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Everything posted by NighthawkChris

  1. Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for the suggestion!
  2. My wife had this for both of her hands and after she had surgery to correct the issues - and some amount of time to rehabilitate - her carpal tunnel went away as hoped. She had it bad where she initially experienced pain in the arms going up to the shoulder, then it evolved into numbness and sensory issues with her fingers. Before this, she had ergonomic keyboard/mouse stuff for her work and wore a brace... None of this helped to a degree where the discomfort was alleviated. Based on what I saw, if I had the same stuff happening to me as my wife experienced, I would be pushing for surgery with the doctors incessantly. It doesn't get better on its own - on the contrary, seems to get worse. Best of luck to you @ksdaddy. I'm sorry to hear about your condition, but thanks for sharing.
  3. NHs are basically the Fender-Gibson. I prefer the 3 pickup variant over the 2. And Fireburst finish… Like Fender, the strings go through the body and it has 25.5” scale. There are 10 different tones you can choose with the selector switch (4 pole, 5 throw I believe - heard it called super switch before). This involves splitting and combining the pickups in different combinations. It’s lighter than a LP which I like. Thinner body too… Tone-wise… sort of a thing of its own. It has elements that you might say sound Gibson-like, and some that make the Strat or Tele tones. I have tried different pickups in them before and I like them just the way Gibson shipped them back then. Finding them used isn’t too difficult. I like the more rare Custom variants which have all the Gibson Custom adornments like multi-ply binding, flamed maple top, ebony fretboard, crown MOP inlays… The looks of the guitar are “very” Gibson haha! They even made some with Schaller trems for a minute there. Don’t ever think they will reissue this guitar though… I’d have no issue ponying up for one if they did…
  4. I have this affinity to 90s Gibsons. I really liked the Nighthawks - not the other variations in 2009 and 2013 or Epiphones - and the Les Paul Gem series - Studios with fancy paint and P90s. I’d pony up some dough for a nice new NH built like the 90s models… And yeah, the sapphire Gem was the only blue guitar I’d actually buy. But alas, these requests fall upon the deaf ears at Gibson most likely. Maybe not to limit the conversation to Gibson models, but other guitar makers’ models would be interesting to know about too.
  5. I’m still trying to figure out the strange part of all of this… 🤯
  6. Devastating to see this outcome… Would be pretty upset if any funny business ever happened to my guitars as such.
  7. Just the fact that LED bulbs aren’t converting most of the flowing electricity through them into heat - and a lot of it - has me sold on LEDs. It’s a depends thing too because different brands are not all equal in terms of quality. I’ve had some that are garbage and some I haven’t had to worry about since I changed them years ago.
  8. Use an image hosting site like Imgur. Simply paste the link to the image and you have shared. Hope this helps out!
  9. @kidblast, yeah, the workplace isn't what it used to be. Better or worse, who's to say. Sad that experience isn't as valued like it logically should. I for one am a quality over quantity kind of guy. Anyhow, glad you can deal with your current manager and not giving you a difficult time. I know how fun that is working for someone you have a difficult time even hearing their voice in the hallway. @Sgt. Pepper, I envy you - wish I had less time required to spend with management. It's somewhat of a sore spot for me at times. I get it that it is nice to break away from the home at times, so I could relate to this. My problem is I need to get away from home and work, haha! That escape used to be when I spent time with the band(s) I used to play with.
  10. I for one am one of those guys that go to work and get business done. I'm good at what I do, and I don't mince my words at work with others. I don't like to participate in after-hours events at all with anyone I work with. My goal is to get a paycheck, and leave the place when the clock strikes the hour I intend on getting the heck out of the building. I used to be a "team player" but what I find is that you are either towing a line, or you deal with someone that is competing for your work/responsibility/etc. Once I start to develop friend-relationships with people I work with, it has the propensity to complicate the entire work-dynamic. There is a such thing as people you respect personally - perhaps even professionally to a certain extent - but absolutely abhor working with. Overall, I don't want to take any more time away from my well-deserved personal time I strive for each and every day after I leave the office. Going out with co-workers and joining the "work family" is complete utter crap IMHO. I hate places that use the word "family" because when I am on my deathbed or some other issue arises, where the heck are my co-worker "family" members at? Oh, they'll send me a card or something stupid maybe, but we live in a place of the world that will throw you on the street, and not provide any medical help to you if you don't have a job/company-provided healthcare package... Maybe someone else has a better perspective on this, but I don't have enough time as it is to spend with my family and actual friends - who would be there for you. And most of all, I am tired of dealing with people that compete with me in the workplace and ask me to join the work-crap. I don't come to work to make friends or be charitable. Just had this thought lately because want to avoid this stupid annual company picnic that involves getting to know your co-worker, feeding us one of the cheapest, least nutritional meals American can put on a plate in front of me, and listening to the company "propaganda". I think I would rather go home... I feel the same about the Christmas party too - I always have better things to do. I am not some pariah at my workplace, but I don't care if people at work like/dislike me. I have enough friends. Just think that if it came down to a decision for your interests and the company's interests in the heat of some issue/conflict, co-workers choose the latter nearly 100% of the time to save their hides. Hopefully I am in the minority because my company sucks - and a lot of them typically do I feel. Companies do this "family" crap as a guise because someone more knowledgeable than I apparently thinks it increases productivity, or some crap like that...
  11. haha yeah, if internet was around back then like it is today, he wouldn't have any of these issues. Just need to be careful if you are Zoooming or whatever people use these days not to get caught live streaming birthday suits. That's apparently where people need to be careful these days 😆 Cover them webcams!
  12. Compared to what we deal with today, getting caught whippin' skippy in a theater isn't that big of a deal, haha! Sort of desensitized at this point. Back then though, I would say it was different since he was a kid's show guy and all that... At least he could go back to making movies. Whatever, people make mistakes and I don't feel bad showing his movies to my kids. Not jerkin' it in those as far as I know.
  13. Tough loss... Remember him in the 80s films - and actually just watched more recent movie, Pee-wee's Big Holiday... Good entertainer. RIP
  14. Never going to find out where SARS-Cov2 came from truthfully, but screw the whole eating dogs and cats business… I get it people are hungry, but eating Fido - the thought of slaughtering a dog - is screwed up… sorry but that is some 3rd world crap right there. We don’t live in a perfect world - proof. Oh yeah eating bats is also another way messed up thing. Nutrition be damned if there is any to be had, not eating a bat, final answer. Same goes for bugs. No thank you.
  15. Replacing tuning machines depends on where the holes are made to secure them to headstock. If we are talking Grovers, typically a single screw hole is made where the older ones you are showing in the pic probably have 2 screw holes. No guarantees things will line up and probably have to be careful not to make things crooked... A good luthier can do this right - emphasis on the "good" part. You probably have to do some filling of holes too which isn't a huge deal, but may have finish marks remain from original tuners. Also, are you using the vintage pressed tuners or the tuners with a nut to tighten on the top... This will affect the size of the hole too where you might need reaming done - and no going back easily after this. Yo may already have a set of holes reamed out too large for the vintage looking tuners... Hard to say unless you give more information addressing some of the points I brought up.
  16. This... I am believer in this camp. But to each and to their own, their guitar, their money. The thing I dislike about pickups is that you have to pay for them and once installed, you probably have a difficult time returning to store for the most part - especially if wire cuts, burnt insulation, and poor solder job is performed. I could suggest what I've tried in terms of pickup choices given the OP is hell-bent on this decision after setup adjustments to the best of their ability has already been employed. Yes, try pickup height, pole-piece adjustment, proper setup, etc. first before putting pickups into a guitar that is set up like garbage to begin with. And I am personally in the camp that you need a good amp to get "that tone". Most of the time, I get pickups where they work for the most part, and the amp starts to take over. I've never been finicky with pickup adjustment. I digress... So yes, it is hard to figure out why someone can purchase an R9 and think that pickup swap is in order. Just haven't personally had this situation happen to me. I like my R9s just how they are. The best LPs I have ever put my hands on.
  17. This is what I’ve got. I hold 10 hard cases in it - 7 LP sized cases and 3 Nighthawks (SG sized) - and that’s done by not using the separator pegs it comes with. Otherwise very nice looking and quality is alright. https://www.guitarcenter.com/AS-Crafted-Products/Studio-Deluxe-Special-Edition-Guitar-Case-Rack-Mahogany-Full-Size-7-9-Cases-1435592263487.gc Someone had this listed on Craigslist for a great price - how I came across this item. Picked it up about 5 years ago. Still in use. Glad I got it.
  18. My grandpa was one of them old-time Italians, and he really liked Tony. He was always listening to him when I caught him listening to his stuff. He listened to a lot of those old Italian-American singers. I guess I gained an appreciation for all of it probably because of him. Great grandpa... Just found his ring he gave me I thought I lost 10+ years ago... Either way, RIP Tony, say hello to my grandpa for us.
  19. I'd have laughed pretty hard at that story too 😆
  20. As long as you have some good weed on hand, any guitar will do IMHO. Light some up, start strumming that thing... you're gonna love it! Can't speak for the audience, but you'll be OK.
  21. Every time I look at this thread's title, I think of Canadian smoked bacon... Mmmmmm bacon..... What's wrong with me!? But in all honesty, I prefer American bacon - tastes better. My circulatory system and brain disagree on the bacon topic though.
  22. Yeah, Monster cables are great. I have some that have had no issues for decades now... Go-to brand for me. Looking into wireless as I agree, restricting and confining. But like everything in life, trade-offs.
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