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A New Cologne?


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When I was a kid, I loved the smell of furniture stores and opening new video game consoles...


However, recently I've come to love a new smell...


...the smell of a brand new Gibson guitar in its case.


Gibson should bottle that shizzle and sell it as a cologne!


That, or chop up Gibson guitars into a fine dust so we can snort it!



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If I smelled it on you prepare yourself to be dry humped.


*tip*..Its best just to let me finish.


Wait in line blue *****....



It is a great smell. They should bottle it so you can spray the inside of your case every few months.

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Wait in line blue *****....



It is a great smell. They should bottle it so you can spray the inside of your case every few months.


Or your car! Or your bed sheets! Hell, it's the new Febreeze!


Oh, by the way...lemme change that from cologne to perfume. That makes more sense.


Anyway, Burger King made the flame broiled burger smell...Gibson, now it's your turn.

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