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This is B.S.!

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Yeah that's those independent baptist. Most of them are/can be pretty strict to the point of legalism.


There was this guy who I think was on american idol (didn't win) who used to go to an independent baptist college. He was told not to go to a christian concert or he wouldn't graduate. He went, they kept his degree, basically kicked him out of school. Now he's a professional contemporary christian artist doing his thang making music.


Please don't group all Christians into this camp nor all baptist into that camp. I'm baptist, but not independent baptist and I have no problem with my kids going to prom.

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Yeah that's those independent baptist. Most of them are/can be pretty strict to the point of legalism.


There was this guy who I think was on american idol (didn't win) who used to go to an independent baptist college. He was told not to go to a christian concert or he wouldn't graduate. He went' date=' they kept his degree, basically kicked him out of school. Now he's a professional contemporary christian artist doing his thang making music.


Please don't group all Christians into this camp nor all baptist into that camp. I'm baptist, but not independent baptist and I have no problem with my kids going to prom.[/quote']


Naw i think i will continue to group you guys together.

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Of course you will.

I wouldn't expect anything less from an enlightened soul such as yourself.

You despise Christianity. It's a typical response similar to those who share your amoral, agnostic, anything-goes, God-hating lifestyle.

We wouldn't expect anything less from you or your ilk.

Your narrow minded, pig-headed post is just another example of your inability to except the fact that there are some Christian denominations out there that are pretty fundamental.

We get it.

Unfortunately you in your never ending quest to bash all things Christian, don't get it.


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Jocko's right on the mark

They young man and his parents signed a contract stating that they agreed with the school's policies.

No dancing, no rock music, no holding the hand of a girl, no public displays of affection. What ever.

If he does violate the standards of conduct (that's what it's usually called), then the school is free to pursue appropriate discipline.

Some religious schools use standards of conduct agreements. Not all.

Don't judge everyone by the actions of a few.

Unfortunately, some will.

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Zealots make me nervous , now matter what they spend their Zeal on. Strict religious cults can take an ugly turn very easily. Jones Town, Waco, Heavens Gate, and the like are warning signs. That's not to say Christianity is responsible for their extreme behavior, and to "blame" Christianity and it's followers shows a general misunderstanding of the difference between Cult and Religion.


Starting threads like this with the intention of pissing off Christians is weak, superficial, self-defeating, and shows a level of malice that's more than a little disturbing. Some of my best friends are Devout Christians, to call them Cultists or Zealots is the same as calling me Immoral an Heretical with out empirical evidence.

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Of course you will.

I wouldn't expect anything less from an enlightened soul such as yourself.

You despise Christianity. It's a typical response similar to those who share your amoral' date=' agnostic, anything-goes, God-hating lifestyle.

We wouldn't expect anything less from you or your ilk.

Your narrow minded, pig-headed post is just another example of your inability to except the fact that there are some Christian denominations out there that are pretty fundamental.

We get it.

Unfortunately you in your never ending quest to bash all things Christian, don't get it.



I was joking, Jeezy Creezy stop being so sensitive.

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I blame the parents who force their children to go to a "school" like that. First class idiots, and they should have their kids removed from their homes. That kind of crap is as bad as the fundamentalist muslims.

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I am being very careful with my reply not to upset the apple cart. You have to understand the extreme quest these people are on. We have a school in this area just like that school where the girls are not allowed to wear pants and the guys can't wear jeans etc..... Is it right or wrong I truly do not know; what I know is that when you go to this type of school its very close to cult like status. They control everything and since this youngman is a member of the school he is held by a contract to do as they preach and will not do anything that will go against those rules. I know others who graduated those schools and some turned out to be good people but most turned out to be against this total control of ones lives. So without approving of this school I do know that these contract do exist and if the young man goes against the beliefs of the school and its religious beliefs he will pay the cost of not graduation and there is NOTHING he can do. His options are to hang out with the girlfriend and not go to the prom but this brings up another point; majority of these schools do not allow for and b-friend and g-friend relationships. No public display of any form of affection' date=' and he has a signed contract stating he will not do this. As close to graduation his only option if he wants to graduate is stay home and not go to the prom. Its funny most of those who are like this school its a huge front. People like this school will be the first ones at the titty (nude is thats a barred word) bar and committing most of the Thou shall not's and asking for forgiveness the following Sunday.


I do not like what these people are doing to the youngman but all things considered he and his parents knew what they were getting into when they signed up for this school and he has been there for his high school years. Just because he changed his mind does not mean the school will change their beliefs.[/quote']


Good post Guitarest, IMO it is right and wrong. In America we have freedom of religion and if the parents of children chose this strict interpretation of Christianity then I see nothing wrong. It's not what I chose for me and my family, but who am I or any of you to determine what is right for someone else? Especially when it has no effect on you. I find it very unproductive to fault another persons religion.

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