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Things That Make Me Go . . . Hummm

Sgt. Pepper

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3 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Yeah Butch.  I'd get that checked out.  Hopefully it could just be an easy fix.  But serious enough to warrant investigation.

Our Shih-Tzu Megan one day seemed to develop a hacking cough.  We thought nothing of it, figuring maybe trying to clear her throat of a hair mat of something like that.  That night we went to the casino and didn't get home until 1 in the morning.  We got concerned when she didn't trot out from the bedroom to greet us like she always did.  I went back there to check on her and found her lying dead next to our bed.  She was 14 at the time and without much longer to go, but that didn't keep us from being completely bummed.


Yep that is a huge bummer 14 years is long for a dog. We had to put Clyde, he was 13 or so, to sleep in October. He stopped eating and was not interested in treats, and was wasting away, and that dog loved food. 

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I have a couple dogs myself right now.  Great companions I must say.  I once heard that a dog's only fault is their short lives.  ...that and the dinner they ate off the counter before we served it haha!  Nah, have to go into these kind of things expecting you're going to outlive them.  Sucks, but just try to give them the best lives they can have while you're watching over them.  I have a German Sheppard and some ~80lb mutt - think he has Newfie (spelling?) a large part in him .  Both are well loved and do great with kids.  I have a couple of sad times ahead as they are getting up there in age.  My wife and I raised them since they were tiny puppies.  I know when the vet once time thought my oldest dog had cancer, I started to feel sad.  You don't think you will be sad like that until it happens or facing the threat of it being true. 

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22 minutes ago, NighthawkChris said:

I have a couple dogs myself right now.  Great companions I must say.  I once heard that a dog's only fault is their short lives.  ...that and the dinner they ate off the counter before we served it haha!  Nah, have to go into these kind of things expecting you're going to outlive them.  Sucks, but just try to give them the best lives they can have while you're watching over them.  I have a German Sheppard and some ~80lb mutt - think he has Newfie (spelling?) a large part in him .  Both are well loved and do great with kids.  I have a couple of sad times ahead as they are getting up there in age.  My wife and I raised them since they were tiny puppies.  I know when the vet once time thought my oldest dog had cancer, I started to feel sad.  You don't think you will be sad like that until it happens or facing the threat of it being true. 

80  pounds, me and my wife have a rule, we have no dogs that take bigger poops than we do. The 30 pound Cocker Spaniel was just about at the limit.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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23 minutes ago, NighthawkChris said:

I have a couple dogs myself right now.  Great companions I must say.  I once heard that a dog's only fault is their short lives.  ...that and the dinner they ate off the counter before we served it haha!  Nah, have to go into these kind of things expecting you're going to outlive them.  Sucks, but just try to give them the best lives they can have while you're watching over them.  I have a German Sheppard and some ~80lb mutt - think he has Newfie (spelling?) a large part in him .  Both are well loved and do great with kids.  I have a couple of sad times ahead as they are getting up there in age.  My wife and I raised them since they were tiny puppies.  I know when the vet once time thought my oldest dog had cancer, I started to feel sad.  You don't think you will be sad like that until it happens or facing the threat of it being true. 

NHC -   Yep, Yes, and  Right on...     We have two German Shepherd Dogs and a small 'mix'.  Have had a half dozen different breeds - GSDs are the best ...  and the worst.   They are so smart, so loyal, so loving and so may other things -  but they stake out a piece of your heart.  Our first one died a bit over a year ago. She was only 9.  Cancer.   Symptoms hit on a Monday - vet had to put her down on Tuesday.   I think that hit me harder than anything I can remember.     I guess it prepares you for the death of loved ones.  

As I type this - one is lying right next to me - the other is a few feet back with his ball - eyeing me with a forlorn look on his face.  As soon as I close the cover on my laptop - they'll both jump up and run to the back door.   

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4 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

NHC -   Yep, Yes, and  Right on...     We have two German Shepherd Dogs and a small 'mix'.  Have had a half dozen different breeds - GSDs are the best ...  and the worst.   They are so smart, so loyal, so loving and so may other things -  but they stake out a piece of your heart.  Our first one died a bit over a year ago. She was only 9.  Cancer.   Symptoms hit on a Monday - vet had to put her down on Tuesday.   I think that hit me harder than anything I can remember.     I guess it prepares you for the death of loved ones.  

As I type this - one is lying right next to me - the other is a few feet back with his ball - eyeing me with a forlorn look on his face.  As soon as I close the cover on my laptop - they'll both jump up and run to the back door.   

Haha! yeah my buddy (German Sheppard) hears me turn off the PC keyboard (switch on it) then he is "activated" after that.  This dog is amazing.  He is super fast, like made of steel the things I've seen this dog do.  Super loyal too - ALWAYS looking out for the pack.  I can see the Sheppard in him when we take him out into the yard.  Always keeping an eye on where the kids are, where the other dog is, where I am...  He won't sit still!  He is always on the move going here and there when he's in our yard - why we have his ball to "try" to wear him out by chasing it after e throw it, haha!  But once a GS is on your side, it's like nothing else.  They demand a lot of attention, but it's what you sign up for when you get one, haha!  They're work dogs, and they need a job to do - kind of like me too 😁

Anyhow, take care of them pups you got there - glad you're a GS kind of dog guy! 

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25 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

80  pounds, me and my wife have a rule, we have no dogs that take bigger poops than we do. The 30 pound Cocker Spaniel was just about at the limit.

Yeah, it's a lot of crap when you have a couple of hunkers roaming around your backyard.  Let's see, 2 dogs, 7 days in a week, 2 poops a day for each dog...  28 craps to deal with you have to figure if you clean it up once a week.  Fun...  Luckily it's a big yard we have haha!  But no, have to be up on it in the summer especially for lawn cuttings and such.  Nothing worse than having to clean the lawn tractor's wheels that are carrying dog crap around the yard because you ran over a missed landmine.  They are the kind of tires with some deep treads too, so it really gets in there, haha! 

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9 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

Wow, Thanks for finding that Evans. I have been watching him since and he has not repeated it yet.  We should take him to the vet and have them check out his ears. They are such a small opening that I cannot see inside. 

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7 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

So - that was 11 hours ago - I assume he stopped after kissing your wife?  How old is Sundance?   It was 7 below when he was out?  That is well outside the range dogs can maintain their body temps in. How long was he out?  How long was he shaking?  Was he shaking when he came in?    Sounds neurological  -   reaction to the cold, (plus the dramatic change from warm to cold to warm.)  Does he have an undercoat?  Doesn't sound like hypothermia if he's OK now.   I'd watch closely for any other symptoms - eating, drinking,  normal activity level, interest in toys/play,  restlessness.  Also - regardless of the cold -  I'd go out with him the next several times to make sure he goes normally and the result looks normal.  Watch for blood in urine as it comes out, very dark stools.   Snow on the ground will help.    Of course, on the web, they tell you to go see your vet if your dog sneezes.   I think those sites are financed by vets.  G'Luck 

Yes, She wanted to see if he would stop shaking or not and if he would kiss her. I don't do dog kisses but I know a lot of women who love that sort of thing. (I think its so a guy won't give them a kiss afterwards, Lol.)  He was out just long enough to pee & poop. I watch him from the window while he's out there and let him right back in. Probably 3 minutes is all. He didn't shake when he came in but after about 20 minutes, Deb called me to come look at him. Yeah, it has been pretty nice out, 65 one day and freezing the next. We have had very warm weather so far in February and then the windshield popped down to 30 below for 2 days as Deb listened to the news.  Dobermans don't have thick fur so she made an insulated coat for him with a scarf  for his his neck and part of his head. I put that on him. Yeah he has his winter undercoat but Dobermans have very little fur on the belly. Or it's pretty short. Weird and No, he hasn't done it since that one time. Yeah, we figured if he could stop shaking for 30 seconds to kiss Deb, (or lick her chin, ) then start shaking again, it couldn't be a seizure. He's 9 years old. Show breed Doberman's live around 7 to 12 years.  Or at least my first 2 died at 8 yrs old  and my 3rd one went at 12. I've been keeping a close eye on him. 

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8 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Yeah Butch.  I'd get that checked out.  Hopefully it could just be an easy fix.  But serious enough to warrant investigation.

Our Shih-Tzu Megan one day seemed to develop a hacking cough.  We thought nothing of it, figuring maybe trying to clear her throat of a hair mat of something like that.  That night we went to the casino and didn't get home until 1 in the morning.  We got concerned when she didn't trot out from the bedroom to greet us like she always did.  I went back there to check on her and found her lying dead next to our bed.  She was 14 at the time and without much longer to go, but that didn't keep us from being completely bummed.


Thanks Ken,  I think we should make a vet appointment. At least have them check his ears? I cannot see inside them  as they're cropped like the show dobermans.  Yeah, we had our sons dog when he went into the Navy for 6 years and I said to myself, I will not get emotional over this dog. But Smokey loved me so much and became my shadow. One day coming home from work, I walked inside the door and there was Smokey lying dead on his bed. He was still warm like he just passed.  I totally lost it and cried like a baby. 

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7 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

80  pounds, me and my wife have a rule, we have no dogs that take bigger poops than we do. The 30 pound Cocker Spaniel was just about at the limit.

Before I married Debbie, I showed Doberman Pinschers and that's actually how we met was through the dog shows. I showed Tie, and she brought her aunts doberman, Pinky, to the dog classes. A married gal lied to me and said, "That lady over there says you're stuck up because you don't talk to her.'  Haha, so I said, "I'll show her." So I put my male in the van and went back inside to sit besides her and started talking to her. I found out she was pretty nice and could hold a conversation so I asked her on a date. So I've had large dogs for many decades. 

7 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

NHC -   Yep, Yes, and  Right on...     We have two German Shepherd Dogs and a small 'mix'.  Have had a half dozen different breeds - GSDs are the best ...  and the worst.   They are so smart, so loyal, so loving and so may other things -  but they stake out a piece of your heart.  Our first one died a bit over a year ago. She was only 9.  Cancer.   Symptoms hit on a Monday - vet had to put her down on Tuesday.   I think that hit me harder than anything I can remember.     I guess it prepares you for the death of loved ones.  

As I type this - one is lying right next to me - the other is a few feet back with his ball - eyeing me with a forlorn look on his face.  As soon as I close the cover on my laptop - they'll both jump up and run to the back door.   

When I lived at home, mom had various breeds, Chihuahua's, German Shepards, A Collie, my sisters had poodles, and I had a mutt when I was one. He died on my 16th birthday. That's when I got my first Doberman, when I lived at home and started showing it. 

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1 minute ago, Retired said:

Before I married Debbie, I showed Doberman Pinschers and that's actually how we met was through the dog shows. I showed Tie, and she brought her aunts doberman, Pinky, to the dog classes. A married gal lied to me and said, "That lady over there says you're stuck up because you don't talk to her.'  Haha, so I said, "I'll show her." So I put my male in the van and went back inside to sit besides her and started talking to her. I found out she was pretty nice and could hold a conversation so I asked her on a date. So I've had large dogs for many decades. 

When I lived at home, mom had various breeds, Chihuahua's, German Shepards, A Collie, my sisters had poodles, and I had a mutt when I was one. He died on my 16th birthday. That's when I got my first Doberman, when I lived at home and started showing it. 

I love dogs just don’t want one that can poop a submarine.

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15 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

I love dogs just don’t want one that can poop a submarine.

Haha, I totally understand. Large dogs are not for everyone. But they also are great guard dogs and keep the rift rat out from robbing you. My Champion Doberman, Bandit saved my son.  John got into my wife's bear guard pepper spray as a small kid. I went out to check the mail and came back in when the whole house stunk like gas. I couldn't find him or Bandit. I placed a rag over my face to hunt for them going through the whole house. Tears were running down my cheeks and I was coughing badly. Finally I went up to the kitchen and saw them both outside. John said he sprayed a squirt or 2 in a phone book and that spread through the house. John just sat there and Bandit picked him up by the back of his pants and took him upstairs to the kitchen where the door to the back yard was and John opened it and Bandit took him outside. So when Deb came home, It was air out the house and out to eat. Bandit came along Lol. That's something a smaller dog couldn't do. Dobermans are excellent with small children. 

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15 hours ago, Retired said:

Thanks Ken,  I think we should make a vet appointment. At least have them check his ears? I cannot see inside them  as they're cropped like the show dobermans.  Yeah, we had our sons dog when he went into the Navy for 6 years and I said to myself, I will not get emotional over this dog. But Smokey loved me so much and became my shadow. One day coming home from work, I walked inside the door and there was Smokey lying dead on his bed. He was still warm like he just passed.  I totally lost it and cried like a baby. 

I can understand that.  I buried Megan in a corner of the back yard that's visible from the kitchen window.   And marked the site with a couple of those solar garden light spikes.  And every day for the last 8 years I've said "good morning" to her, and wish her "good night" each night.   We had another Shih-Tzu a couple of years before we got Megan and Megan grew up with.  And She died shortly after we moved into this house.   But at the time, it was a case where I took her to the MI humane society  to have her put down, and then too, was too broken up to wait to claim the body, so I left her with them.   The way humans affectionately attach themselves to their pets is astounding.  My younger daughter used to work at a dog/pet kennel (they also housed cats and other pets) which was also a pet cemetery.  She told me that many people visited the cemetery on a regular basis, always laying fresh flowers on the graves.  They also provided  cremation services for pets.  And not any of it was cheap.  But pet keepers(I dislike the term "owners") had no qualms about shelling out big bucks for their dearly departed.


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10 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

I pick up at least 15 pounds of the stuff in the yard each week. It's very therapeutic.  The 2 GSDs have figured out what I'm doing - and each will leave me a nice big steaming pile sometime in the 45 minutes it takes.   Sort of reminds me of Social Media.  

It's been planned by them for millennia......   [wink]



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On 2/24/2022 at 7:25 PM, ghost_of_fl said:

If your neighbors are close enough to toss something on your property and you're not on good terms with them, it's possible.   But yeah I wasn't thinking - certainly not mushroom season in a lot of areas right now. 

Yeah, We have been here for 29 years now. We have never seen anything like that yet. The 4 houses that overlook our back yard have had people come and go. The front 2 houses next to ours, barely reaches our front of the back yard and the back 2 houses cover the whole back yard with their back yard. We have 2 lots.  He still hasn't repeated that episode again. Whatever it was, He could stop the shaking his head up & down to give kisses too Deb. Maybe she is right? She keeps telling me he was very cold and bundled him up in blankets to warm him. Other than that, I really don't know? 

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On 2/24/2022 at 6:39 PM, Sgt. Pepper said:

I love dogs just don’t want one that can poop a submarine.

Haha, Actually I never seen one poop a Submarine yet? Now, I've been to the zoo and watched an Elephant poop one LOl.  He peed like the Niagara Falls too. 

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10 hours ago, Whitefang said:

I can understand that.  I buried Megan in a corner of the back yard that's visible from the kitchen window.   And marked the site with a couple of those solar garden light spikes.  And every day for the last 8 years I've said "good morning" to her, and wish her "good night" each night.   We had another Shih-Tzu a couple of years before we got Megan and Megan grew up with.  And She died shortly after we moved into this house.   But at the time, it was a case where I took her to the MI humane society  to have her put down, and then too, was too broken up to wait to claim the body, so I left her with them.   The way humans affectionately attach themselves to their pets is astounding.  My younger daughter used to work at a dog/pet kennel (they also housed cats and other pets) which was also a pet cemetery.  She told me that many people visited the cemetery on a regular basis, always laying fresh flowers on the graves.  They also provided  cremation services for pets.  And not any of it was cheap.  But pet keepers(I dislike the term "owners") had no qualms about shelling out big bucks for their dearly departed.


Deb thinks I get more emotional when a pet dies over a human. She might be right? Haha.  I buried our Champion Doberman in the back. I had a headstone made for him. Our son was in grade school still and wanted to put some of Bandits things down there with him. I dug that grave down past 5 feet, but not quite to the 6 foot mark. I wanted to make sure that if more cable or wiring was put in that he wouldn't be dug up. Gosh, It took me like 20 years to get over his death.  He will always hold a special place in my heart. Yeah, I can still shed a tear if I think about him. 

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11 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

It is a frightening experience.

Heh Sgt, My oldest sister bought a St Bernard for her son when I lived at home still. (She got divorced and moved back home for awhile.) I was into Drag Racing at the time and it seemed, every time we were about to back the race car out of the garage to work on it,  The dog would crap in its way. Many times I would have to clean it up 3 times in a row. St. Bernards poop way more than a Doberman. She never had anything to do with the dog either. My dad feed it and took care of it. Her son never cared for it either. So I found someone who owned a farm and wanted the dog and arranged for him to get it when they were all away. Haha, My sister came home and my cousins were visiting us from Missouri at the time, and My sister was like. We have to find him? Everyone was out looking everywhere calling for him for hours. My uncle got in my car with me and was wondering why I wasn't calling for him?  So I told him the story and he laughed and said, Lets go have a donut and a cup of coffee! Lol. At least the dog had a much better home. 

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10 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

I pick up at least 15 pounds of the stuff in the yard each week. It's very therapeutic.  The 2 GSDs have figured out what I'm doing - and each will leave me a nice big steaming pile sometime in the 45 minutes it takes.   Sort of reminds me of Social Media.  

At one time we had Doggy Doodies.  We paid $5.00 to have them come over and clean the yard each week or maybe it was $10.00 twice a week? 

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12 hours ago, Retired said:

At one time we had Doggy Doodies.  We paid $5.00 to have them come over and clean the yard each week or maybe it was $10.00 twice a week? 

I buy more dog food with the money I save by  doing it myself.   Plus I get to keep what I pick up and put it on the doorstep of my neighbor who just put out a "BETO For Governor" political sign -  9 months before the election. 

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13 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

I buy more dog food with the money I save by  doing it myself.   Plus I get to keep what I pick up and put it on the doorstep of my neighbor who just put out a "BETO For Governor" political sign -  9 months before the election. 

I hope you put it in a paper bag, and lit it on fire. With a nice fresh one in it.

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