have caused any damage? The case looks like it's in great shape - the binding strips always fell off those cardboard faux alligator cases, I guess because the thread was sub-standard. Skinny plastic handles often gave too. But, those cases are less functional than a modern gig bag, so I'd not worry about it ! Still, I'd have someone look at the innards of the guitar to make sure it's not got any loose bracing. Nice 'closet queen' !!
  21. Most of the people who need to be pushed off, fall off on their own. They call it Karma.
  22. Did you happen to read Duane’s polite warning? Just before yours ? 😀
  23. I think people can have an opinion without having to defend it. I worked twice as long in healthcare administration - if someone wants to have a negative opinion about it I’m not going to worry about it. It’s too broad and complex to argue about in a social media format. Like computer games and guns. And a hundred other things.
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