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1 hour ago, NighthawkChris said:

Freedom of speech isn’t exercised on a corporate forum. By the logic that I’m allowed to say whatever I want here in this exact forum, why can’t I go into my work’s office and start saying stuff I feel I should be allowed to say. Freedom of speech right? No. There’s a time and place for everything and free speech as people now a days call it isn’t for a corporate controlled forum. Why is it so hard for people to understand this forum is a program o someone else’s computer and they only want the crap they want to be on again, THEIR computer. You want free speech make your own server and let the wackos abroad say whatever they want. See where that gets ya… can someone please quote the first amendment. Let’s interpret it and figure out if Gibson is violating this. I’ll stand corrected if they are in violation. I’m going with just follow the posted rules or go to another forum that lets you add the types of “free” speech you want. 

Are you saying American Companies, their Employees or People who represent them & put programs on Computers are exempt from Laws? Where is it written an American Citizen needs to do anything to be allowed Freedom of Speech in America? Anywhere. Including on a Computer..

Common sense, good judgment & courtesy should be exercised.. But, disagreeing about things, asking questions, debating & sometimes pushing back when you think your point about a subject is valid, correct & matters should not be cause for someone to be banned? We’re all big Boys.. You gotta have thick skin once in a while..

I think in most cases Threads should be allowed to play out.. 

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Are you allowed for the purposes of free expression to start picketing in front of my house however you like? Same thing, are companies allowed to let their computer they pay for - their property - to host anyone’s posts? It’s not breaking the law to delete your post as in they are not giving you your First Amendment rights. In order to debate like adults we have to agree on the facts. Are we saying Gibson is acting as they are exempt from the laws by choosing to remove content from this forum they so choose? And let’s get this “free speech” stuff out of here and start referring to the First, the law… I think we can both agree on that, no?

I’m holding you to it. You asked if companies just because its in a computer are exempt from the law. I’m saying no, but what laws are being broken here that we are so upset about how moderation/admin is handling things here? 

I’m saying no one is exempt from the Constitution. At least, that’s how it should be according to the founding fathers of the USA. 

If some mod around here wanted to delete your post because they disagree - which I don’t believe is happening - it’s still not violating the First. You would lose your case in the court of law given you had the best lawyers and unlimited moneys to build a legal defense. Yes would be extreme, but would you even have a case if it were a bigger deal?

Edited by NighthawkChris
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1 minute ago, ksdaddy said:

Better plan on pointing out the exact sentence that put it over the edge or the torches and pitchforks will come.

Lol... My pitchfork is sharper and has a longer reach. 😈

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11 hours ago, Larsongs said:

Are you saying American Companies, their Employees or People who represent them & put programs on Computers are exempt from Laws? Where is it written an American Citizen needs to do anything to be allowed Freedom of Speech in America? Anywhere. Including on a Computer..

Common sense, good judgment & courtesy should be exercised.. But, disagreeing about things, asking questions, debating & sometimes pushing back when you think your point about a subject is valid, correct & matters should not be cause for someone to be banned? We’re all big Boys.. You gotta have thick skin once in a while..

I think in most cases Threads should be allowed to play out.. 

George Washington^^^

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Read the 1st amendment(those able to) carefully, and you'll notice the wording...

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to    assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Looks to me like it reads that CONGRESS shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.  Says NOTHING about disallowing anybody else from doing so.

People have been misreading and misinterpreting the first amendment to suit their own purpose just as others have been doing the same with the second amendment. 


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