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Picked up a 92 Stratocaster


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Very nice.. and people pay extra for a worn look like that [thumbup]


whats with that purple knob? Has it been swapped out with a push pull? Or is it just a purple knob for the sake of it :-k

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That's a bad looking git-fiddle.


I wanna hear the bucket-thingie in action. Never heard of it...


going to youtube now to find it.


Enjoy that well-worn beauty.


You get the same sort of effect on a guitar with 2 vol pots where you leave one turned on fully and the other off. Flicking the toggle switch back and forth gives the same effect. The buckethead is quicker and more usable though because its spring loaded.


And cool guitar Buxom, it looks a lot like the Malmsteen guitar

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have a cover uploading on soundcloud. Soundcloud is just being slow today.


Used it at the fade out at the end.


Forgive me, but it cuts out a couple times during playing. not sure why, but it just sounds like a skip on a CD.


Also, I did all downstrokes.

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