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Everything posted by NighthawkChris

  1. That is an atrocity! Wow! Regarding GC, I always get the impression that I don't know how this business keeps the lights on. Their stores near me are always filled with some ghetto people playing concerts in the place with all the shelves and crap they sell in disarray.... So no wonder your LP was a mess. GC is an abomination. They've done me good in the past, but they've also done me bad. Bottom line, the people who work there do NOT care about your purchase.
  2. @KraigW Yeah, that's pretty bad - and thanks for sharing that video. My Gibson LPs have that pop sound too but not as bad as you have it per that video. I have no idea how to explain this what you're experiencing to 100% nail down what it is. I'm not even going to attempt to break down this phenomenon for you as it probably involves some technical details that I am unaware of. I hope it gets better, but again, can't say how that happens. All that bling and can't be used because of this. I wouldn't want to play that guitar... Just me being honest because your LP Custom has something going on... Whether it be nitro or electronic connections - or neither for all we know - that is not able to be used without a grounding wrist strap. Don't be enamored with the bling, turn it in. What's a guitar? Wood, wires, some paint... We spend a lot of money on the bling.
  3. lol! This is why I probably kept my LPs with the static - or whatever it is - issues, because I play with some gain where the crunch definitely overpowers any slight "pop" sound from the static. I never notice it for even a minute. If I play clean though, yes, I can find my guitars are plagued with static pops and such, but I just live with my overpriced Gibson LPs that his is a side-effect of them. As I said and probably continue to say, take it or leave it.
  4. @Retired At least they could give you a free hoodie they make. They are selling it for ~$200 if I am not mistaken... You're worth it to Gibson though, rest assured, haha! πŸ˜† https://www.gibson.com/en-US/Gear/Aviator-Nation/GA-AN-HDMO/X-Small Oh, excuse me only $170. Get 'em while you can!
  5. I understand this is frustrating as all get out. As mentioned I have this issue to with Gibsons that are a bit more aged as well, so that whole thing people tell you about it just goes away after the nitro cures... not so sure I buy that one anymore - or even start pitching this to others. I am not so sure what exactly causes this TBH. If I sit in a chair, rub my feet on the carpet while holding my Strat not touching metal parts on it at all (building up static charge), then decide to touch the bridge, do I get a "pop" noise - i.e. electrical discharge sound? I know that even when I'm sitting down with ANY LP I own, I plug it in obviouisly and I can hear the static crackles when I rub the back of the guitar body directly behind the pickups. Oh, this stuff you're seeing is real and I believe it happens on EVERY LP that is ever made and doesn't get better with time. It is a live with it or get rid of it kinda thing... This is my experience. Your story sounds rather similar.
  6. I wanted to shoot it straight. My LP Custom does it, my other Gibsons do too. I don't want to blow smoke at you as to WHY this happens with Gibsons and not less expensive Epis or Fenders, but it is very common. Put a video on YouTube, then share the link here. Hopefully it embeds the video where we can just watch it here - if you do it right, because people definitely share YT videos. Depending on how much charge you have built up, it could be a louder pop or quieter pop. Not sure I understand what difference you are conveying other than one sounds louder than the other. Do you see the electrical breakdown of the air molecules - i.e. a spark?
  7. Best of luck to you Rabs, I hope that all goes well for you where you can at least sit back down and make some music. I'm waiting patiently for the warmer weather to arrive, because here in MI, it's not doing too good outside this time of year. Cannot wait myself when I can retire my coat to the closet for a few months and start going to the beach or something - just being outside enjoyably would suffice. It will come...
  8. It has nothing to do with a bad ground. In fact the guitar IS grounded properly if this happens. When you pick up a charge (e.g. rubbing the guitar on your clothing while it rests on your lap as you play sitting down), this energy moves to a state of lower energy - i.e. to "ground". This is what you are experiencing. If you heard a hum, buzz, etc. when you are not touching the guitar, you have a grounding issue possibly. But as said, this is very, very common. Take it or leave it with Gibson. At least you know this is not something unique to your LP Custom.
  9. lol, just had to stick that one in here because once I saw something empty like a semi-hollow body, it reminded me of my wallet πŸ˜† Hopefully your beautiful 336 is treating you well. I spent my hour playing guitar this morning on lunch break while I WFH.
  10. Cool stuff Rabs, looks nice and empty inside - just like my wallet because I had to fill my truck up with gas.
  11. You do know you need to slot the saddles, don't you? You made a comment about it being bright sounding, having me to believe that you just put the bridge in there and call it a day... Just saying because I see no slots on the bridge pictured. I mean, there's no rules and you won't go to jail for this, but your string placement will not be the same every time which I personally would find problematic. YMMV though.
  12. GNU = GNU's Not Unix, lol πŸ˜„ Sorry, I'm a nerd - and I use Linux.
  13. lol the word "rich" is in the title πŸ˜„ You get all the chicks with Richlite
  14. I prefer the tone of Richlite, YMMV.
  15. Pretty nice looking pieces of wood (no this isn't a come on, lol!). Hope to check it out when you get the project completed.
  16. Yeah, it's a lot of crap when you have a couple of hunkers roaming around your backyard. Let's see, 2 dogs, 7 days in a week, 2 poops a day for each dog... 28 craps to deal with you have to figure if you clean it up once a week. Fun... Luckily it's a big yard we have haha! But no, have to be up on it in the summer especially for lawn cuttings and such. Nothing worse than having to clean the lawn tractor's wheels that are carrying dog crap around the yard because you ran over a missed landmine. They are the kind of tires with some deep treads too, so it really gets in there, haha!
  17. Haha! yeah my buddy (German Sheppard) hears me turn off the PC keyboard (switch on it) then he is "activated" after that. This dog is amazing. He is super fast, like made of steel the things I've seen this dog do. Super loyal too - ALWAYS looking out for the pack. I can see the Sheppard in him when we take him out into the yard. Always keeping an eye on where the kids are, where the other dog is, where I am... He won't sit still! He is always on the move going here and there when he's in our yard - why we have his ball to "try" to wear him out by chasing it after e throw it, haha! But once a GS is on your side, it's like nothing else. They demand a lot of attention, but it's what you sign up for when you get one, haha! They're work dogs, and they need a job to do - kind of like me too 😁 Anyhow, take care of them pups you got there - glad you're a GS kind of dog guy!
  18. I have a couple dogs myself right now. Great companions I must say. I once heard that a dog's only fault is their short lives. ...that and the dinner they ate off the counter before we served it haha! Nah, have to go into these kind of things expecting you're going to outlive them. Sucks, but just try to give them the best lives they can have while you're watching over them. I have a German Sheppard and some ~80lb mutt - think he has Newfie (spelling?) a large part in him . Both are well loved and do great with kids. I have a couple of sad times ahead as they are getting up there in age. My wife and I raised them since they were tiny puppies. I know when the vet once time thought my oldest dog had cancer, I started to feel sad. You don't think you will be sad like that until it happens or facing the threat of it being true.
  19. Definitely get someone that you know isn't going to hack that thing up. Nothing worse than repairing a bad repair... And my opinion is that if the neck can be made straight and truss rod works to assist in this, you have something worth slavaging. Frets, electronics, hardware, even finish stuff to a certain extent - all affordable to correct. A neck issue is what you worry about the most. Sort of like a soundboard crack or pin block issue with a piano - why I would be hesitant to bring some piano for free that has been sitting in a basement for how many years... unattended... Costs a lot to pay someone to bring in your place and not easily moved around a home - they are hundreds of pounds and will KILL your body if you try to move it around. I know from experience... I digress, just don't get some jack hole to do their bidding to that nice guitar you got there.
  20. Welcome to the forum! And nice list of guitars you have πŸ™‚
  21. @fortyearspickn take it from me as someone who has had to clean up messes of 2 large dogs... Invest in a carpet cleaner lol! With 2 young kiddos and 2 big dogs running around on carpet all day, every day, it is money well spent. It is one of those that blasts it with hot soapy water and extracts it. I don't ever want to get into details of what this thing has prevented me from having to clean up by hand... Completely removes all evidence - sight and smell. Not sure about how well it would do with cat urine as that stuff is nasty... Not that dog pee is much more pleasant (haha!) but I one time had a bag that I kept all my cords in for my guitar amp stuff, left it at the practice house that happened to have cats roaming around it. Well those kitties decided to piss on everything of ours and GD it, that pee was disgusting smelling... Peed on amp grilles, pedals, you name it... To this day, I will bet that cat pee smell is there alive and well. I know when I got rid of the bag a few years after the event happened, it was pungent as ever then. That smell does not go away.
  22. Saw Slash August last year at Comerica Park with GnR. Great show! I hope to go back there if/when they come back. I heard today on the radio he's coming to the Fillmore (Detroit) in March... Maybe tempted to make a trip there myself. Although, I'm wearing earplugs at concerts these days. After Comerica Park, my ears were RINGING!!! Slash had a nice collection of LPs come out then too BTW... He's not my favorite guitarist, but he's really good. IDK... it's just nice to see a band that is now considered older still around putting on some a$$ kicking good show - and in good form. Seriously one of the best concerts I have been to in a LONG while. Thanks for sharing @Californiaman
  23. There was more ice around LeBrons neck than there exists in the Arctic. One of those chains could end world hunger. But you know he’s worth it - upstanding member of society fighting for your rights!
  24. I think the dish gloves give a nice touch lol!
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