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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. I checked out your Sonex on Reverb, sir. Very nice! Wishing that I had a little more jingo (and a lot less honey-do landscaping project$ on my plate right now). 🀫
  2. You deserve good things, and congratulations. Great amp head! πŸ™‚
  3. Two friends that nearly died? One was after the first jab. The other not long after his booster. The lady friend that died was a health care professional, and she was required to take the jab early on. She perished a week later. πŸ™
  4. I don't remember much about high school, this much is true. Didn't enjoy the experience, and can't name but a handful of friends or teachers from those days. My Algebra teacher was, looking back on it now, from the perspective of many years of life's experience since then, an abysmal instructor. Dogmatic, narrow-minded, two-dimensional, and rigid. He taught from the book, and the answer was either right or it wasn't. And he couldn't be bothered to explain the great number of ways that you could possibly arrive at the correct answer. I couldn't learn from the guy, and quite honestly, couldn't understand what he was saying most of the time. (His diction was poor, and miles away from my own upbringing, culturally. I'll just leave it at that.) He got frustrated with me one afternoon, after I kept asking questions for more clarity and understanding regarding a particular formula. At one point, he blurted out, "John, you ain't right. You just don't fit in with these other kids. You never gonna fit in, I don't think!" It was like an epiphany for me, and I remember smiling and quietly nodding. He was right, of course. I didn't fit in with those other kids, and I never would conform or fit in. And I liked it that way. πŸ™‚
  5. I have had all the varieties of covid infections you can name, and the symptoms were all pretty mild for me. My wife, not so much. She has experienced abject misery with every bout of it. The unusually wide left-and-right limits of symptoms across the population, in my opinion, speak to a man-crafted virus, with targeted victim DNA outcomes. That's the scientist in me speaking, and no political motivations whatsoever. As for the jabs and repeated boosters, we are both done with them. We did our duty with all that early on, but now we have sworn them off. Too many strange side effects, and too much risk, at this point in my life anyway. And considering that close friends have nearly died after taking the jab, and one did actually pass away after taking the jab? Nope. Done. πŸ€”
  6. Good morning, Bill. By the features and stamped serial number, that's a 1968 Gibson B-15. Made in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and there were 12,000 of them made between 1967 and 1971. Worth approximately 500 bucks in that condition. Maybe seven fifty to a serious collector. A great guitar! I hope it stays in the family. πŸ™‚
  7. I like Rick Beato, and IF I had that kind of money, I would buy one of those signature guitars. Sadly, I don't have that much jingo in my pocket, so I will have to make do with the guitars that I currently own. 😞
  8. I have served with no less than five British Exchange Officers here at Redstone. All of them fine gentlemen, and good, solid representatives of the Crown. My thoughts go out to them this week. πŸ˜”
  9. I broke a molar, apparently. Half of it is gone, and there is open, exposed pulp and tooth shards. Holiday Monday, no dentists are working. This may require whiskey. πŸ˜”
  10. It is very much curved. Once mounted, the left and right sides will be screwed into the wall. The guitar hangers will set out away from the wall by a couple inches. There are two each screw holes pre-drilled left and right, for pushing screws into studs behind the dry-wall. Or, if the studs do not line up, screws into the stud on one side, and into the dry-wall on the other. πŸ€”
  11. Happy New Bourbon Barrel Guitar Wall Hanger. I acquired this guitar wall hanger from a lovely gent on Craigslist. Local feller named James. Fashioned from one of the barrel slats harvested from a bourbon distilling barrel. Can't wait to put it to use! (But I need to reorganize my current wall hanging situation just a bit.) 😜
  12. Oh man. I'm so sorry, Guitar God. Rest in peace, good friend Jake. πŸ˜”
  13. To be clear, that's not my album, and I did not collect those priceless signatures. I just pulled that image off the interwebs. But the yellow album is still my favorite King Crimson LP. πŸ™‚
  14. I must confess that I came to King Crimson late, and only really got into the Adrian Belew/Tony Levin period albums. I know, I'm a heretic. Please crucify me now. I deserve it. 🀫
  15. Hi, Dan. What's the question, exactly sir? πŸ™‚
  16. That's a non-starter for me. I would NOT buy it sight-unseen, via long distance shipping. No way. 🀫
  17. I didn't make myself clear. Once retired, I will only drive places that I need to go at the times when the traffic is the lightest. I will not agree to medical appointments that will have me out and about in the worst of the rush hour traffic. I will not travel to the grocery store or hardware store unless it is at a time when I know the traffic is the lightest. I will plan my timing and my routes to avoid the worst traffic times. All those poorly-trained, impatient assholes out there can drive here and there, and deal with the elderly fossils, in heavy traffic, at their own risk. I won't be one of them, sir. πŸ˜‰
  18. Four months for me. I'll go on Social Security on 1 January. I can't wait. Tired of working. Tired of flying. REALLY tired of driving in heavy traffic hither and yon. πŸ˜”
  19. Well, that is a bit far for me to travel. But I'm sure there are some local guitar guys who would LOVE to do a set-up and restringing for you. Want me to advertise and find some for you? I'm a pretty good internet finder. πŸ˜‹
  20. It's a free copy of a Stratocaster. And it looks pretty good. Get it, have somebody who knows what they are doing do a set-up and re-stringing on it, and play the heck out of it!! If you live near Harvest, Alabama, I volunteer to do the set-up job for free. πŸ˜€
  21. Three grand is the lowest I have seen on this model, and that's for a 1997 re-issue. https://guitarchimp.com/products/1997-gibson-custom-shop-sg-custom-3-pickup-alpine-white Most used ones from the 1960's and 1970's go for MANY times that amount. It's either a handsome fake, or the owner is insane, and also a philanthropist. πŸ˜—
  22. Buy them. Or return them. Shoot, maybe keep them forever. It's always going to be your own personal decision. Nothing we say is going to either validate or invalidate your decision. I do know this much; I'm getting to the age where I'm learning to check out every guitar that I intend to buy thoroughly. Just to avoid such dilemmas. But it happens. Don't sweat it. πŸ˜—
  23. Very nice. Congratulations. Play hard. Practice. Learn, grow, expand musically. Jam with others. Play live. Have fun. πŸ˜—
  24. I was married for 19 years to a woman for whom misery and anger was a comfortable and preferred state of affairs. It was not good. It took years off my life. Years later, I contemplated remarrying, but I told the new one that I never, ever wanted to put up with miserable moods and angry nonsense. "Life is too short for all that. I'm just not going to have it in my life any more." She blurted out, "But that's unrealistic. You can't expect me to always be happy and cheerful." "Yes I can. We aren't married at this point. If you decide to sign on for a tour with me, that's my one condition. Happy happy. Cheerful cheerful." "You set the bar too high. You think any woman can wake up every morning happy and smiling and giggling with joy?" "YES. I want you, when you are in my company, to be happy and smiling and giggling with joy. When you greet me or pass me, I want to see cheerfulness and contentment!" "Bull-****. Nobody can live up to that expectation!!" "I re-iterate. When you are in my presence, I will do all I can to facilitate your eternal happiness and joyfulness. When you greet me coming and going, I want nothing but smiles, joy, and celebration. When you FART, I want to hear Zippity-Freakin'- DO DAH come erupting out your a$$!!!" She finally broke down in helpless laughter. "Okay. I'll do my best. Is that fair?" "Fair enough." We have been married 23 years now. πŸ€”
  25. When an AA member (Alcoholics Anonymous) falls off the wagon and gets drunk, they show up to the next meeting and ask for a white chip. The white poker chip is the 1st of many chips that AA members collect. White to start or renew a commitment to sobriety; yellow for 30 days; red for 90 days; blue for six months; green for nine months; and a bronze chip for one or more years, and so on for the following years.
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