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iPhone 6 & 6+


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Just wondering if anyone here has the new iPhone yet... Looks pretty nice, I'm curious to see the plus. I think I'll like the bigger size but need to see how practical it is.


For those idiots who say it bends and breaks... Hello...!!! Put a cell phone in your back pocket and sit on it and it gonna break... Duhh!!! Try putting it in you front pocket... Sheeze...

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I am as well although I do carry on old flip phone due to some health issues and to satisfy my wife. She wants me to have a way to call 911 if needed all the time. I understand but I am not a big phone person it amazes me how much time effort and energy people spend talking about, playing with and worrying about their phones. Having said that I think I may get a smart phone as mine is becoming worn out. but yea why would you put it in your back pocket and then sit on it??

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Have not tried one yet, I have an iPhone 5 and it may be a little while before I upgrade even though I am eligible for an upgrade now not sure I want to shell out $300 but then again I can sell my 5 for good money. If I upgrade it is mainly for the better camera.


I am far from being a phone junkie, I talk on the phone or text very little but these devices are simply incredible, voice, text, internet, music player, weather, amplifier, recorder, drum machine, calculator, camera, flashlight, clock, alarm, and another million things.


I will not be getting the Plus, too big for me.


And just like anything abuse is bad.

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My wife needed a new phone having an I-phone-3g for about three years and the price of the I-phone-6 or 6-plus she didnt want to pay that much money.After looking around for a decent phone plus one that she could put her own chip in from her I-phone-3 and not break the bank she found a Posh mobile memo #S580 for $99.00 from Amazon.


It's actually whats called Phablet (I had no idea what that was either)It's a half phone and half tablet,it's pretty cool.

Really not a pocket phone she puts it either in her purse or clips it on her belt or waist band but it's not a big as was afraid it might be and if your using a blue tooth (she just ordered)it's great and using it as a tablet it is nice having a little bigger screen.Like I said the wife wanted an unlocked phone so she could keep her old phones chip,same phone number and same plan,plus all her contact info transfered over.Sorry sounds like I'm a salesman for Posh but after her spending major time looking for exactly what she wanted it's finally over and she's happy so I'm happy,maybe I'll ask for a new guitar (Yea Sure :rolleyes:[laugh]

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My brother works for Verizon and he told me that most customers who bought the 6+ have been back wanting to return it for the 6. Problem is the 6 is sold out till at least the end of the month.

Nothing quite like dealing with irate customers over something you have no control over.

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Here is what I notice about my friends that have the larger phones like the Galaxy 3 or whatever is called.


They come out for beers, the phone is so large that it is uncomfortable to keep in their pocket so they place it on the table or bar and well as long as the phone is out they start browsing and usually lose them to any possible conversation.

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I am as well although I do carry on old flip phone due to some health issues and to satisfy my wife. She wants me to have a way to call 911 if needed all the time. I understand but I am not a big phone person it amazes me how much time effort and energy people spend talking about, playing with and worrying about their phones. Having said that I think I may get a smart phone as mine is becoming worn out. but yea why would you put it in your back pocket and then sit on it??

Any cell phone even without a service plan can call 911. So there is no need to really even get a cell phone plan if you are going to use it only for serious emergency, just grab any old phone that someone might be getting rid of ( maybe as they get a new iPhone, lol).

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The wife and I are eligible for upgrade but I think will stick with the iPhone 5s that we have. They do everything we need them to do... plus I don't want the thing any bigger, and the 6 is a little bigger. (Not as big as the 6+ which is definitely a no-go for me).



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I wont go near Apple any more... their products are way over expensive and not that great that its worth it, or to be a slave to their stupid updates and walled off software and phone system...


The last time I had an Apple I think it took like 4 hours to do an update at which point it totally deleted my phones content and the backup wouldn't work...


Im on a Sony Xperia Z2 at the moment and its fine...

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Nah Rabs, Apple products are quite good in my experience, a hell of a whole lot better than anything Windows based I have ever owned and a lot more clever approach altogether.


Preference is just that.

Im just talking about the phones here... and I think Android which may not be quite as slick as Apple does everything I need it too and more....at a much cheaper price...... and of course IMO (as always :))


I do have a Mac Book Pro as well as my PC (not that I use it, I bought it for final cut pro, but that never worked out)........ and I appreciate their design and software BUT again I feel like I cant customise it or get under the hood (as such) as much as I can with Windows, but that's just cos of my lack of experience with IOS I guess.

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I really don't understand people's obsession with mobile phones (or cell phones as I believe there called in the U.S). Everyone seems to be walking down the street, out on country walks or driving either texting or with their phone "glued" to their ear. A few months ago, I was in the local pub with my Wife and a few friend and there was a young couple sat opposite, they never exchanged a word, they just sat there texting on their phones, they may have been texting each other for all I know! Romance by text. I can't be bothered with texting, if someone's got anything to say to me ring me, if you text me, don't expect a reply. What did people do before mobile phones? Did they have to talk to each other face to face?



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...What did people do before mobile phones? Did they have to talk to each other face to face?...

No, Ian; they used to send each other text messages to their respective 'pagers' (remember them?)..............lol!



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