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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. By my observation, bass players who play in rock bands featuring walls of distorted guitars to compete with, and in large arenas no less, require a crisp attack. Finger plucking can work really well when performing soft jazz or most songs by The Eagles. But for stuff like this, a plectrum is surely a good idea. Just thinking aloud. πŸ€”
  2. Nice axe. Seven thousand bones is a bit steep though, for my finances. πŸ₯²
  3. I take the wife out to lunch at least once a week. We also meet her father and his wife for Sunday brunch, after the old man gets out of Catholic Mass. The ticket for those meals is currently twice or thrice that which I used to pay, before the covid hysteria. Sucks being on a fixed income in such times. Am grateful to have my old used Gibsons and Fenders. I don't plan to buy any new ones, that's for sure. πŸ™
  4. Hey, the chick with the huge pick guard is making national news now. Too awesome. πŸ˜€
  5. How far is it for you to travel to those two towns in Minnesota, or to the impound facility in St Louis County? Go there. Make friends with the top officials there. Tell them your story. Bring any photos you may have of your father performing. (Preferably with either of those guitars, and with the amp in the background.) If you are sincere, humble, and polite, chances are they will give you the gear just to get it off their books. If they haven't already sold everything off, which is a distinct possibility. πŸ™
  6. Her name is Maren Morris. I'll let you look her up on Google, without any sort of commentary from me. 😐
  7. I must confess that I don't know shiit from shinola about old Gibson acoustics, but that is a great guitar! I love the addition of the pickup and volume & tone knobs. Very, very J-160E thing to do, and way cool. Looks a lot like this one on Reverb. https://reverb.com/item/4149649-gibson-lg-1-1959-sunburst The bridge has been changed out on one or the other, but the details all look right. You look very happy playing her, and the dog approves! That is important around my house too. This is my black and white, Simon Peter. He's 12 years old. In this photo, he thinks he's getting some ice cream. πŸ˜€
  8. I'm sorry. I'm trying to focus on the guitar and pick guard, but the gal in that little skin-tight outfit keeps distracting my eyes. πŸ€”
  9. Hannibal, MO reminds me a lot of Weston, MO, all the way over on the western border, on the Missouri river. Quaint town, lots of antique shops, restaurants, a winery, and a few drinking establishments. Love it there. πŸ˜€
  10. Sounds like the perfect relationship. 😐
  11. The Ryman Auditorium is one of my favorite places ever. So much history, and the acoustics in that joint are just fantastic. I recall that the designers built it in such a manner that a speaker or performer on the stage could be heard clearly to a person sitting in any seat in the house. Built in the late 1800's, only shortly after the advent of electric microphones, this was important. One thing I would recommend, while visiting Memphis, is to visit the National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel. This is where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by James Earl Ray. The museum was built into the back of the old motel, and the motel and parking lot (with period-correct automobiles) have been preserved to appear precisely as it was on that fateful day back in 1968. It is a surreal landmark, and just a bit creepy. I liken it to visiting Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. The street where JFK was assassinated, the grassy knoll, and the 6th Floor Museum there; I'm of the age where both of those tragic, historical events are burned into my earliest memories. πŸ™
  12. Oh man. Thoughts and prayers to you, good friend. Hope it all turns out well in the end. Stay dry. 😐
  13. Photos, kidblast. We can make this the 'here's my guitar workspace' thread even. πŸ™‚
  14. Yes, you are right. I do need to come up with a more elegant solution than the standing lamp I'm using right now. The five lights do adjust via goose-neck stems, so that's a good thing. I'll think on it, and take a look around. 🫠
  15. Happy New Guitar Table Day I got tired of using the kitchen counter for working on/restringing/setting-up guitars. Pretty sure the wife wasn't happy about it either. So, with just a bit of rearranging things in the music room, and trip to Lowe's to pick up the main item, presto chango, we now have a dedicated guitar work bench. With drawers. A long overdue addition to the music room. πŸ™‚ Needs more stickers. 😐
  16. Wow! Very nice. Love both of them. And I really love that I finally have found a Les Paul associated with the word, "Slash" that I actually love. That red LP is a stunner!! πŸ˜ƒ
  17. I have seen those online. Would love to play thru one some day! πŸ™‚
  18. Here, I'll start with some of mine. This is the Gibson corner of my music room. Photo taken just a minute ago. πŸ™‚
  19. It's the thing about guitar web forums. Everybody wants to see photos of each others guitars. It's like guitar pornography. I can't explain it any better than that. 🫠
  20. An engineer, a statistician, and a physicist are out hunting. They spot a buck, and each take turn to try and bag it. The physicist goes first. He pulls out his lab book and quickly calculates the trajectory of the bullet, assuming it is a perfect sphere in a vacuum. The bullet falls 20m short of the deer. The engineer goes second. He pulls out his engineering pad and book of projectile assumptions. After a few minutes he’s ready. He takes aim and he fires. The bullet lands 20m passed the deer. The statistician triumphantly leaps in the air shouting, β€œWe got it!” πŸ˜ƒ
  21. In my first band (a garage band, I was in high school) we just tuned off of each other. The bass player was normally the most in tune, and he kept his bass regularly tuned to the piano in his mother's house. So he would strike a 12th fret octave on the top E string, and the lead guitar player and I would tune ourselves from there. Close enough for rock and roll, I guess. The lead guitar player, Curtis, would often sneer, "Tuning up is for pussies!!" 😬
  22. Nah, I'm good. If I took one of those pills, I would become a hazard to the household and the entire neighborhood. 😐
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