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Tribute to the 70's...


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Hello CB!


I often get very mad when I show some music of the 80s to my younger colleagues (in their 20s), and they go: "yeah, great, old-school stuff!". Even, they say that phrase in english, because they think it's "trendy"! Punks!


Cheers... Bence


LOL! Ahhh, the hubris, of youth! [biggrin]



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I don't agree with everything Archie said, but this just goes to show what the 70's were compared to now.

This would never be on the tube now and it wasn't even the worst thing Archie said.



That said. It was the funniest series that ever hit the airwaves.

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Kinda funny...


I'm enough older that in the '70s I went from some pretty hot sorts of vehicles to a cupla big 4-doors that'd haul a 22-foot trailer sailer of some 3,000 pounds (700 in the swing keel) and still, believe it or not, take me hunting in the high hills. And easily hauled guitar, amp and such.


Gotta grin... Sometimes 10-15 years is a big age difference.


In fact... my little brother is in town for a week. It seems every time we talk I keep remembering how different technology was available to him than I had, yet how much more freedom in ways I had as child and teen.


All kidding aside, I'm only half teasing when I say that the nastiest thing a sorcerer could do to a human being nowadays isn't burning them or turning them into Medusa, but rather to make them 15 years old with a dozen times a day a memory of being an adult in a different world.



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