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Thief in Canada steals a new R9 by sticking his down his pants?

John P

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14 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

That's a tricky thing to negotiate isnt it? 

We don't keep guns here (uk), so that option is immediately out of the window.  

In law we are supposed to use 'reasonable force' for self defence. So I have to go easy on that thief who's a third my age and twice my weight. 

I couldn't legally even defend against the theft of my guitars. Not even by using the all maple Fingerbone Strat as a weapon. Even though it could take the damage and add a bit of relicing at the same time. 


Are you guys in the UK allowed to use pepper spray? 

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8 hours ago, Pinch said:

How I wish everyone would wear a mask in public. Imagine the ENORMOUS difference it'd make.

Our Governor will not enforce a mask mandate but our health administrator put one in force.  Many ignore it as it's not law

Saturday, news reported over 1,400 new covid cases here in one day.  Deb told me she heard that today. 

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1 hour ago, Retired said:

Our Governor will not enforce a mask mandate but our health administrator put one in force.  Many ignore it as it's not law

Saturday, news reported over 1,400 new covid cases here in one day.  Deb told me she heard that today. 

There was a time when other diseases were new in the world and we had no immunity to it. And those didn’t kill off all the entire worlds population.  I’m not pro or anti mask just making a statement.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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8 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

There was a time when other diseases were new in the world and we had no immunity to it. And those didn’t kill off all the entire worlds population.  I’m not pro or anti mask just making a statement.

This is a first for me in my life to witness a mask mandate for a virus of this sort.  Personally, I abide by it because my immune system is lower than normal.  I get bronchitis easy so I tend to take more precautions. (masks, sanitizers, washing the hands.) Plus, Covid  seems to take out the elderly more so. My nephew spent a week  in intensive care from Covid. 

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19 minutes ago, RBSinTo said:

The "Is that a guitar down your pants?" jokes got old very quickly, and

I'm positive they're not laughing at Cosmo Music. Nor should we.

This hurts all of us in a number of ways.

I hope they catch the thief and get the guitar back.


Your right. I said to myself,  when it’s mandatory to wear masks there will come a day when a criminal commits a crime, and gets away with due to masks, and now it has happened at the expense of a 8k guitar. If he’s not caught by now that guitar could be sold and in Vancouver for all we know, or in a shipping crate to who knows where.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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21 hours ago, Pinch said:

How I wish everyone would wear a mask in public. Imagine the ENORMOUS difference it'd make.

What a great thread -   guitars, guns, grand larceny, masks, pandemics, sexual innuendo ...   

Pinch -  I gotta ask -  was that sarcasm ?     Didn't UK just remove the mask mandate?  

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2 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

What a great thread -   guitars, guns, grand larceny, masks, pandemics, sexual innuendo ...   

Pinch -  I gotta ask -  was that sarcasm ?     Didn't UK just remove the mask mandate?  

It’s par for the forum - you seem like this is the first time a thread has gone of course. A little nautical reference for us sea going service guys and girls and whatever you identify as.

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8 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

What a great thread -   guitars, guns, grand larceny, masks, pandemics, sexual innuendo ...   

Pinch -  I gotta ask -  was that sarcasm ?     Didn't UK just remove the mask mandate?  

We in the uk are here:




From now

  • You are no longer asked to work from home if you can. Employees are advised to talk to employers to agree arrangements to return to the workplace.

From 27 January

  • You will not be required to wear a face covering, but you should continue to wear one in crowded and indoor spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet.
  • Parents and carers are advised to check their child’s school website for details on specific guidance for that school, as each school has its own arrangements depending on school size, layout and coronavirus cases. 
  • You’ll no longer need to show your NHS COVID Pass at venues and events by law.


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Chief, I was also gonna ask you if your 'sarcasm' button was locked when you typed  "In Canada they follow the rules"  re. wearing masks.     Given it's a thread about a Canuck stealing an $8K guitar.        I'm wondering if they kept too many Draft Dodgers back in the 60s and they multiplied. 

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21 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

Merciful E -   Glad you all are being encouraged to return to the physical workplace.  Here, something like 1/4 of those who had to work from home are wanting to continue to stay at home.    

I’m off topic - your off topic - we’re all off topic. And mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

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1 hour ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Your right. I said to myself,  when it’s mandatory to wear masks there will come a day when a criminal commits a crime, and gets away with due to masks, and now it has happened at the expense of a 8k guitar. If he’s not caught by now that guitar could be sold and in Vancouver for all we know, or in a shipping crate to who knows where.


It would be simple enough to require everyone entering a retail establishment to  first remove all head coverings in front of a video camera.

Wouldn't bother me a bit.



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4 minutes ago, RBSinTo said:


It would be simple enough to require everyone entering a retail establishment to  first remove all head coverings in front of a video camera.

Wouldn't bother me a bit.



Your right, but the mandate in effect worked in the criminals favor and he knew it and took full advantage of it. Now Cosmos has to eat 8k. Wait wait wait - insurance claim or tax write off. Cosmos is good.

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20 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Your right, but the mandate in effect worked in the criminals favor and he knew it and took full advantage of it. Now Cosmos has to eat 8k. Wait wait wait - insurance claim or tax write off. Cosmos is good.


I doubt that regardless, whether Cosmo gets a tax write-off or is reimbused by their insurance company for the guitar (assuming that it isn't recovered) that they won't suffer consequences in the form of higher insurance rates, or additional costs to upgrade their security system, which will ultimately be passed on the their customers.

So, don't forget that they, and we, their customers, ultimately are the victims here.


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3 minutes ago, RBSinTo said:


I doubt that regardless, whether Cosmo gets a tax write-off or is reimbused by their insurance company for the guitar (assuming that it isn't recovered) that they won't suffer consequences in the form of higher insurance rates, or additional costs to upgrade their security system, which will ultimately be passed on the their customers.

So, don't forget that they, and we, their customers, ultimately are the victims here.


Yep I feel violated.

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6 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

What a great thread -   guitars, guns, grand larceny, masks, pandemics, sexual innuendo ...   

Pinch -  I gotta ask -  was that sarcasm ?     Didn't UK just remove the mask mandate?  

No idea, I'm Swedish. But no, I wasn't being sarcastic. The concept of barrier protection dates back to the plague.

Masks may not work perfectly in this case, but if  everyone wears a surgical mask when they're in stores, you minimize both the amount of pathogens expelled and the amount of pathogens inhaled. If one person sneezes on two people of whom one is wearing a mask and one isn't, it's safe to say the guy or girl with the mask on stands a better chance.

It would make a huge difference in numbers. And it's easy.

Edited by Pinch
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8 minutes ago, Pinch said:

No idea, I'm Swedish. But no, I wasn't being sarcastic. The concept of barrier protection dates back to the plague.

Masks may not work perfectly in this case, but if  everyone wears a surgical mask when they're in stores, you minimize both the amount of pathogens expelled and the amount of pathogens inhaled. If one person sneezes on two people of whom one is wearing a mask and one isn't, it's safe to say the guy or girl with the mask on stands a better chance.

It would make a huge difference in numbers. And it's easy.

How many pathogens does it take to get Covid? 1 - 10 - 100 - 1000?

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I'm very pro-vaccination in this case, but I can understand if someone's reluctant. If you have a bit of knowledge about how these things work, you come to the conclusion - or I did - that the mRNA vaccines are seemlingly safe. But no, I can't say with 100% certainty that some issues will arise in the future. They WERE fast-tracked. But the data right now suggests that they were a VERY good idea.

It's possible, perhaps even probable, that the majority would get only mild symptoms even without the vaccines, but the ones who weren't so lucky would get very sick and/or die. I know people in optimal health and peak fitness who almost died, and were sick for ages.

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18 hours ago, Pinch said:

No idea, I'm Swedish. But no, I wasn't being sarcastic. The concept of barrier protection dates back to the plague.

Masks may not work perfectly in this case, but if  everyone wears a surgical mask when they're in stores, you minimize both the amount of pathogens expelled and the amount of pathogens inhaled. If one person sneezes on two people of whom one is wearing a mask and one isn't, it's safe to say the guy or girl with the mask on stands a better chance.

It would make a huge difference in numbers. And it's easy.

Pinch,  I  apologize for that!  I can't keep track of anything - let alone where we all hail from.  

I've heard too many of our 'experts' hear give conflicting advice on masks to take them seriously anymore.  

As far as Corona 'vaccines' and the various 'mandates'  -  Brigham & Women's in Boston MASS -  the 793 bed teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School - this week removed a 40 something year old father from their Heart Transplant Waiting List  - because  he has not accepted the 'vaccine'.    

It just keeps getting better and better. (that last was sarcasm).     

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40 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

Pinch,  I  apologize for that!  I can't keep track of anything - let alone where we all hail from.  

I've heard too many of our 'experts' hear give conflicting advice on masks to take them seriously anymore.  

As far as Corona 'vaccines' and the various 'mandates'  -  Brigham & Women's in Boston MASS -  the 793 bed teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School - this week removed a 40 something year old father from their Heart Transplant Waiting List  - because  he has not accepted the 'vaccine'.    

It just keeps getting better and better. (that last was sarcasm).     


Doctors at a highly respected medical school teaching hospital making a medical decision. Where will it end?


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How this went from someone stealing a guitar to Covid mask mandates and all is the puzzle.  And proof that too many people are suffering from ADHD  these days.  Especially in THIS place!  NOW you're gonna get nitwits that'll blame THAT on the vaccine.   :rolleyes:   Just like those who blame the measles vaccine for causing autism.   And so we have all those cretins putting both their children and other's children at higher risk in order to keep them "safe".   [blink]


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