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Message for the forum from JDGM


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2 hours ago, ksdaddy said:

You have the support, high hopes, and prayers from your forum family. We will be thinking of you. 

I even tried playing some guitar exercises this morning, drifting in and out of the haze.... Downstrokes OK but up/backstrokes no good, so alternate picking needs attention.... Which  is backstrokes too.

Morphine.....f***, what a state|

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22 hours ago, jdgm said:

I even tried playing some guitar exercises this morning, drifting in and out of the haze.... Downstrokes OK but up/backstrokes no good, so alternate picking needs attention.... Which  is backstrokes too.

Morphine.....f***, what a state|

oh boy John,  yea morphine drip makes for a loopy day ...  is it automatic or do you have a button to push that has a timer on it ?

Edited by Karloff
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On 6/7/2024 at 7:11 PM, jdgm said:


Hey John I note your comments about laxatives mate.

I've done the whole range of opioids and have been on Tramadol for years.  Same problem with constipation but recently have been having success with this stuff. https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/60898/osmolax-laxative-powder-30-dose-510g-macrogol-constipation-relief-with-no-salty-taste-flavour-free-amp-salt-free?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgovsk33_1NhgOf8ZupjcDSCIMEjpxH34_gwOuRUusOOUk6NswSk-e6BoCKNAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Not sure if strengths differ but I find this keeps me right for 4 or 5 days, sometimes longer.

Sending my best wishes to you my friend.

On 6/7/2024 at 7:11 PM, jdgm said:






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As someone who has experienced many of the same things one on top of another and knows what it’s like, I’m pulling for you.  Hang in there, my friend.  It will suck at first, but things do eventually get better.  And it’s a great feeling when it does.

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On 6/19/2024 at 4:40 PM, Karloff said:

John,  how are you today ?

Many thanks for asking.

I was due at hospital for a scan which is where they mark the parts of your body they are going to hit with the High-intensive radiotherapy.  However I got a message the night before saying all the internal phone systems were down and I should phone a particular number and ext I the morning, in which case  their transport Would collect me at the allotted time to be there for the appointment. I was woken from a fine deep sleep by the carer who comes to help me wash, gets me cereal and tea for breakfast, very nice lady, but before any of that could happen I asked her to make a bit of room for me to get my legs off the edge of the bed. She was going on about how I shouldn't be left alone to fend for myself at night while I was hauling myself up with the crutch, and that was when it happened. Instead of getting up and balanced, because my right leg is now weaker than the left I went flying into the wall and she only just managed to stop me totally collapsing and really injuring myself. Ambulance had to be called 2-hr (that's quick) agonising wait, terrible journey to hospital, yet another assessment in A&E and then I'm taken to, guess where, the, ****  covid ward.  Now every new ward you go to has it's own medical assessment and pharmacist who makes changes to your meds. This one decided I was having far too much morphine, stopped my slow release pills for a single 20ml dose and I can'trember now if I got any paracetamol.

Result was one of the 3 or 4 most agonising nights I've had since this started. I phoned each of my sisters in tears this morning and to cut a long story short, got the meds I should be having  the slow-release ones And had the CT preparation scan I should have come here for in the 1st place. So my day has got 100% better.  

Thanks again for your email and for asking, Doug.  It means a lot to me... One of my fave forum pics is of you digging into some Trower;  looks a smallish gig but you're giving it Some!

Edited by jdgm
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7 minutes ago, jdgm said:

Many thanks for asking.

I was due at hospital for a scan which is where they mark the parts of your body they are going to hit with the High-intensive radiotherapy.  However I got a message the night before saying all the internal phone systems were down and I should phone a particular number and ext I the morning, in which case  their transport Would collect me at the allotted time to be there for the appointment. I was woken from a fine deep sleep by the carer who comes to help me wash, gets me cereal and tea for breakfast, very nice lady, but before any of that could happen I asked her to make a bit of room for me to get my legs off the edge of the bed. She was going on about how I shouldn't be left alone to fend for myself at night while I was hauling myself up with the crutch, and that was when it happened. Instead of getting up and balanced, because my right leg is now weaker than the left I went flying into the wall and she only just managed to stop me totally collapsing and really injuring myself. Ambulance had to be called 2-hr (that's quick) agonising wait, terrible journey to hospital, yet another assessment in A&E and then I'm taken to, guess where, the, ****  covid ward.  Now every new ward you go to has it's own medical assessment and pharmacist who makes changes to your meds. This one decided I was having far too much morphine, stopped my slow release pills for a single 20ml dose and I can'trember now if I got any paracetamol.

Result was one of the 3 or 4 most agonising nights I've had since this started. I phoned each of my sisters in tears this morning and to cut a long story short, got the meds I should be having in hiding the slow-release ones And had the CT preparation scan I should have come here for in the 1st place. So my day has got 100% better.  

Thanks again for your email and for asking, Doug.  It means a lot to me... One of my fave forum pics is of you digging into some Trower;  looks a smallish gig but you're giving it Some!

Dear God John I'm sorry.  Thank God you finally got the right meds back. Hang in there 🙏 

Ty for the kind words. You're in my thoughts n prayers 🙏 

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I am becoming an expert on this now. My near-infallible solution is vanilla ice cream, runny, followed after 10 mins or so with hot tea.

The ultimate solution is a large raspberry and orange (or something more exotic) fruit juice. That does it!!!!


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