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Vintage J-45 vs Vintage Hummingbird

Gibson Artist

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I'm partial to the J-45 too, but would not refuse the Vintage Bird if one flew down my chimney ! I have played the J-45 Vintage - was very nice, tried to buy it, but it was one of the first that the factory was taking on tour to the dealers and the shows.

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This video has been already been dealt with in a similar fashion in an earlier thread. We don't really need to start another thread on it



Perhaps you may want to be more helpful and point him in the right direct? Jeez! I mean...its a GUITAR forum....would you rather talk sports?


To the OP: here are a few threads that discuss this :)








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Really...please don't bring up strings, neck widths, wood types, 45's versus 35's...been discussed

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...its a GUITAR forum....would you rather talk sports?


No thanx - nothing against sports, , , but they do bring forward the worst in people, don't they. . (a thought from a late philosophical comedian around here)


Well, you U know - at times we all contribute as guest-editors. Just to do a little Board gardening.


Some fx suggest to concentrate on 1 if an involuntary double-thread occurs. To keep a focused continuity and not spread out. Others like to feed 2 at the same time - which makes the topic twi-unfold. An interesting philosophical study in itself, , , tho I tend to belong in group 1.


Apart from that, a rather harmless repetition of a very good A/B. Not hard to take that video again and see how those torrefiers sound this time.




"You can't bath in the same river twice" - Socrates said that


, , , and his disciple replied,


"You can't bath in the same river once !"


Oooopps, , , didn't I use that quote before. .

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The frustration of seeing a thread started which is identical to one recently duplicated is totally understandable- this is one reason why some of the more popular ones get pinned on top of page-one. However, revisiting this lush clip once more with the recently upgraded studio monitors yields the same observations, and the same impression as when previously listened to with headphones: the ear gets thrown off of the trail. It seems like the Hummingbird has fresher strings. David from Guitarist mentions these two have been getting a lot of play at Guitarist Hq, Gibson states that the J-45 model is their best selling acoustic of all time, and it is quite possible that the J-45 may simply have had more guitar journalist's hands on it for a good deal of time, and/or for a big weekend or two.


Hard enough to give a good listen when Acoustics funnel through the digital realm. I even tried marking locations on the screen with masking tape, noting relative locations of mic, nut, soundhole, and shoulder of the lower bout. The moving camera was no help. When a/b's such as this are done, it's best to do so with same strings that are the same age, and to say so.


The best representations heard here occurred on the similar chords at t = 1:29 (1:37)/2:06 (2:12), and 4:28/6:28.

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Quite the opposite for me in this vid. I found the J-45 to sound lovelly but the Hummingbird was extraordinary, very rich, complex, yet subtle and pure. A step above the J-45 in this case.


NIck may have forgotten to take his daily dose of grumpy pills, forgive him.


Personally, I could watch that vid and talk about those two guitars over and over as its the best sources of material for these two models.

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Personally, I could watch that vid and talk about those two guitars over and over as its the best sources of material for these two models.


Good. Because after all of those words I just wrote, I must've been misunderstood: I also thought the Hummingbird Vintage sounded better, but to these ears, it was due to it having fresher strings.

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Different strokes... I'm not sure why J45Nick should NOT be allowed to express an opinion. It might all be new and wonderful for members who have only been here for a month - but sometimes, after a half dozen threads in a week on strings - it's understandable if someone gets tired of the repetition. I've seen a few examples just this month (well, last month) of the same member posting the same question twice.

I had seen the same thing several times a day - on a FaceBook 'forum' - where people will find a news article three years old, that had been posted and discussed a half dozen times - and someone re-posts it with an intelligent starting comment like "What do you all think about THIS?". Inevitably, someone - like J45Nick or me - would post a comment pointing out the mindless repetitiveness, and others would counter that it deserved a fresh look.

I would lean in the direction of this forum NOT resembling a FaceBook page.

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It might all be new and wonderful for members who have only been here for a month


And thats the whole point. It is wonderful and new for memebers recently joined, so why should they be discrimated because us 'veterans' have been here for donkeys years and may have seen an earlier thread.


If they came across for first time let them share and express their joy and ask for opinions ..... the rest of us can just ignore the thread.


Its pretty simple really. Nobody has the right to police what threads are started, except the mods.

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And thats the whole point. It is wonderful and new for memebers recently joined, so why should they be discrimated because us 'veterans' have been here for donkeys years and may have seen an earlier thread.


If they came across for first time let them share and express their joy and ask for opinions ..... the rest of us can just ignore the thread.


Its pretty simple really. Nobody has the right to police what threads are started, except the mods.


EA, sorry if I wasn't clear enough.

I wasn't suggesting anyone 'police' new threads. Just that those who are open and tolerant to members who are repetitive - be equally open to those who aren't.

Sorry if I'm repeating myself here.

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EA, sorry if I wasn't clear enough.

I wasn't suggesting anyone 'police' new threads. Just that those who are open and tolerant to members who are repetitive - be equally open to those who aren't.

Sorry if I'm repeating myself here.


Youre being crystal clear, but I think not understanding my point.


Im asking to not discriminate against those who are seeing the vid or topics for the FIRST time rather being repetitive, which i would argue is the case with the OP.

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Wow! My earlier comment has really derailed this "duplicate" thread. :)


Bottoms line....there will always be members (like myself) who are new to this forum....people will always being buying Gibsons for the first time.....and some of theses members are new to forums in general and may not know how to search for related threads....


I myself belong to MANY forums beacuse I have many toys (I'm not just into guitars) dirtbikes, boats, fishing, chainsaws, 4x4 trucks, surfing, skiing..... Hell I just joined an ACL repair forum to learn more about other people who have been through ACL reconstruction surgery. And I join these forums usually for ONE reason: because I'm looking for more information about one of my hobbies or toys. Then as time goes on...I may or may not form relationships with people on said forums.


One thing remains common among ALL the forums I belong to. And that is: there are always people who like to just put other people down because it makes them feel better or supirior or what ever. People who would rather contribute a negative post to a thread rather than contributing something at all. I admit that I to can get frustrated with some posts....but I try to (as I did above) add some kind of helpful content to the thread (the links I serached for and reposted to help the OP.)


You see, any old idiot can post "hey man we have like 2,000 threads on this already" but what does that really do but make the OP feel stupid. And that's not good for a community board.


I come from the school of thought "the more threads the better"....sometimes during a second or third thread on the same topic, new light, experiences, or info can be learned.


Just my two sense.


And lastly....if you see a damn thread that is a repeat or one that has been hanging around too long/over discussed or that you don't like (This happened to my Hummingbird Vintage thread where a few bonehead memebers felt they needed to actually post that they were sick of reading my thread!)


........DON'T CLICK ON THE THREAD AND READ IT....and if you are sick of seeing it on the first page .....for heavens sake DONT REPLY TO THE THREAD saying you are sick of seeing it, as this reply just bumps the thread right back to the top!



Now, on the the main topic of this thread! I love the video and I think I have watched every you tube vid on hummingbirds and J45s as I was considering both. I think for me the hummingbird wins the tone game in that vid....but the j45 sounds amazing too. Bottom line is you can't go wrong with either guitar. The Hummingbird Vintage in my opinion is the best looking guitar out of every guitar out there now!

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Well welll wellll - weekend is starting, , , let's not fuzzz but discuss.


BirdMan81 - Respect for what you're saying, the experience you have from other forums and your thoughts on forum-behaviour and ditto 'ways' in general.

On a theoretical level, you are right a good mile of the road, no doubt.


Still don't read too much into different opinions, , , especially not the one that caused the whirl.


Yes, this is an open Board, but it could also be seen as a little tribe, , , almost like a village with the rest of the world silently watching. That double aspect is utterly interesting - because it, ,


1/ generates a kind of 'local style' some people see as a groovy home-ground they naturally want to maintain'n'protect -


and at the same time


2/ lives a life absolutely open for any random new voices, influences and wild cards.


Strength becomes fragility vice versa, , , like when a woman steps up to dance on the table in the house where she's the host. .


The local style is not the overall law - it's more like a day to day village culture. Therefor new impulses can appear disturbing and create debate. Laws for sure - as EA states - can only be set by mods and staff, while development of the society is up to the citizens. Though a Winger [cool] I'm not among the mentioned authorities, just like to contribute by throwing my so called 5 cent - not least about a continuous peaceful ambience on the streets here.



I come from the school of thought "the more threads the better"....sometimes during a second or third thread on the same topic, new light, experiences, or info can be learned.

As mentioned earlier in post 9, there is a similar dilemma regarding accidental double-threads : Must one of them be ignored or do two mean twice as much/good exchange. .

I normally prefer one as it increases focus and avoids repetition. After this debate however, I see the intriguing perspective in two parallel streams running from the same source.


As long as one can A/B them of course. . .

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J45 Nick is a highly respected member of the forum with knowledge to burn


Idiot is not the right word for him


That aside I agree with everything said 😄


I don't care if he is president and CEO of Gibson itself, it doesn't change a thing I said.

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