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Everything posted by slimt

  1. 47 was a weird year. Binding, fingerboard inlay, headstock logo changes. Even mahogany top to spruce on some. It seemed to be a year lack of fon numbers and serial numbers. On some guitars.
  2. Transition of script to block if thats what your asking 1947 . I hope I got your question right.
  3. At this point in time. The LG2 will sound better. 👍🏻
  4. J200 Gibsons are a Nice guitar. But. With all the different versions , it can be a little to much.
  5. If it was me. Id do it. But thats me. I have a neck for one of those with a busted body.
  6. Location is everything. Hi end cliental is everything. some of those are very expensive.
  7. I had one just like it. It was a 69. Headstock heavy.
  8. If Im not mistakin. Belly bottom bridge would be 68 or newer . Pre 67 , belly up bridge.
  9. A hardware store should have a oder eater . Same thing the use in used cars. Stick it in the pocket of the case close the lid. Ive done that with a few of mine in the past with not bad results.
  10. You buy a Gibson guitar. A gibson shirt should be a freebee. You buy multiple New Gibson guitars from your favourite dealer. A Jean Jacket with logo, should be free.
  11. The numbers on the back of the headstock were stamped by someone. Ive never seen those uneven on a Gibson. Even the direction stamped. it does look like a es 135 though. You got a picture of the face of the headstock?
  12. I like that. But has the headstock had a fracture.
  13. I would leave it. Great cosmetic character . just get the internals address and a set up if required
  14. I think someone at GC could of put a 9 instead of a 6. I had a righty very much like your photo. . I had a very early one as well with the decal logo. Nice bass.
  15. Raised white plastic logo. Staple pickups. Alot were blade pickups. Looks mid 60s.
  16. Ya. I asked my Gibson dealer to get me a wide white TRC for my CS 94 SJ200 . I would even provide the serial number. My dealer contacted Gibson. And it was a flat NO. Kind of pissed me off. Spend thousands on Gibson acoustics And get rejected on a TRC.
  17. Its not a bad thing. It serves the purpose. And it looks like it belongs on it. Gibson though does not sell Pickguards, trussrod covers. So getting an original would be tough. Not sure why.
  18. Looks similar to a Gibson Sparrow guard. But I think its a aftermarket guard. The footprint is off and the art work does not go together on the guard. kind of looks like pigeons.
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