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Tribute to the 70's...


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Oh yes they did and they still do you were just in denial my friend lol.


Not at all, since you don't seem to understand how things work for other people, I'll continue this with you. The 70's were lots of things for lots of people. Hard for you to believe I know.


They were the single hugest band of the 70s period they're albums shipped double platinum.


Are you sure about that? Because a company called Billboard keeps track of these things, and while I acknowledge your incredible insight they don't seem to happen to agree with you. In fact, K155 isn't even in their top 50 selling bands of the 70's. I was chuckling too hard to see if maybe they were in the second 50. They might be!


They sold out every hall every t shirt every LP and 8 track.


Imagine that, the philly spectrum full of kiss fans, and they buy all the stuff. That's amazing.


People have tried to erase it forget it and its just not possible because still to this date their Army will not let anyone forget it.


You confuse people that didn't give a crap about kiss then or now with people trying to erase it and forget it. It, they, were no more to remember than...holy crap dude, pick one, any pop band of the time.


They owned the 70s they're iconic logo and Gene Simmons face became the number 3 icon of the world only under that of Mickey Mouse and Superman


Love them or Hate you knew who they were and they made sure of it.


Because every kid in every town had they're T Shirt Lunch Box Belt Buckle LP 8 Track Doll Poster and Book.


Yes, they made sure their name was known. I guess selling merchandise is the true measure of success in the music business then.


Only band they cant beat in total album sales is The Beatles.p


Are you sure about that bro? Because this stuff is written down you know, there are companies that keep track of whom has sold how many. You might be surprised to know that in the pantheon of record sales above 75 million, K155 is at a very respectable 100 million total records. But they aren't even in the top twenty or so. Taylor swift is like 11 years old, she's already outsold them by a million or so.


They were a pop band, like all the pop bands I liked. Difference is, I don't live in a bong smoke world where the bands I liked "owned the 70s". It's weird how hard the K155 Army tries to just be the fans of the bestest ever band ever. It's just a band. You either like them or you don't. Lots of people do, lots of people don't and didn't. Like every other band. Get over it, or at least learn some facts to go along with yer fanboy rash.



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I'm pretty sure The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, The Eagles, Zeppelin, and other assorted acts outsold KISS....


But KISS stood out simply because of their larger-than-life image. Can't say that about The Eagles...


For some people, disco ruled the 70s so what do we know?

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But KISS stood out simply because of their larger-than-life image. Can't say that about The Eagles...


"No American band sold more records than the Eagles in the 1970s."


Look it up, show it to the other guy, maybe he'll believe you.



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I posted alot of things and alot of bands but what set you off was KISS.

There must have been some deep seated trauma in your past that turned you into this Anti-KISS Crusader. So tell us, did some rabid KISS Fan break your Bay City Roller LP as a youth? If so Im sorry but it wasnt me and attacking me wont bring it back. :)


You don't get it, do you?


Oh yes they did and they still do you were just in denial my friend lol.

They were the single hugest band of the 70s period they're albums shipped double platinum.


They weren't. Period. You can just say stuff like that because...? But a guy has some facts and pesky record sales figures and he's...? "Anti-Kiss Crusader"?


People have tried to erase it forget it and its just not possible because still to this date their Army will not let anyone forget it.


What are you talking about? The three guys that come over and play dungeons and dragons with you? Who are all these Army out there "not let(ting) anyone forget it"? It's laughable!


Love them or Hate you knew who they were and they made sure of it.


That's a truth.


Because every kid in every town had they're T Shirt Lunch Box Belt Buckle LP 8 Track Doll Poster and Book.


Every kid in yer town maybe, definitely not in mine.


Only band they cant beat in total album sales is The Beatles.


You have yet to put anything remotely like sales figures up here. Where do you get this stuff?


Many since have tried to do what they did and have fallen short..


There's about 100 bands that have far surpassed them in record sales.


They did what everyone of us wish we could do... SELLOUT.


I never thought of them as sellouts, just guys doing what they had to do to make a very good living. If that's selling out, I'm all for it, I'd love to have made a living doing this.


They were the second Fab Four.


For you? Sure. For everyone else? Maybe not. It's ok that it's that way for you. There is no Anti-Kiss Crusader. You started the sales and hugest and biggest and all that stuff. Put some figures up here, show me I'm wrong, I'd be very happy to be wrong.



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They were the second Fab Four in how they were run and how each member sang lead vocals and had his own fans. Half the concept was borrowed from The Beatles.


Otherwise, no. Here's why:


Nearly everyone I know is a Beatles fan. Half the people I know despise KISS.

The Beatles are a part of society, literary. KISS is not (while they are a culture within the fans and the image), no matter what Gene Simmons wants you to think.

I hear Beatles songs everywhere, I see Beatles-related things everywhere, and Beatles references are everywhere. Not so for KISS, despite that I listen to KISS all the time.


And the only source I heard of KISS being right behind The Beatles in album sales was Gene Simmons, who, let's face it, is quite delusional when it comes to this stuff.

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The greatest influences on me by acts/bands still either just alive or, better still, performing in the '70s were (and listed pretty much in their order of importance/influence at the time);


P. Kossoff; P. Green; R. Gallagher; E.C. (along with D. Allman, of course); B.B. King; Jimi; J. Page; R. Blackmore; J. Martyn; J. Mitchell; (a pre-Eagles) J. Walsh; Ry Cooder; N. Young; Wilco Johnson; C. Santana.


Most of those would still feature (and in similar positions) today. Except Santana.


I've left out such greats as Joe Pass, Bert Jansch, Leo Kottke, Paco Pena; Julian Bream, Stefan Grossman & John Renbourn because, much as I loved their work, sadly very little filtered through to my actual playing.



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I was kinda chewing on this one, and how little influence those rock bands had on me in the '70s. Yes, I was getting old - 25-35 - but I was also playing music for money as a weekend warrior much of that time. Yeah, I as also doing more of the country side - including CCR, etc. - but we'd have to sit down over a beer or coffee to get the wheels rolling to remember the book, etc.


You mentioned some really good pickers in their own genres and noted that their playing didn't filter down to your technique.


I had been thinking kinda the same thing, but then...


Okay, I grew up on late swing, 50s pop, crossover and rock, along with a batch of old time and the beginning of electrified country.


I think it all influenced me, as I look at it. Yes, I love swing and I've done some arrangements so I can play some material I've always liked, but... what if I were playing some of the rock or country I did for money years ago?


Yeah, I think the music of the late '40s and through the '50s into the '60s did filter into how I play. I was very conscious of rhythms, of vocal timing over the rhythms, of solo timing above rhythms... of vocal and instrumental dynamics... heck, even a bit of Bach with a bit of added swing...


I wish I had the talent of a Joe Pass or Chet to carry what I've learned and felt into my playing with greater skill.


My guess is that you young guys will some day perhaps consider that regardless what you play, you've taken more influence from the whole music culture you've been exposed to than you otherwise imagine. It's all inside you, one way or another... it may not appear in your chops, but IMHO it almost certainly will appear in how you phrase them unless you're trying directly to copy somebody else's material...



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Here's to the 70's. Rock and roll in the 70's was very important to me as I played in a band throughout the mid 70's into the 80's. Stones, Doobies, ZZ Top, Skynyrd and Zep (not in that order) were everything where I grew up. My personal guitar hero at the time was Johnny Winter. Captured Live still does it for me.


This thread reminds of the old adage that perceptions are often distinct from reality when stats are brought into it. It was like the presidential election of 72 when a mcGovern supporter disappointedly exclaimed "How is it possible that he lost, everyone I know voted for him!". I'm talking about Kiss here. I know my perception back then in the south was that they weren't taken very seriously. I don't pretend to know the numbers though, just my perception.

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Thanks for the "Young Guys" part. I owe you a shot of Laphroaig for that; from one 'Silver Fox' to another.................lol!


I could write an essay in response to your astute observations (I was actually half-way through doing so [scared] ) but realised it would be one derailment beyond the pale.


But yes; the '70s were, for me, all about discovering the real 'Blues' more than anything else.


I was pretty much in full 'Rewind Mode' throughout the decade. I went backwards from the greatest blues masters of the present time back through those of the '60's; the '50's; the '40's; the '30's.....

But whilst doing so, and for which I give my eternal thanks, at the same time I also 'discovered' Jazz; Swing; Bluegrass; Ragtime; Flamenco; Trad. Folk; Baroque; you name it.........the list went on & on.............


The influences of those other great pickers I mentioned manifested themselves at a (much) later date......I'm both saddened but also gladdened to say (too slow; but at least it has sort of happened!).

But listening to how Chet played some standards (from whichever genre) has had far more influence on my current mind-set that I would have thought likely had I been asked the question of his influence on my playing/approach perhaps even just 10 years ago.



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Actually to my recollection - it's been a long time - I don't recall any KISS music in my environment.


And at the time I was listening to rock and country stations as well as classical music radio.


Then again, it has always with me been more a matter of a song that grabbed me than even variations in style.



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The only thing I know about Kiss is that they wore constumes and they got chosen to be Peter (from Family Guy) Griffin's favorite band because everything he does is stupid. [thumbup]


Just kidding, maybe.


As a fan, I proudly agree that this is the best comment ever....


Check this out...




For some reason I think the animated Ace looks like a character from The Simpsons with Ace's hairdo from the 80s.

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Hey Donny...


Figure this... roughly 20 years ago I did a piece on Nugent the bow hunter. Hadda admit that at the time I hadn't a clue what his material sounded like.




At least when I met Mother Maybelle and she let me mess a bit with her old Gibbie archtop, I knew a bit of Carter Family material. <grin>



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I think Zeppelin owned the 70s...


KISS had their few years... They were on top of the world from late 1975 (when Alive! hit the shelves and broke them) through to 1979 amongst the many other acts that were also on top of the world, like The Eagles, Boston, Ted Nugent, et all.


If I'm not mistaken, Ted Nugent was the top concert draw from 77' to 79'.


But Zeppelin ruled throughout the whole decade. They came in on top and came out on top.

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My first record player I got on my 5th or 6th birthday around 1970


Me too. But I mostly remember playing my dad's Chuck Berry 45s on it... No Particular Place to Go and Downbound Train mostly.

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Your Dad and mine had some similar comments, I think.


One trip home from college - still the early '60s, btw, I was pickin' some banjo for my sis and Dad's comment was to the effect to quit playing that stuff, I sounded like the hillbillies he served with in the Army. <grin> I took that as kinda a compliment.



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