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Things That Make Me Go . . . Hummm

Sgt. Pepper

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11 hours ago, Retired said:

How old are you Sgt? If I might ask?  I'll be 69 April 22.  So you played for about 5 years or so and quit, and picked it up again in 2005. I played for around 15 years and quit and picked it up again in 2013.  Yeah so we missed out on so many years and you forget that stuff.  Drag racing was my big distraction. I had visions of making it big in racing.  Actually I could say getting married ended it for me Lol. I let Debbie talk me into quitting racing. My second to the  last race of the year,  I came off the line, The car went straight up and busted a wheelie bar in back, and came back down hard. The car shot off to the right, towards the cornfield, and I hit the brakes to get it under control and cruised on through. One of the Coni coil Over Shocks busted and shot off somewhere? In the 70's those were about $350.00 apiece. No one had a spare one so that put me out for the season and Deb started pressuring me to quit before "John's daddy gets killed on the drag strip." 

55, born in October 1966.

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16 minutes ago, NighthawkChris said:

There was more ice around LeBrons neck than there exists in the Arctic. One of those chains could end world hunger. But you know he’s worth it - upstanding member of society fighting for your rights!

Yep a clown like that can put a ball though a hoop and is seen a role model and hero and superstar and every other accolade they throw at those useless jerks. Yet the people that educate out kids make squat. Lets have Le Bron with his high school diploma solve racism. Ya know what it cant and won't. Or we would have done it by now. 

Now where is the Canadian to tell me I'm bad?

Wait for it its on its way.

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10 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

55, born in October 1966.

Thanks Sgt. My birthdate is April-22-1953.   Haha, I gave Deb quite a scare today. I was helping her bring in groceries when my shoe caught the step out back going from the garage to the house. Fell straight down missing 2 steps and on the patio. I was fine though, I got up and told her, "I'm a tough old bird, Lol." 

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12 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Here is one. Driving in your car by yourself with a mask on. Are you afraid you have covid and don't want to give it back to yourself?

I have seen people doing just that.  Driving completely alone and wearing a mask.  Haha, They don't trust their self? And the windows are all up too. 

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10 hours ago, Pinch said:

I imagine figure skating is taxing. You have to spin around on slippery ice. 

Which is stupid, but it's probably hard. 

I have never been on ice skates in my whole life, Deb and I thought surfing looked pretty easy till we went to Hawaii on our Honeymoon and tried it.  Haha, We spent 3 hours out there trying to just get up on our knees and came home burnt pretty bad from the sun reflecting on the water. 

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23 hours ago, Pinch said:

I imagine figure skating is taxing. You have to spin around on slippery ice. 

Which is stupid, but it's probably hard. 

I have no problem spinning around on slippery ice.  When either walking or driving a car.  But on skates?  Well......

23 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

55, born in October 1966.


I was in my first year of high school!  And I'm only four months younger than Kurt Russell.  [wink]

13 hours ago, Retired said:

I have never been on ice skates in my whole life, Deb and I thought surfing looked pretty easy till we went to Hawaii on our Honeymoon and tried it.  

I used to know how to ice skate.  But when I outgrew my skates(which were handed down to begin with)  I never skated since. There just wasn't money for new skates, so....

And I would imagine a couple would find more interesting things to do and try on their honeymoon than surfing.  [wink]


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13 hours ago, Retired said:

I have never been on ice skates in my whole life, Deb and I thought surfing looked pretty easy till we went to Hawaii on our Honeymoon and tried it.  Haha, We spent 3 hours out there trying to just get up on our knees and came home burnt pretty bad from the sun reflecting on the water. 

I remember once taking my son ice skating. He was pretty good and I was awful.

At one point I got some momentum going but had no idea how to stop. I was headed straight towards a young girl who who had her back to me. I called 'look out!' but she didn't turn around. 

Leaning against the rink edge were a bunch of lads talking to her. I thought "oh oh, I could be in trouble here". Anyway, I collide with her and knocked her over. The lads all creased up laughing. 

Edited by merciful-evans
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27 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

I was in my first year of high school!  And I'm only four months younger than Kurt Russell.  [wink]

I had no control over when my parents had sex.

I'm probably four months younger than someone famous too.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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6 hours ago, Whitefang said:

I have no problem spinning around on slippery ice.  When either walking or driving a car.  But on skates?  Well......


I was in my first year of high school!  And I'm only four months younger than Kurt Russell.  [wink]

I used to know how to ice skate.  But when I outgrew my skates(which were handed down to begin with)  I never skated since. There just wasn't money for new skates, so....

And I would imagine a couple would find more interesting things to do and try on their honeymoon than surfing.  [wink]


 We did that a lot too Ken, We did want to try the surfing on our last day in Hawaii though. We were there a week.  Lol.  We did snorkeling, and other things too. 

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6 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

I remember once taking my son ice skating. He was pretty good and I was awful.

At one point I got some momentum going but had no idea how to stop. I was headed straight towards a young girl who who had her back to me. I called 'look out!' but she didn't turn around. 

Leaning against the rink edge were a bunch of lads talking to her. I thought "oh oh, I could be in trouble here". Anyway, I collide with her and knocked her over. The lads all creased up laughing. 

Deb told me ice skating is different than roller skating. I used to roller skate, but never been on ice skates. Guess it's more in the ankles huh? 

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17 hours ago, Retired said:

Deb told me ice skating is different than roller skating. I used to roller skate, but never been on ice skates. Guess it's more in the ankles huh? 

Maybe that and the difference being on roller skates you have four evenly placed wheels on each skate, and with ice skates just one thin blade on each skate.   And for someone who never fully mastered either(like me) both can be rough on the butt.  [wink]


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23 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

I had no control over when my parents had sex.

I'm probably four months younger than someone famous too.

1.  Of course not.  Only your parents had that control( and most likely your Mother [wink]).

2.  I only mentioned the Kurt Russell thing to give you an age reference.


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8 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

This is a public service announcement: remember, NEVER post personally identifiable information (PII) on the Internet.   Also, only you can prevent forest fires. 

Well guess which of the 31 days I was born. All my bank accounts and credit cards have been frozen, I'm so screwed. 

No not really. 

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11 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

This is a public service announcement: remember, NEVER post personally identifiable information (PII) on the Internet.   Also, only you can prevent forest fires. 

OK,  Everyone who knows my name, It is a nick name and not my real name Lol. 

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11 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Maybe that and the difference being on roller skates you have four evenly placed wheels on each skate, and with ice skates just one thin blade on each skate.   And for someone who never fully mastered either(like me) both can be rough on the butt.  [wink]


True and I haven't been on roller skates since I was  in my 20's. 

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The strangest thing happened this morning. As usual, I fed Sundance and let him out to potty afterwards. He came in and jumped on the couch by Deb and she hollered for me about 20 minutes later. He was acting like he was having a seizure except not his body was shaking, Just his head. He was bouncing it up and down uncontrollably. She thought he was shaking from being out in that cold.  He wasn't outside that long and it got down to about 30 below windshield the last 2 nights. I think it was something like 7 below F. The winds were chilling. But Sundance has never done that before ever and I had a coat on him that Deb had made for him to block those winds. It's thick and warm. Now the strange part was, She said; "Give moma kisses Sundance." Which he stopped shaking his head up and down and did so. So, If he was having a seizure, he would not be able to stop shaking like that and kiss her a few times. Weird, And the rest of his body wasn't shaking, just the head.  Our last dog we had did have seizures a lot so I know what they look like. Sundance was only out there about 5 minutes.  What else could it be? 

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9 hours ago, Retired said:

The strangest thing happened this morning. As usual, I fed Sundance and let him out to potty afterwards. He came in and jumped on the couch by Deb and she hollered for me about 20 minutes later. He was acting like he was having a seizure except not his body was shaking, Just his head. He was bouncing it up and down uncontrollably. She thought he was shaking from being out in that cold.  He wasn't outside that long and it got down to about 30 below windshield the last 2 nights. I think it was something like 7 below F. The winds were chilling. But Sundance has never done that before ever and I had a coat on him that Deb had made for him to block those winds. It's thick and warm. Now the strange part was, She said; "Give moma kisses Sundance." Which he stopped shaking his head up and down and did so. So, If he was having a seizure, he would not be able to stop shaking like that and kiss her a few times. Weird, And the rest of his body wasn't shaking, just the head.  Our last dog we had did have seizures a lot so I know what they look like. Sundance was only out there about 5 minutes.  What else could it be? 

 I found this https://wagwalking.com/condition/head-tremors

but this one might be better https://www.pdsa.org.uk/pet-help-and-advice/pet-health-hub/symptoms/head-shaking-in-dogs

Good luck Sundance

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So - that was 11 hours ago - I assume he stopped after kissing your wife?  How old is Sundance?   It was 7 below when he was out?  That is well outside the range dogs can maintain their body temps in. How long was he out?  How long was he shaking?  Was he shaking when he came in?    Sounds neurological  -   reaction to the cold, (plus the dramatic change from warm to cold to warm.)  Does he have an undercoat?  Doesn't sound like hypothermia if he's OK now.   I'd watch closely for any other symptoms - eating, drinking,  normal activity level, interest in toys/play,  restlessness.  Also - regardless of the cold -  I'd go out with him the next several times to make sure he goes normally and the result looks normal.  Watch for blood in urine as it comes out, very dark stools.   Snow on the ground will help.    Of course, on the web, they tell you to go see your vet if your dog sneezes.   I think those sites are financed by vets.  G'Luck 

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Yeah Butch.  I'd get that checked out.  Hopefully it could just be an easy fix.  But serious enough to warrant investigation.

Our Shih-Tzu Megan one day seemed to develop a hacking cough.  We thought nothing of it, figuring maybe trying to clear her throat of a hair mat of something like that.  That night we went to the casino and didn't get home until 1 in the morning.  We got concerned when she didn't trot out from the bedroom to greet us like she always did.  I went back there to check on her and found her lying dead next to our bed.  She was 14 at the time and without much longer to go, but that didn't keep us from being completely bummed.


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