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Today I contemplated ....


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Through early morning fog I see


visions of the things to be


the pains that are withheld for me


I realize and I can see...


that suicide is painless


It brings on many changes


and I can take or leave it if I please.


I try to find a way to make


all our little joys relate


without that ever-present hate


but now I know that it's too late, and...


The game of life is hard to play


I'm gonna lose it anyway


The losing card I'll someday lay


so this is all I have to say.


The only way to win is cheat


And lay it down before I'm beat


and to another give my seat


for that's the only painless feat.


The sword of time will pierce our skins


It doesn't hurt when it begins


But as it works its way on in


The pain grows stronger...watch it grin, but...


A brave man once requested me


to answer questions that are key


is it to be or not to be


and I replied 'oh why ask me?'


'Cause suicide is painless


it brings on many changes


and I can take or leave it if I please.


...and you can do the same thing if you please.

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Killin yerself is like letting the other side win!


Not worth it



True, stick around just to piss off the people who want you gone =D>



Seriously though, definatly not something to joe about. Oftentimes people joke about it and people joke about it so much that it's hard to tell when a person is actually serious.

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Its the ultimate act of selfishness....


I see the results of it on a weekly basis...


I see the results of it on a daily basis. I am a social worker. I get upset when people say it's selfish' date=' because the person who is suicidal is not thinking selfishly.... they just want the pain to stop. The problem is, suicide is a forever thing, and forever is a long time. Yes, life is about ups and downs, and there [b']is[/b] always something good waiting around the corner. But it's hard to convince someone who is suicidal of that notion. They are not thinking straight at the time. That is why it's not a selfish act on their part; they aren't being selfish, they just want the discomfort or pain to end now.


Callen, if you're feeling down, you need to phone someone or connect with someone in your town. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma attached to this kind of thing because the 'old school' way of thinking promoted the idea that those who are feeling down are *weak*. Modern science will tell you otherwise. Mental health is no different, and no less important and valid, as physical health. If your neurotransmitters are firing off unbalanced chemicals, you're going to 'feel lousy in your head'. You need to seek help the same way you would if you had a broken ankle, infected cut, inflamed eyelid, etc.


"It's not about avoiding the storm, it's about learning to dance in the rain."

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I see the results of it on a daily basis. I am a social worker. I get upset when people say it's selfish' date=' because the person who is suicidal is not thinking selfishly.... they just want the pain to stop.[/quote']

Thank you for contributing that angle on it, Gilliangirl. Folks listen to her! I lost my sister and my closest friend to it - and it makes me furious when people make light of it or pull the 'selfish' argument and so on. Unless you *really* have some legitimate and important thoughts or questions about it, it's a thing best left alone. By the time you know it's serious, it's too late... It's the ultimate human tragedy.




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PM me if you get those feelings again. You can even call me.


callen I think most of us feel that way. If you get those feelings again PLEASE call one of us, we will listen. Life is a precious thing, don't waste it. You were put here for a purpose. You're in my prayers pal.

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If you are young it might be part of the reason it crosses your mind, contradictory but it is part of life. Just hang on.


Sometimes we want to think we have options to feeling the way we do, but suicide is not one of them.


My neighbour across the street killed himself recently in his own home, 55 years old and the nicest guy. Everytime I see his Harley in the garage I still think he is going to come out any minute but he ain't coming. RIP

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Thank you for contributing that angle on it' date=' Gilliangirl. Folks listen to her! I lost my sister and my closest friend to it - and it makes me furious when people make light of it or pull the 'selfish' argument and so on. Unless you *really* have some legitimate and important thoughts or questions about it, it's a thing best left alone. By the time you know it's serious, it's too late... It's the ultimate human tragedy.




Don't get me wrong people its a tragedy.. full stop, any death is regardless of the cause or the circumstances surrounding it. I do believe suicide to be a selfish act based on the wake of social destruction from one persons actions and how many life's that ruins. It doesn't bare thinking how desperate a person must be to do that . I have lost three very good friends through suicide, two of them were fellow police officers. One of those within the last year. People have their problems, some people speak whilst others keep it inside, some people carry on, some people don't. At work I see the initial suicides (The scene) onto telling friends and family, then spending many occasions visiting people who have fallen of the social rail as a result. I think suicide is selfish, that person is no longer suffering, but everyone around them is...


Even as a police officer, that has some effect on me..



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I'm sorry for your losses, flight. I didn't think about your posting in particular - it's the widespread 'selfish' and 'useless' type argumentation that I strongly oppose.


I know that those I lost had not a trifle of selfishness as a motive, it was utter pain and despair. I'm shivering as I type this, thinking of how they must have felt. Many suicides are even the result of other peoples selfishness or the social destruction of others.


It's so wrong when it happens. And yes, the things in the wake of it are terrible. There's only loss and pain for all involved. But unless the motive as such was in fact selfishness (and I can't really imagine that), then IMO it can't be called selfish neither technically nor morally.




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Respect to you DrJustice...

Unfortunately I spend 95% of my time dealing with 5% of the population, so some of my opinions are some what cynical or bias.. I don't intend to offend any person here or step on anyone's toes... its just my take on this and the way I get on with it..



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