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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. Ted does indeed own a PRS or two. The beat-up camo pattern one there, and a beat-up tiger striped one from his Damned Yankees days. He's also got 17 Gibson Byrdlands, in a variety of finishes and trims. Most of them really, really, old. Ted proudly plays a number of Gibson Les Paul models. Some from 1958 and 1959. An American Flag one. And he has a Gibson Custom Super 400 12-string, of all things. 🫠
  2. Looking forward to warmer (albeit rainier) days ahead. 🫠
  3. Probably. But it's like my 17,500 W generator. I feel better knowing I have it if I need it. πŸ˜€
  4. Marco, If you have the opportunity to play the Fender Vintera 60, please do. And play it carefully and thoroughly. Don't let the seller rush you. The reality is that any brand or model of electric guitar has a good chance of being a great guitar if it was made on a Wednesday morning, but an equally good chance of being a horrible guitar if made on a Monday morning or Friday afternoon. Don't make this trade via long-distance, that's what I am saying. πŸ˜‰
  5. I ordered these rigs today. Amazon distribution center a few miles from here, so they'll be here tomorrow. No use having them this week (the big thaw is beginning already), but I want to have them for the future ice and snow ugliness. πŸ™‚
  6. Did you hear about the cannibal who was late for dinner? He got the cold shoulder. πŸ₯²
  7. THAT sounds like a great time. You had an exceptional time of it, and great rat-boy friends to share in the adventures. Memories for a lifetime, I am sure! πŸ™‚
  8. 18 F right now, headed for a low of 8 F tonight. I spent a few hours today shoveling ice off my driveway. A lot of the ice on the roads has steadily evaporated lately, and people have been getting out and driving to the grocery/beer store. Me included. Slight warming tomorrow, and then more comfortable (toasty) days ahead. Thank God. πŸ™‚
  9. Thanks, Sheepdog 1969. I put them on and take them back off outside in the garage, on a carpeted surface. My wife would lose her mind if I tried to walk into the house in these shoes!! πŸ˜’
  10. That is one fine looking guitar!! πŸ™‚
  11. Okay, so the weather has been unusually cold this week, and we have been iced-in since Monday. (It snowed and sleeted like crazy Sunday night and Monday morning, and a coat of ice has had all the schools and most businesses closed down every since then, due to iced over roads and streets.) Madison County has no snow plows, and very limited de-icing capabilities. That's how rare we even get snow and ice conditions here. So everybody's been hunkering down at home. Local law enforcement advised NO DRIVING unless in an Emergency. No worries for me. I stocked up at the grocery store and the beer store on Sunday, and we haven't really wanted for anything the past few days. Well. Except for the opportunity to walk the dogs. The ice on the driveway, sidewalks, streets and roads has been treacherous. Tried to walk them a bit yesterday, and both the dogs and myself were slip-sliding everywhere. Went out in the evening yesterday to feed the birds and raccoons on the other side of my creek, and slipped and busted my *** but good. The low temp went down to zero-ish last night, and the high today is in the 20's. So mid-day today, I had a brilliant idea. I took the sports insoles out of my Avia running shoes (okay, my summer lawn mowing shoes). I screwed exterior screws thru the soles from the insole area down thru the bottom of the shoes. Snipped the long sharp ends off with bolt cutters, down to about a quarter inch length. Lined the insole with duct tape, and re-installed the sports cushion insoles. Voila. Improvised ice cleat shoes! Walked the dogs in my woods, got them good and worn out, and everybody had a real good time. Gotta love it. πŸ˜‰
  12. That's really cool! I'm with Murph, I can't recall ever seeing such a thing before. But I would think it would be perfect for protecting a valuable Twin during transport from here to there. πŸ™‚
  13. Congrats!! A very exciting acquisition, one that will open new doors to musical explorations. πŸ˜€
  14. Man oh man, Guys and gals up there are made of tougher stuff! Our low this week (projected) will be Tuesday morning, and 3 degrees F. Two mornings at 9 degrees F last year killed off my winter garden, so I haven't planted one thus far this year. πŸ™‚
  15. WHAT’S YOUR TEMPERATURE RIGHT NOW (a poem) What’s your temperature right now? What’s the reading on your thermometer? I’m glad I’m an indoor human and not an outdoor cow Able to understand the readings on the barometer So it’s 27 F here, or minus three Centigrade Balmier here than in Kansas Even warmer down in the Florida everglade Where the Catholics pray to St. Francis It’s bitter cold they say, up there in Minnesota Minus 8 in downtown St. Cloud Even worse of in North Dakota But all the roads are neatly snow-plowed It’s not an issue for me, until it’s time to walk the dogs There’s ice on the nearby pond you see Glad I’m not a frog We’re snuggled up inside at this moment And I’m enjoying my coffee and brandy Grateful for God’s blessing and bestowment It’s 70 degrees in here and I’m just dandy So I send all my best to you this morning Offering all my prayers and wishes That your winter hard freeze warning Doesn’t kill the birdies, frogs, and fishes Please take care my friends today, and snuggle up by the fire Save the outdoor chores for another day when the temperatures are a whole lot higher πŸ™‚
  16. Apple flavored Crown Royal? That does sound good! πŸ˜‹
  17. Funny you should say this. a. It's very much true and, b. Reading thru the thread got me to thinking of a conversation I had with a fellow at work a few years ago. Me: No, I can't come have a bourbon drink with you after work. I had to give it up years ago. Eric: What kind of bourbon did you drink back in the day? Me: Ah, you know. Jim Beam with Coke, a long time ago. Jim Beam Black in the later years, with Diet Coke. But I liked it too much. I would really pound it down. Had to switch to low-carb beers for my health, and in support of keeping my weight down. Eric: Your problem is, you have never had a proper sipping whiskey. A really fine bourbon, and you only sip a small amount each evening. Neat, or with a single ice cube. Me: So, what would you consider a really fine bourbon then? Eric: Blanton's. Best stuff going. Go get you a bottle after work today. Take it home, relax, pour a finger or so of it in a crystal glass, and enjoy!! Me: Okay. I'll give it a try. So I went by a liquor store, asking for Blanton's. No dice. Traveled to another one. Again, no luck, they don't carry the stuff. Finally, I hit some sort of ABC Store that I had never visited before, and they had it. Various fancy bottles with a little pewter horse figurine for a cork head. A tiny tennis ball sized bottle (50 ml) was forty bucks. Slightly larger (375 ml) was $130!! My God. This is crazy expensive. But it must be really good. This could well change my life, for the better! So I bought the $130 bottle, and drove home. Relaxed in a hot bath after walking the dogs, and put on some clean trousers and a nice shirt and sweater. I put some jazz piano record from the 1960's on the stereo. Poured a finger and a half over a small ice cube, in a proper whiskey drinking glass, and sat down in the leather easy chair to relax and enjoy life. Took a cautious sip. And then another. Savored it on my palate, and tried to absorb the fine nuances of wonderfulness. And so then promptly spit it back into the glass. It was bloody awful. Fast forward to the next day at the airfield. Me: Here Eric, happy birthday, happy New Year, and a merry Saint Swithin's Day to you. Eric: What's this? Me: It's your Blanton's. You can have it, and drink it in good health. Eric: (inspecting the bottle) You tried it and didn't like it? Me: Eh. It wasn't my cup of tea. Eric: Wait, be specific. Me: It was horrid. I once cleaned spark plugs in old gasoline that tasted better than this. Drinking it literally made me lose the will to live. I sipped it, and I wanted to climb on top of the nearest tall building, and throw myself off. Eric: Okay, that's specific enough. Sorry you didn't like it. Me: It's alright. We all have our own tastes and likes and dislikes. Enjoy the rest of that bottle, and good luck with it. Eric: Thanks. Sorry it didn't work out. So. I'm pretty sure that the $400 guitar cable is a lot like Blanton's. Only without the little pewter horse. πŸ€”
  18. But to the topic of fixing things without trying, I must confess that I am rarely lucky in that regard. Truth be told, I have often broken things in the process of trying to fix them or make them better. And then there's a lot of cussing going on. 🀨
  19. I'm fairly handy myself, but I know my limitations. Skill Grade Carpenter: B I can design and build fences, stairs, and decks. But the fine furniture building, with beautiful finished edges and gorgeous presentation is beyond me. Plumber: C+ I'm very handy at it, but I cannot weld/sweat copper pipes. Auto mechanic: B - I can do most everything under the hood except drop an engine and rebuild it. Motorcycle mechanic: B+ I can do just about everything, but I am more willing to pay somebody else to do the deep and dirty stuff anymore. Electronics: B- I'm a great troubleshooter, and I can repair or replace most things. But my knowledge of electrical theory is very much journeyman grade. Roofing: C- I can do most of it, and have, but my fear of heights compels me to pay somebody else, pretty much all the time anymore. Gutters and downspouts: A I'm good at this, though I really don't have much passion for it anymore. Painting interiors and exteriors: B+ I'm slow but steady, and I tape a clean edge. Lawn work and landscaping: B+ Though I admit I am slowing down a bit. With age comes aches and pains. Home appliance repair and replacement: A I don't need much help troubleshooting or in moving the old stuff out and installing the new stuff. Bricklaying: F Replacing auto glass: F Automotive paint and customizing: F Putting up with other people's bull$#1t: F- Like I said. I know my limitations. πŸ€”
  20. Fantastic job, Doctor Sheepdog. Great to hear that the patient is doing well, and that she sounds terrific. I'm not sure she's out of the woods quite yet though. Patient presents as very quiet now, and she looks a bit yellow to my eye. Both of those point to jaundice and liver problems. I would order a liver function series blood test, stat! πŸ€”
  21. As long as they are relic'ed, scuffed, and impregnated with artificial beer rings and cigarette smoke aromas, they will be a smash hit. 🫠
  22. I'm with you on this one. Not normally a fan of blue guitars, but seriously liking that odd burst there. ❀️
  23. I got some new shoes. I technically use them to walk into the music room where the guitars hang, so they are technically guitar-related. 😐
  24. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heathen_(David_Bowie_album)
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