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It seems to me that christ references are for christians. This is not any kind of judgment about anyone's religion, it's just that religion is a personal matter and how I believe has no real bearing on how you believe and vice versa. It doesn't really matter that the calendar is based on the supposed birthday of Jesus, it has been totally secularized and even changed to accomodate the inaccuracies of it in regards to the actual movement of Earth around the sun.

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I think what it shows is that Christ trumps all efforts to stamp him out. The influence of Christ in our world is everywhere and will always be here no matter if one likes it or not. The calendar date at the top of each post is a testimony of Christ - as devised by a monk who developed our BC/AD calendar. So everytime you see' date=' write, or even make reference to a date from the BC/AD calendar you can be reminded of Christ - one can like it or not.[/quote']



You might take a lesson from history and be careful about all that trumping. And have you ever wondered why many in the non X-tian world think many of you a bunch of arrogant blow hards? BTW... I use C.E. and B.C.E. .... yeah know the origin of the starting point. It's to bad no one is actually sure what year that is. Most biblical scholars think it's actually around 4 B.C.E. which means your reference point isn't the birth of Jesus it is 4 years later then the birth of Jesus (that is assuming it happened at all). I guess it should have been easy to prove can't be to many blond haired blued eyed Jews running around. At least that was the picture at my sunday school.



Having said all that I still hope we all have a great winter solstice.

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You might take a lesson from history and be careful about all that trumping. And have you ever wondered why many in the non X-tian world think many of you a bunch of arrogant blow hards? BTW... I use C.E. and B.C.E. .... yeah know the origin of the starting point. It's to bad no one is actually sure what year that is. Most biblical scholars think it's actually around 4 B.C.E. which means your reference point isn't the birth of Jesus it is 4 years later then the birth of Jesus (that is assuming it happened at all).


Having said all that I still hope we all have a great winter solstice.


I don't believe I ever said I was a christian or not... I'm just saying.


And yes the monk did make a mistake by 3 or 4 years, but the truth remains that history and time is divided by the Birth of Jesus Christ. One can argue or deny or point out calendar mistakes all day, but the truth remains the same. History and time was divided by the Birth of Jesus.


I see no point in your comment about history and trumping? I generally don't view christians as arrogant blowhards nor do I view non-christians that way. I do think it is sort of funny how non-christians get all bent out of shape when a christian asserts their point of view.


It seems to me that we live in a society where "philosophically you can believe anything so long as you do not claim it to be true. Morally, you can practice anything, so long as you do not claim that it is a better way. Religiously , you can hold to anything, so long as yo do not bring Jesus Christ into it. If a spiritual idea is eastern, it is granted critical immunity; if western, it is thoroughly criticized. Thus a journalist can walk into a church and mock its carryings on, but he or she dare not do the same if the cermony is from the eastern fold." quote by Ravi Zacharias

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In my little piece of the world you can follow what ever ....ism you wish and practice as you wish and covet all your neighbor's asses you wish. That is until your neighbor (me) gets tired of you coveting my ***. So if you wear it on your sleeve don't be surprised if I ask you the score of your teams game.


On the subject of blessings. I can't think of a more arrogant thing any one can do. To presume to know the mind of your god and presume he/she/it would even want me or any particular person/place/or thing to have his/her/its blessings is the peak of mind blowing hypocritical arrogance.


I have faith in the love of my family and an over driven A minor on the bridge of "Rocking in a Free World".


All else is water color.

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Homz you remind me of Marlon Brando in "The Wild One" when he's asked what he's rebelling against and he responds with something like "i don't know, what have you got?"


When christians proselytize, they are doing it out of love and concern for people. When athiests proselytize (like you) what are your concerns? Who are you trying to help? If Christians are wrong in thier faith, the worst thing that can happen is that they lived a good life and they turn to dust just like athiests, if athiests are wrong then the worst thing is that they are doomed.


Just sayin...

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Just for the record' date=' Nazi Germay was not an atheist state and religion was not banned there. Germany was (and still is) a predominently Christian nation, Hitler himself and many top-ranking Nazi’s were Christian, and the Nazis often used Christian concepts and symbols to propagandize and justify their ideology and policies. If you’re interested in the subject, you should read Richard Steigmann-Gall’s [i']The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945[/i] (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003). There’s a review of it here. There are also several wikipedia pages devoted to the subject:

Religion in Nazi Germany

Adolph Hitler’s religious beliefs

Nazism (see section 4.5: Religion)


Anecdotally, here are some pictures from the Nazi era – including shots of Hitler, Goering, etc. – in religious settings and contexts. If religion had been banned, these pictures would not exist.



Just for the record the Nazis weren't christians, they were occultists, and they did not allow judeaism or islam or any other religion to exist openly.

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Homz you remind me of Marlon Brando in "The Wild One" when he's asked what he's rebelling against and he responds with something like "i don't know' date=' what have you got?"


When christians proselytize, they are doing it out of love and concern for people. When athiests proselytize (like you) what are your concerns? Who are you trying to help? If Christians are wrong in thier faith, the worst thing that can happen is that they lived a good life and they turn to dust just like athiests, if athiests are wrong then the worst thing is that they are doomed.


Just sayin...[/quote']


Or it could be that the god you worship is the wrong one. Therefore you could be destined to be reincarnated as a gnat buzzing road kill just outside Odessa Texas on hot summers day. The point is if it feels good do it, but don't try to force your morality on me or anyone who doesn't want to hear it. That includes your loaded x-tian holiday greetings. You people troll for people like me to prove your worthfullness.


You could have simple said Happy Holidays or season's greetings. Not offensive to anyone. Even the Pagans would have been happy.

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You could have simple said Happy Holidays or season's greetings. Not offensive to anyone. Even the Pagans would have been happy.



Many or even most Christians I know do find "Happy Holidays or season's greetings" as offensive. But since they are Christian its ok to offend them? Afterall in the history of Christianity they have and still are insulted, persecuted, and even killed for their belief. So why stop insulting them now? After years of abuse you would think they would be used to it and besides many are so focused on loving people they wouldn't ever lash back.

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Many or even most Christians I know do find "Happy Holidays or season's greetings" as offensive. But since they are Christian its ok to offend them? Afterall in the history of Christianity they have and still are insulted' date=' persecuted, and even killed for their belief. So why stop insulting them now? After years of abuse you would think they would be used to it and besides many are so focused on loving people they wouldn't ever lash back.




With respect, it is impossible to offend someone who refuses to take offense. Being offended is a choice. The Buddha taught that one may refuse to accept an insult just as one would refuse an improper or unwanted gift.

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Many or even most Christians I know do find "Happy Holidays or season's greetings" as offensive. But since they are Christian its ok to offend them? Afterall in the history of Christianity they have and still are insulted' date=' persecuted, and even killed for their belief. So why stop insulting them now? After years of abuse you would think they would be used to it and besides many are so focused on loving people they wouldn't ever lash back.




So your telling me a nonoffensive holiday greeting is somehow offensive. The only possible way it could be offensive is if you feel your beliefs are more important then that of all others. And thus the reason for my first post referring to this topic as bloated arrogant topic. FYI the month of December / Jan. is full of significance to many people of many different beliefs so unless you want to list them with you greeting you risk excluding them with your x-tian centric greeting. This may be fine if you at your faiths place of worship or if you just don't give a damn if you piss others off. And if it is the latter then what is the real point in your greeting. It is obvious not all in the forum are Christians so either you are unaware that it is offensive or you just don't care. At this point it can't be that you don't know since half the posts here have told you that and thus I am forced to believe you don't care and are deriving some pleasure out of this and again I say 'bloated arrogant topic'.


I quit. you can of coarse get the last word.... don't expect that to happen for ever though.

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I'm an American of Italian descent, which, of course, makes me Catholic. I would say 75% of my friends are Jewish (half of them are Orthodox). During these holidays, I wish them a Merry Christmas because it is what I celebrate. They, in turn, wish me a Happy Chanukah (spelling?), because it is what they celebrate. Nobody gets offended. I don't know why it is so hard for people to understand that.

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During these holidays' date=' I wish them a Merry Christmas because it is what I celebrate. They, in turn, wish me a Happy Chanukah (spelling?), because it is what they celebrate. Nobody gets offended. I don't know why it is so hard for people to understand that.[/quote']



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I'm the one who started this post I will not change the way I am to conform to be politicaly correct. You have to understand that selling out has dire consequences If you don't care that's up to you. There are alot of us that do. I believe the Bible is directions on how to live a good and full life. To be righteous according to Gods word is a good thing Praise God

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its pretty obvious, as a chrisitan, we have a way that we live that is very rewarding, and it is only natural to want to share it with our friends


however, i have found through my ministries that you cant force people to change, when they are ready, they will make up their own mind


in the mean-time, lets all excist here together, and hope that everyone regaurdless of religous veiws will find their way to what is right


(and it is up to the person to weight the arguements for themselves and to make up their own mind)

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