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It's about time...





updated 1:13 p.m. PT, Wed., Feb. 25, 2009


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Reported by: Kelly Bush


Californians over age 21 could openly buy marijuana - and pay a hefty tax - under proposed legislation.

San Francisco Assemblyman Tom Ammiano says his controversial legislation would help get California out of debt.


The proposal includes all marijuana, and not just medical marijuana, which has been legal in California since 1996.


The Board of Equalization estimates the bill would bring the state $1.3 billion every year. Of that, $990 million would come from a $50 per ounce levy and $350 million from sales tax revenue.


Federal government statistics put annual illegal sales of pot in the state at $14 billion.


"I think here in California,we understand $14 billion is something that can't be blown off. The state deserves to have a piece of it," said Ammiano.


Ammiano says some of the proceeds from the tax would go to drug programs.


Who want some??

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Oh yeah,

we're cutting edge around here.

The only problem is that because of the continued drought California is under our snow pack in the Sierra Mountains is so low that all of our reservoirs for farming are too low. The government is going to cut off our water supply to the Central Valley and other farming regions.

That will result in lower food production for the State and the nation. It will put an estimated 60,000 farm workers (illegal aliens) out of work too.

So I guess they figure that to make up the anticipated loss of tax revenue from the food farmers that they'll let em grow marijuana and tax that, because marijuana doesn't require as much water as say strawberries, pistachios, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, grapes and tomatoes.

We're so cutting edge.

The greeenies figure that the electricity used in California to power every "Secret Garden" is contributing a lot to the global warming problem. So it's best that everybody just grow it right out in the open.

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See the problem that we're going to be faced with in California is that if they tax it, they're likewise going to regulate who grows it.

So if everyone grows their own, there's no way the State Government will be able to tax those who sell it.

Our system is currently for medical use only.

A person can select a "primary care giver" to grow 12 plants in the bud or flowering stage and 12 plants in the vegetative stage. If a grower/primary care giver has say 10 people he's caring for, that's 240 plants (using your higher mathematics). That person also has to post in clear sight his/her permit to grow, just incase there's a raid on the property.

Some people who have the "Card" (they're registered with the State) buy bud from places like Compassion House in Santa Barbara or the co-ops up north. It would be those places that would be taxed and more thoroughly regulated where you can get bud.

No matter what, they'd pretty much have to rework the entire system for growing a distribution.

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It's about time...



Ammiano says some of the proceeds from the tax would go to drug programs.


that's funny - the money would go to drug programs. Who was it here that said something about countries the go to war over peace or people screwing for virginity.


This is funny too:

Oh yeah' date='

we're cutting edge around here.


So I guess they figure that to make up the anticipated loss of tax revenue from the food farmers that they'll let em grow marijuana and tax that, because marijuana doesn't require as much water as say strawberries, pistachios, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, grapes and tomatoes.

We're so cutting edge.

The greeenies figure that the electricity used in California to power every "Secret Garden" is contributing a lot to the global warming problem. So it's best that everybody just grow it right out in the open.[/quote']


Less water for fruits & veggies.... what happens when the state gets the munchies?

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The person (I don't recall who) said something like: "Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity".


But it's not quite the same thing. If you check the rehabs you probably won't see a single soul who is there because of majihuana.


you are correct that you won't find anyone there for pot, but it is still considered a stepping stone to other drugs.

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The person (I don't recall who) said something like: "Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity".

But it's not quite the same thing. If you check the rehabs you probably won't see a single soul who is there because of majihuana.

George Carlin.
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I am strongly against pot [-X you hear about kids around my school gettin caught with it all the time and it's just ridiculous I'll never touch the stuff for as long as I live


Turned one of the pot heads in myself last Monday.

Hell yeah I did and I'd do it again.

This high school kid shows up for his first period remedial reading class smelling like he rode the Reggae Bus to school.

It's way obvious he's been blazing so I read him the riot act in front of all of his peers.

Call the office and ask them to send a security officer to escort him out.

Guess who shows up... the principal.

Hey' date= if you're already in a remedial reading class and you made the decision to get stoned before you come to a class for a subject you're already struggling in, smelling like you just had breakfast with Peter Tosh, you're going to get what you deserve.

What a dumb ***.


Good for you Bluezboy! Keep living clean and strong.

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I just recalled now that you are a English teacher' date=' right?[/quote']


Substitute Teacher and Freelance Journalist right now.

My degree is in social science. That means I can teach high school classes (grades 9-12) like US Government, US History, Modern World History, Economics, Personal Law and Geography in California. I also have minor in Bible. For some reason that means I can teach Literature, Reading and other English related classes as well to kids in grades 7-9.

I usually get called in to sub for teachers who will be away from school anywhere from 5-10 days. But can also move from one subject to another throughout the week.

I've also taught Intro to Art and been a successful Football, Soccer and Golf coach, as well as a Summer School Principal.

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you are correct that you won't find anyone there for pot' date=' but it is still considered a stepping stone to other drugs.[/quote']

If you ask someone, "Whats the first Drug you ever tried?" they usually say "Pot". However if you press them and ask, "What about Alcohol?" The answer is usually, "Oh Yeah, I was drinking Beer before I smoked." or "Yeah, my parents let me drink as long as I did it at home."


It's been my experience that Pot smokers are lightweights who can't handle the Heavy stuff. That's why they're Potheads, not Alcoholics. If you prefer heavy Drugs, you get to drink. If you want a lightweight buzz, it against the law!!!!! Yes, alcohol is a HEAVY DRUG. I never woke up next to a Toilet from smoking too much weed, but I have on Alcohol. I've never known anyone who Smokes a Joint and Started a fight with a Stranger inDenny's just to finish the night by Swinging on a Cop. But I do know a few Alcoholics who have done ecxactly that!


I'm not saying Weed a good Idea or Good for you or a miracle happy pill. But the "Gateway Drug" is Alcohol and we shouldn't mislead our kids because we like to Drink and don't want to blame our cocktails for teen drug use. Trying to stay sober your whole life is the "Best Way", but Good Luck with that. When you decide to tie one on, as every human in the world will do at one time or another in their expected lifetime, you're only legal choice is a drug that only compares to Heroin when it comes to Losing Judgment, Black Outs, Overdosing, and Hang Over.

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Think about it, the state is broke, people out of jobs. The lefties there want to ban everything in the name of Global Warming. BUT, instead of dealing with the state's real problems, they pass a law stating that all Californians can get high. Now, when they are high, they will care less about how bad the state's economy is and the fact that everyone is out of a job? Is this what the legislature out there is trying to do?


I have a friend who is a conspiracy theorist. He believes it's just another way for the GOV to control the people. Keep them legally high.


The pharmaceutical companies are already doing it for the folks who can afford that, he says. For those who can't afford the Xanax, get a dimebag of weed.


All I know is I'm buying stock in Doritos and Papa John's!

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hmmmm' date='

anyone know how much a plane ticket is from ft. lauderdale to anywhere in california??



LOL Even if it doesn't solve the budget crisis after a while, nobody will care. Too stoned!


If it does get to that point I'm sure it would be highly regulated like alcohol is now. Should be less available to the kiddies.


As we all know, the drug war is a joke. We pour billions into it and it hasn't slowed the availablity of drugs in the least. My idea is to take money destined for the drug wars and use it to buy up all the drugs (at the whole sale price), load it all on a boat and steam on over to the marianas trench and dump it all over board. Then go back and do it alll over again.


- It will save a ton of money


- It will provide profit for the growers who can then go ligit and it will eliminate drug lords and all the violence there in


- Almost no drugs will reach the streets

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