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Gilmours guitars being sold as we speak


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I think its on twitter or something..   Christies web site is having a melt down...

So far

lot 9 estimate $1-2000 sold for $42,500!

Estimate $5000, sold for $430,000!


Lot 18 1959 Jazzmaster
estimate $18,000 sold for $90,000


1969 D35 has gone for $1,095,000


Fender Stratocaster, serial number 0001 (and played on the Wall).
Estimate $100,000-150,000.
Sold $1.5million!


1954 Fender Strat, changed screws on the bridge clearly knocked the price down to only $95,000

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He's donating the money to a climate change charity??? Of all the worthwhile charities out there, he picks this? WTH? He might as well pick a random politician out of a hat and hand him a wad of cash. I'm not a denier, as it's easy to see that the climate is changing, the reason being debatable, but all of the money circulating around this issue is little more than wealth redistribution. Damn it, Gilmour. I thought that someone in such an anti-establishment band like Pink Floyd would be aware of this. 

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I will want to know how much his Knight acoustic (Lot 5) fetched...🤯


I welcome the fact he's donating to climate change.

It's urgent and we have to try and do something about it - whatever the reason for it.

Edited by jdgm
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Lot 46 Ovation 1976 New Hartford

estimate $1000-1500

Played on the Wall Tour, by Roger Waters and David - $120,000


Lot 52 Washburn Dreadnought - $60,000  (Yes - SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS)


Lot 56 Fender Strat, candy apple red.

Primary recording and performance guitar from 1988-2005.

Estimate $15,000

Sold for $500,000


Lot 67 1986 Gibson J-200

Estimate $3500-5000

Sold $195,000


🤯 (Shocked face with exploding head)


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3 hours ago, jdgm said:

I welcome the fact he's donating to climate change.

It's urgent and we have to try and do something about it - whatever the reason for it.


Not wanting to go off at a tangent to the sale but Yup. Couldn't agree more.

There is no bigger threat to our species' continuing existence on this planet and change needs to happen ASAP.

Tried various routes to see what is happening in the salesroom but all access denied.

Still want to know about the plastic guitar....


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3 hours ago, jdgm said:

I will want to know how much his Knight acoustic (Lot 5) fetched...🤯


1 hour ago, jdgm said:
estimate $1000-1500.........Played on the Wall Tour, by Roger Waters and David - $120,000

Lot 52 Washburn Dreadnought - $60,000  (Yes - SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS)

Lot 56 Fender Strat, candy apple red.......Estimate $15,000......Sold for $500,000

Lot 67 1986 Gibson J-200......Estimate $3500-5000......Sold $195,000

🤯 (Shocked face with exploding head)


In the OP of the thread I started last month I wrote;

"Some (all?) of the estimates are silly-low so I don't think I'll bother getting my hopes up for acquiring any of the instruments but, having said that, Lot #5 might be of interest to jdgm.... "

I'd say "Just call me Le Nouveau Nostradamus ..." but the somewhat-higher-than-reserve figures reached by the items in the sale are probably the most predictable outcome since...


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1 hour ago, jdgm said:
Lot 46 Ovation 1976 New Hartford

estimate $1000-1500

Played on the Wall Tour, by Roger Waters and David - $120,000


Lot 52 Washburn Dreadnought - $60,000  (Yes - SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS)


Lot 56 Fender Strat, candy apple red.

Primary recording and performance guitar from 1988-2005.

Estimate $15,000

Sold for $500,000


Lot 67 1986 Gibson J-200

Estimate $3500-5000

Sold $195,000


🤯 (Shocked face with exploding head)


I have a Washburn dreadnought. 

I wonder if it's value just went up?😁

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4 hours ago, jdgm said:

Apologies Rabs

I was editing while you replied!

Insane prices. 


Sale Total - ($) 21,490,750 .

That means Gilmore gets about $15 million of it.  The buyers premium is usually about 20% plus there are other fees and taxes.  I just missed going to see the showing when we were in New York over Memorial Day weekend.  I think it opened the day we left. 

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Ah, well.

Lot #59, the plastic Maccaferri ("Estimate $300 - $500"), finally went for a mere $49,500 above the upper mark.

Going through the auction catalogue and comparing the printed estimates and the winning bids has been an amusing diversion. Possibly the most extraordinary underestimation was for lot #126. Estimated to be able to fetch anywhere between $1,000 and $2,000 when the hammer finally fell the item had actually climbed to $175,000.  So whoever made the estimates was out by a piffling $173,000.

"What on Earth was it?" I hear you ask?  The flight case for the Black Strat. I really hope the winning bidder still had enough in the piggy bank to obtain the actual guitar for which it was made...


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I read that ClientEarth are intended to be the main beneficiary but I believe he intends to disperse funds elsewhere as well, jdgm.

In one interview I read this morning (can't remember where) he stated that "...both Global and UK-based charities..." - note the use of the plural - would be receiving their shares of the proceeds to the auction.



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Well it's all to the good.

People are saying he should be knighted but I suspect the Floyd must have been offered honours already.

Or perhaps Waters' political stance  prevented it.


I'm still reeling at $56,250 for the Knight acoustic. 😮

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1 hour ago, jdgm said:

People are saying he should be knighted but I suspect the Floyd must have been offered honours already..........Or perhaps Waters' political stance  prevented it.

I'm still reeling at $56,250 for the Knight acoustic. 😮

Good news for the profile and subsequent value of  Mr. Knight's guitars  - and their current owners!

David Gilmour was awarded (and accepted!) the CBE -  which I'm 100% sure you know means he is a "Companion of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire" - in 2003.

Waters, being Roger Waters, lives by the beat of a different drum - bless his little cotton socks. I can appreciate both sides of the stance...


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3 hours ago, pippy said:

Waters, being Roger Waters, lives by the beat of a different drum - bless his little cotton socks. I can appreciate both sides of the stance...



He's another guy that I wouldn't care if he killed babies, he writes/arranges/produces/records/sings/plays just wonderful songs.  Only one of him and I wish they all could have gotten along.  I'da coveted a writer like that.


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