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Thread Killing

Mr. Gibson

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20 minutes ago, Mr. Gibson said:

Can we talk about thread killing and not get the thread killed? Should thread killing carry the punishment of life without parole? These questions keep me up at night. That and caffeine.

I'm hiding in the corner right now scarred to answer those questions.

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A thread walks into a bar and orders a shot and a beer.  The bartender says "We don't serve threads in here, get lost!"  So the thread goes into an ally, messes up his hair, un-tucks his shirt, and scuffs up his shoes.  He then goes back into the bar and orders a shot and a beer again.  The bartender says "I thought I told you we don't serve threads!"  The thread says "What thread?  I'm a frayed knot, now gimme that beer!" 

Edited by CNJ
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I think the locked threads have been... Well, it's by the book, and it's not my forum. But so much has changed. When we're facing a guy who might actually nuke European countries, I thnk that's beyond politics. 

But hey - that's me. I could be wrong. 

I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who thinks I am, though. 


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It's quite simple really,  and it's an answer we already know.

Moderators have the task to monitor what is posted close threads that don't abide by the forums rules.

This forum tolerates a lot of crap that in other places, the authors would get one or two cracks at it, and then the ban bat comes out.


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Try making a thread about hating celebrities or sticking it to Putin on The Gear Page… you’ll find out how tolerant they are there to that kind of stuff. Instant action practically, one chance. If you don’t learn your lesson you’re banned for weeks or months… or permanently. Rules are rules. I was surprised how long the political crap persisted personally.  

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6 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

The topic of the thread was not political.  Some musicians are celebrities - thread was pretty on topic and then someone injected politics into it.   Putin was not involved.  

Referring to the other threads that were “killed”. And hating celebrities crosses a fine line because a lot of people dislike celebrities because of their outspoken political stances. Some stay on topic and then you have those that like to gaslight. You know it and I know it. Are we flipping adults or what? 

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28 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

There is a fine line between 'politics' and 'current events' too.  Talking about Putin's war isn't political until someone makes it political with their comments.  So that gives them the power to have threads deleted.  🤷‍♂️ Whatever, I don't really care what gets deleted.  It's all ephemera. 

An excellent point well made. 

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The reason there is a fine line ...a 'Thin, Gray Line'  between politics and current events   and between politics and celebrities   and between politics and religion   and between politics and the weather   and between politics and sports   and between politics and  healthcare, education and  transportation ...

Is because everything  - EVERY subject under the sun has been made political.  Protest songs ?   Instruments made in China?   Prime Time TV ?  Even the commercials  for soap. 

All we can safely talk about here is weather .... whoops!   WHETHER we use Medium or Light strings.   Or how many versions of the J45 there are.  Amps.  Russian tubes.... ?   Danger Will Robinson !  Sooner or later, someone will interpret a comment as political,  and double down.     Moderating a forum is like herding baby sharks. 


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Yep.  Might be counterproductive to ban people, forums need members ! Controversial ones tend to keep it alive, even if they are sometimes a PITA.   But I'd freeze the thread for a week so that people coming back to it can figure out what language, behavior got it shut down.  Otherwise, people (like me)  don't learn from their mistakes, because we assume it was the other guy !   No question in my mind that we have too much divisive bs everywhere  - and do not need it here.   And the best way to keep it out is, as Barney Fife would tell Andy "Nip it in the bud." 

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Knee jerk reactions have been something I've fought all my life. I usually lose. I'm getting better. 

I have a friend and co-worker who is in lock step with those diametrically opposed to me politically and in his half passive-aggressive/half Asperger's way, he will often touch on a subject to try and flare me up so he can play the victim. I've gotten very good at shrugging and claiming ignorance or lack of memory, thus disarming him.

Sometimes we have to do the same in forums.

"Takes two to tango"

"This is not the hill to die on"

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I thought this was going to be about sewing or mending.  [wink]

But it's just another aimless "sewing circle"  :rolleyes:

Well at least "sewing circle" is much nicer than calling it a "circle jerk". [thumbup]


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What I find it's usually the same two or three members that have a habit of not only posting questionable "threads," but hijacking other members threads.

So rather than ban a member, I found this nice little lever I can pull and every post these same two or three members make will have to be approved by a moderator. 

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6 minutes ago, duane v said:

So rather than ban a member, I found this nice little lever I can pull and every post these same two or three members make will have to be approved by a moderator. 

Awesome idea! 

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I may not like how my content is moderated on a particular site - I.e. on someone else’s computer - but if I don’t like it I go elsewhere. No complaints of how I’m moderated, it is what it is. If I ran my own server I’d be regulating how users interacted. It would be exactly how I like it to be. So the invite is there… whip up your own server, install the app that everyone logs into and dumps their text. Sounds simple enough… build you own platform, I dare you. So either enjoy the ride or git off! When you come to my house take your shoes off. Same concept. 

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10 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Not mine.  That's all I know.   

But then too, I don't believe ANY of the mods own it either.  [wink]  


Put a bar of soap in your mouth and go stand in the corner right now.

I work with a girl who just graduated High School and we were talking the other day. She never heard of having your mouth washed out with soap.

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12 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Not mine.  That's all I know.   

But then too, I don't believe ANY of the mods own it either.  [wink]  


But we are tasked with moderating the content..... like it or not. 

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But then, you come along to the Gibson forums, there is discussion of a single pickup Les Paul, and it is gone.  How about locking it and leaving it so people can see the example of what went wrong?  It is literally a crapshoot as to what you can and can't post, because posts that clearly violate the rules linger and simmer while posts that are...well, who knows?  I get that it isn't an easy job, it just always devolves into a dark mystery as to what one can and can't say because the violations are taken down without comment, or it appears to be just plain old personal.  If two or three contributors are causing a problem, lock the thread, give them a week off, show everybody what you can't do here.  Rules are much easier to follow when they are clearly enforced, not clearly written.


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