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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Very cool, what's your plan for the fretboard? Are you going to build one from scratch or get a pre radiused / slotted one....?
  2. I think I'd look to JJs shovel guitar before this one.
  3. Hey Ray - tried to PM you, but got an error message says you can't receive messages...
  4. That's just awesome... we should dedicate a thread to guitars made out of food items.
  5. wise words - yes seems like a simple fix, but when it's really important to get something right, a trusted resource is always best
  6. This is the confirmation I was hoping for. If you can fix it with a properly sized nut I'll go that way. thank you all, maybe these are newbie questions - but your input truly helps. Rgds - UF
  7. Very nice RBp - well played on a great sounding guitar and a thoroughly enjoyable performance - glad you are back!
  8. Thanks for the replies everyone... Shout out to mihcmac, JDGM, and Tman for pictures of rockin' through the years... each with something from the 70s. Sparq very cool hanger shot - Scales - look like you've got a group of serious rockers Merciful E - get's arts fartsy award for his first couple, the double extra kudos for the resp BBP - another nice pic and looks like your are intensely focusing on hammering out that riff... Anyone I missed - apologies, truly loved looking at all of these. Here's to better days to come to allow more of these shenanigans! -------- Notable mention to SteveFord and the vid... LOL!
  9. All - thanks for the replies. Again, this is not a huge issue, so just wondering out loud. Sounds like graphite is a good idea, but want to hear if it can be resolved w/o needing graphite etc... by proper sizing - then I'll think about what to do next...
  10. KB - this leads me to believe if I get the nut slots set up correctly, I shouldn't have to do any finagling at all, correct?
  11. Glad your back Roger, and congrats on the new J45. Hope we get to hear a posting of it sometime soon (one of my favorite songs posted on something was something done by you a couple years back, can't remember the name, but remember the impression it left - great stuff and hope to hear more).
  12. Hi all - i do not have a dramatic issue, but I notice when I retune going from sharp to less sharp... I sometimes need to pull on the strings to get them to retune down etc. It's just a part of getting the guitar in tune every day, not an issue but got me wondering - is this normal or should the strings flow through the nut slick as can be, no binding up whatsoever, and maybe what I need to do is widen the nut slot a little. In the discussion, folks mentioned using something like nut butter - but I'd rather address it in a permanent manner if possible. It was also mostly electric users, and I was hoping to get the input of more acoustic focused? FWIW I typically use PB or 80/20 strings... and go between 12/54 and 13/56 Thanks to anyone for input. U Fester (aka billroy)
  13. I'll comment back in more detail later - but wanted to say quickly these are awesome! Especially love photos from early years followed up by more current ones.... very cool
  14. Alright folks - this is a selfish post, wanting to look at some guitar porn... I know most of you have some freakin' awesome guitars, if not collections - post a picture of you ( or anyone) playing them. Because I'm a weak *** newbie who should be rocking the open mic circuit but has been shut down by this freakin covid - I don't have any rock star pictures of myself to post - so I'll start with a farvorite of mine from micmac - he's got cool pictures. Anyone got pictures to post, even something staged to show off a prize guitar would be cool.. I see an SG, is that a Fender Bass?
  15. I'm not really a Jack White fan boy - but appreciated his music and what he does with an instrument. I really liked the white stripes, and the raconteurs are a real rock band in today's world of techno rap be bop hibidy dibidy dooo. I agree though, feel he's kind of a poser, and also don't understand why he was in the video w jimmy page.
  16. Ye of iconic guitars - just freakin' awesome! I really would love to see posts of you playing the different ones, even if just staged photos - you've got a cool stash of guitars, would love to see them in action.
  17. Just posted about this in the other thread - fun read, you got quite the imagination... not sure why yours never made it to the bookstores?
  18. This is how iconic this thread is... as I was sitting here looking at the computer - my wife just asked unprovoked if SF got his guitar yet and was it the Firebird VII. Now that's iconoclasmatic if I ever heard it.
  19. Nice story sparq - just caught up to this from the other thread, it does fill in a couple blanks in JM's history... any other escapades you can conjure up out of that imagination of yours - good reading 🙂
  20. Sorry to hear it retired, good karmic thoughts for clearer vision coming your way. Hoping when your eyes go blurry you can still pick up a guitar and pass the time
  21. Oooh, a Steve ford purchase, now I’m anticipating
  22. Sweet looking guitar, I love the parallelograms as well - dresses it up a bit. I personally like the pickguard you have on it, I know others here like the batwing - either way, it's pretty cool!
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