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One step in the right direction. ( I GUESS)

Steven Tari

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My wife's teaching me how to use spell checker. Both my computers are different and it takes time. I'm also playing Spelling games. She said just because I'm old ,I shouldn't let the opportunity go to better myself. Oh by the way this has been checked for spelling. ;)

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I just installed IE8 and the default page is one called "This page cannot be displayed" and another favorite is "Internet Explorer has stopped working". I LOVE those pages! They're so white and barren and MUCH more entertaining than anything on ebay, craigslist, or this forum. And they seem to really like me! I can't go five minutes without one of them popping up to say 'hi!'.


Seems like I never had much trouble with IE5 or 5.5 (whatever). Is Windows going through it's own Norlin/CBS era where they go downhill more every day?


Anyone else having trouble with IE8? Or would I be better off using Mozilla or Chrome or something else?

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I just installed IE8 and the default page is one called "This page cannot be displayed" and another favorite is "Internet Explorer has stopped working". I LOVE those pages! They're so white and barren and MUCH more entertaining than anything on ebay' date=' craigslist, or this forum. And they seem to really like me! I can't go five minutes without one of them popping up to say 'hi!'.


Seems like I never had much trouble with IE5 or 5.5 (whatever). Is Windows going through it's own Norlin/CBS era where they go downhill more every day?


Anyone else having trouble with IE8? Or would I be better off using Mozilla or Chrome or something else?[/quote']


I have to say I actually like the new IE8 when you update it with the fixes, otherwise it crashes when you try to use your fav's If you have been using Firefox then try and switch to IE8 it takes a little while to upload... The only thing I hate about Internet Explorer is the way it runs slow here and all the pics start as thumbnails...





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Man - spell checkers can let you down real bad - no mistakes here, but read after me.....


The Doctor's patients need patience whilst they wait for the weight to weigh them along the way.


A sail boat, on sale, was discussed, the disgust at the price was commented on by the crew (who crewed the boat) in crude language.


I'll walk down the aisle to the isle, and if singing is alowed, I'll sing aloud.

I ate eight bald eagles, and bawled when the Baron said the barren head needed a baste based on kneaded dough, doh! So I packed my bag and made a pact with the man, Paul, to not use the pawl until I began to pall.


The beech tree grew on the beach, and the bean had been in the bin. The bread was baked by a well bred man, a capital idea from the capitol city. But the diamond was 2 carat, shaped like a carrot and marked with a printer's caret.


Does a bicycle seller peddle pedals from his cellar?


The trooper was a trouper, as he came down the stair he gave me a stare, saying "tell me - who's going to tell me whose shoes us blues and twos?". He was a Sioux, threatened to sue, but his case was not worth a sou according to Sue. But it was best not to meddle in his affairs - he had a medal, made of metal to attest to his mettle.


He reads instructions on plaiting reeds but will take no rede on the matter. The resisters against tone said the resistors were blown, being made of bone they blew too easily, turning blue. Then they became bolder and threw a boulder at me.


The bole weevil ate from a bowl and drowned the boos of the crowd with booze. A mixture of flour and flower petals, by the fourth bowl he was ready to go forth. But short of money he took out a loan, just the one, a sort of lone loan.


If you pee pea green and I take a peek at your off peak pee, will you suffer from pique..... if I peek?


The hunter prays to God, preys on his quarry and gives praise for the kill.


The drummers cymbal is a symbol of his craft, but a rheumy roomie in a roomy apartment needs to hit the road, unless he rode up on a horse, with a hoarse voice, and rowed away in the floods.


English. The most wonderful language in the world. And the hardest to get your head around.....

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Man - spell checkers can let you down real bad - no mistakes here' date=' but read after me.....


The Doctor's patients need patience whilst they wait for the weight to weigh them along the way.


A sail boat, on sale, was discussed, the disgust at the price was commented on by the crew (who crewed the boat) in crude language.


I'll walk down the aisle to the isle, and if singing is alowed, I'll sing aloud.

I ate eight bald eagles, and bawled when the Baron said the barren head needed a baste based on kneaded dough, doh! So I packed my bag and made a pact with the man, Paul, to not use the pawl until I began to pall.


The beech tree grew on the beach, and the bean had been in the bin. The bread was baked by a well bred man, a capital idea from the capitol city. But the diamond was 2 carat, shaped like a carrot and marked with a printer's caret.


Does a bicycle seller peddle pedals from his cellar?


The trooper was a trouper, as he came down the stair he gave me a stare, saying "tell me - who's going to tell me whose shoes us blues and twos?". He was a Sioux, threatened to sue, but his case was not worth a sou according to Sue. But it was best not to meddle in his affairs - he had a medal, made of metal to attest to his mettle.


He reads instructions on plaiting reeds but will take no rede on the matter. The resisters against tone said the resistors were blown, being made of bone they blew too easily, turning blue. Then they became bolder and threw a boulder at me.


The bole weevil ate from a bowl and drowned the boos of the crowd with booze. A mixture of flour and flower petals, by the fourth bowl he was ready to go forth. But short of money he took out a loan, just the one, a sort of lone loan.


If you pee pea green and I take a peek at your off peak pee, will you suffer from pique..... if I peek?


The hunter prays to God, preys on his quarry and gives praise for the kill.


The drummers cymbal is a symbol of his craft, but a rheumy roomie in a roomy apartment needs to hit the road, unless he rode up on a horse, with a hoarse voice, and rowed away in the floods.


English. The most wonderful language in the world. And the hardest to get your head around.....[/quote']


MAN! I hated school when I went. Now I remember why.=D>

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Eye spell cheque awl my mail bee fore sending it.


Sew hear is a poem two my spell cheque soft wear.




****** Ode to Spell Check! ******



Eye halve a spelling chequer

It came with my pea sea

It plainly marques four my revue

Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.


Eye strike a key and type a word

And weight four it two say

Weather eye am wrong oar write

It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid

It nose bee fore two long

And eye can put the error rite

Its rare lea ever wrong.


Eye have run this poem threw it

I am shore your pleased two no

Its letter perfect awl the weigh

My chequer tolled me sew.


-Sauce unknown


Notes =D>

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I think it's great that you're working on your spelling, Steve. I consider myself to be a very good speller and used to be better until I started hanging out on internet message boards where there is some really bloody butchering of the language going on.


Some people think it's unfair, but the reality is that others judge a person's level of intelligence to some degree when they find spelling errors in what that person wrote. Incorrect spelling on a message board isn't much of a problem unless you're butting heads with someone and they decide to rip apart your spelling or grammar because they can't think of a better rebuttal but misspelled words on a job application is a huge problem.


Good for you, man! It's never too late to learn or improve! O:)

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Thank You. I'm finding it kinda hard, because the way I pronounce a word ain't the way it's spelt. Also my MSN Explorer on this computer I'm haveing a hard time finding spell checker. I found it on the other one fine.

My Brother Guest that was fun with those tounge twisters after a couple beers.O:)

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Well, what I use for spell checking is Mozilla Firefox web browser for message boards and email (I use a browser based email service) and sometimes dictionary.com. Another handy trick is simply typing a word into Google and, if you misspell the word, it'll ask if you meant something else. You can also type into the Google search box define:word and it'll give you results from various dictionaries if you want to look up the meaning of a word.

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Spell checker sometimes can't figure out what Eye'm trying to spell.


I have that same problem. Like I said it's hard to find the proper spelling, If it don't know what your trying to say. I tried to find fistacated for a piece I was doing. I was told later it had a sa in front of it. Sophisticated. OK Give you a good example. We can always tell people from out of town. WE say Nofuk They say Nore folk, We say Poetsmoth, They say Ports mouth. I know there spelt like that but you won't see a native say it like that.

Any one else have that problem where they live? Or is it just me? :o

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Way to go Steve.

Rich largely spoke for me already, but here's a few additions.



Some people think it's unfair' date=' but the reality is that others judge a person's level of intelligence to some degree when they find spelling errors in what that person wrote.[/quote']

If your spelling and grammar suck, and nobody is telling you, you need to run with a smarter bunch of people.






Incorrect spelling on a message board isn't much of a problem unless you're butting heads with someone and they decide to rip apart your spelling or grammar because they can't think of a better rebuttal but misspelled words on a job application is a huge problem.

Who - me?



My wife and I were discussing this several years ago.

As a teacher' date=' the battle for her begins anew every school year.

With all the witty forum/chat/texting abbreviations and expressions now in use, how will ANYBODY complete a job application without spellcheck?


I always had a knack for it, but I was a voracious reader as soon as I could sit up in a diaper.

I was in the State Spelling Bee when I was in 6th grade, so I know my aptitude is somewhat geared for proper wording.

Writing technical procedures at work, I find horrible mistakes all the time that have been overlooked for years.

The other day, [b']insure[/b] was used where it should have been ensure. Completely different worlds.



As clearly illustrated above, spelling is just the beginning.

Proper usage is where the trick is.

Spellcheck can spell it correctly, but your intent is subject to no such guidance.


Personally, I have a draft saved in my email.

When proper spelling of a word gives me pause, I type it in the draft and it alerts me if it's spelled wrong.

Same goes for internet search engines where auto-complete tries to guess the word you want to enter.

Type in the first few letters and see what the program gives you for the complete word - usually a safe bet.


Like many people, I type pretty much as I would speak in person so I take some artistic license from time to time.

Still, for the most part I think people who type and spell poorly are usually not very articulate in person.






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There's nothing more frustrating than being able to read at College Level and spell like a grade schooler. I think I may be a bit dyslexic, specially with numbers. Or I just harbored bad study habits as a child.

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