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Us white guys have NEVER been cool. Ever.

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Hey Homz' date='

That looked like you on bass.


And that middle indian girl was my grandmomma. She still wears that suit around town. EWWW![/quote']


I'm getting ill just considering my little blue haired grandmomma in a skimpy outfit.

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I'm sorry I saw that vid. I'm even more sorry to say that this guy is from Denmark. He died in 2003 from a heartattack said to be caused by an increased alcohol abuse. Mind you, not all Danish people are like that. Also this was recorded in '77.


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I'm sorry I saw that vid. I'm even more sorry to say that this guy is from Denmark. He died only a few years ago. Mind you' date=' not all Danish people are like that. Also this was recorded in '77.[/quote']


dont worry about it. Everyone was gay in 77.

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cool enough - they were having fun with skimpy girls


better than watching the stock market flush itself on every news channel 24-7


I miss the 70's life was a whole lot clearer and simpler even with the drugs




I am going to get a camera and keyboard and find me some girls that would dress up in skimpy Indian outfits and recreate those 7 minutes of epicness and have the video played at my funeral.


He wants your soul.


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