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Smokers - you're gonna LOVE this....


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I hate cigarettes.

I hate tobacco in all forms.


I'm allergic to it, and though I never tested for it I felt the same effects being around marijuana - so I never smoked either.


That being said, there was an Arizona ballot initiative in 2004 to ban smoking statewide in public buildings - even bars.


Come ON!

In my life, I've rarely gone to bars except to watch a band - mainly because of the smoke.

On the other hand, I EXPECTED the places to be full of smoke because they are BARS.

It was my choice to stay or go, to vote with my wallet.



Okay, this is where I gotta draw the line on this feel-good social engineering bullsh!t.

I voted AGAINST that ballot initiative.


My Mom (who smoked until she turned 70) couldn't believe it at first.

All the people I know and work with who do not smoke voted for the ban despite my pleading with them not to.

I asked them all what they would do when somebody voted to come after them for something.....

They didn't seem terribly concerned.



Now I've seen everything.

Goodyear, Arizona is a western Phoenix suburb and their city council is always trying to keep up with the Joneses.

They came up with some stupid sh!t over the years - like requiring fire sprinkler systems to be installed in all new homes built. That got shot down, but they have passed some insidious laws infringing on every right you can imagine.


Now, my local paper ran this article today;




Goodyear goes smoke-free


Beginning July 1, all public parks and trails in Goodyear will be smoke-free.

The decision, which does not require a vote by the City Council, was announced in a press release Tuesday.


"By making parks smoke-free, the city will provide people of all ages with healthier, more pleasant environments for recreation and relaxation," said Nora Fascenelli, public information officer for Goodyear.


"The city also expects to see a reduction in litter once cigarette and tobacco use is no longer permitted," she said. "This in turn is likely to result in a small cost-savings, since cleanup and sanitation services will be reduced."


The policy decision was first discussed during a March 23 work session of the City Council.


Most council members said they support the ban.


Smoking at parks during city- sponsored events, such as the Holly Jolly Festival, is inappropriate, Vice Mayor Rob Antoniak said. The ban would protect the many children who attend those events from breathing secondhand smoke.


"I've got no problem with this," he said. "I don't think it's polite, appropriate or otherwise to be at those kinds of functions smoking at a public place."


Councilwoman Joanne Osborne said she supported a ban but also wanted to be conscious of smokers' rights.


"I have a little tug at me that says we are being a government that's trying to regulate our citizens' rights in an outdoor area," she said.


The public is invited to hear more about the policy, including how it will be enforced, during a meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday at City Hall, 190 N. Litchfield Road.





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Here in Illinois, smoking is banned in bars now, so you get to see a lot of drunk people standing outside. The sidewalks get littered with butts. I am 100% anti smoking, but it's a bar for cryin out loud.

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They banned smoking in Denver. And then started giving fines to bars for patrons blocking the sidewalks. A lot of the Denver bars have closed. Eye don't smoke quit 15 years ago. It was kinda nice to play a gig and go home not reeking of cigs. But it's a bar Come on.

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They banned smoking in Denver. And then started giving fines to bars for patrons blocking the sidewalks. A lot of the Denver bars have closed. Eye don't smoke quit 15 years ago. It was kinda nice to play a gig and go home not reeking of cigs. But it's a bar Come on.

In greece you can smoke any where even in a bank...lol. In new york they banned smoking in bars too.

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I quit smoking Jan. 1, '08 when Illinois banned smoking in bars, ect.


I still gig in smoking bars in Ky. A lot. And it was tough for awhile.


The smoking bans have hurt the live music business, whether you like it or not. It has. In some areas I gig, private clubs are exempt, and they have WAY bigger crowds.


DUI traffic stops, smoking bans, ect., have created, because of capitalism, smaller private parties that actually pay better, and have more freedom.


Damn, that must really p!ss off lawmakers.......


He, hee......



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created' date=' because of capitalism, smaller private parties that actually pay better, and have more freedom.


Damn, that must really p!ss off lawmakers....... [/quote']





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I've never smoked, nor do I intend to ever start, but the smoking ban is a terrible idea, and a violation of our rights. People have a right to smoke in the U.S., and in my opinion people should be able to smoke wherever they damn well please, ESPECIALLY in bars. I can understand the government taking away smoking in public places to protect minors and other victims of second hand smoke, but taking away smoking in bars? if people don't like the smoke in bars, then don't go to bars! it's going to hurt bars' businesses, and the tobacco industry.

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Smoking's been banned here in California for a while now. I was against it, even though I had already quit smoking by then. But now that it's in effect, and most Bars have designated smoking areas outside, it's 100% nicer to Sing and Play in a smoke free environment. The places are a lot cleaner and the food tastes better 'cause it's not covered in Nicotine Fallout.


Have you ever bought a used Amp from a smoker, And then the same used Amp from a Non Smoking house. The difference is astounding. Now imagine the glasses you drink out of at the Bar with smokers, or the plates that they bring the best Cheese Burger in the world on.


It probably doesn't need to be a law, but it would be nice if people had enough common sense and decency as to not smoke in public. And I'm not in any hurry to revoke that law.

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They've banned it here on Blighty too. All public buildings, bars, cafes, hotels - even in your room.

Next they'll ban it in your own home and out on the highway.


I gave up (finally, having tried MANY times before) on July 4th 2000.

But like some other non-smokers here I am totally against the ban.


What next?


Fines for farting in public

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In Oz, they have banned smoking in pubs. It is FANTASTIC.


The doomsayers said it would be the end of live bands and it would kill the poker machine industry.


Nothing could be further from the truth.


You can see a band now without getting CANCER.


Rather than some of the comments posted on this thread, it is my right to see a band and not to inhale someone else's cancer, thanks very much.!

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No' date=' it's not promised by any document, but it is our right. We have a right to do whatever we want to ourselves, which includes smoking. [/quote']


Damn right. However, should smoking eventually cause some sort of medical problem in the smoker, I should have the option to keep the medicare cut that's taken out of my paycheck from going to people who smoke. That also goes for fast food eaters and heavy drinkers.

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Yeah, okay, whatever....

Bars where you can vote with your feet - stay or go....




But all public parks and trails?




THAT is what I can't believe.


All you guys talk about going outside to smoke, now what?



Don't misunderstand me, I LOVE the idea of not having to be around that sh!t, but OUTSIDE?

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You mean they have to go outside to smoke or go 3-4 hours without smoking?????!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my heart bleeds for them, let me tell ya. The part about parks and trails is probably because idiots start forest fires by flicking lit cigarettes. Littering too. Looks like they brought this law to be by voting for it with their fingers huh?

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We make the bar a private club by charging a dollar lifetime membership.


And smoke all we want.

Then they miss out on alot of non-smoking clients. Most people dont smoke. The numbers dont work there.


Oh and to the earlier arguement that said "What if they come after what you love next?" (paraphrased). Anyone can have that arguement thrown at them. If you start worrying about THAT all the time then no laws will ever be made about anything.

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These clubs already have a clientele and have had for years.

Smokers and non. No problem.


When I was in Hot Springs they passed a no smoking law, and the majority of the places that went smoke free went **** up within six months.

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Eye'm telling ya it killed bars in Denver. No smoking inside so they go outside and the bar gets ticketed for letting people stand outside and block the sidewalk. The only bars that stay in business are the ones with outside seating.


Eye don't like breathing all the smoke at a bar but guess what Eye chose to be a musician and to play in bars so tough luck for me.


It should be the owner of the bars choice

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Sitting next to a non smoker in a bar.


He leans over and says " did you know that I'm breathing half the smoke from those cigarettes?"


Yes I do. And you owe me for half a pack.


Pay up or shut up.

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Let me start off by saying that I'm a former smoker. I started smoking when I was 16. I was up to 1-2 packs a day by the time I stopped 3 years ago. I quit after I figured out that I was spending the equivalent of a Gibson Les Paul Standard every year on cigarettes. The government raises taxes on smokes whenever they want to because they know it's guaranteed revenue. I've heard some politicians justify more taxes on coffin nails by saying that the new high price will get some people to quit, and will deter new people from smoking. That's b.s. On the plus side, I can now smell things again, and taste food, and I don't get winded when I carry my 4X12 up the steps to a stage.


Here in Pgh, we have a ban on smoking...kind of. If an establishment gets a greater % of money from alcohol sales vs. food, people can smoke in there. Smoking is still allowed at most of the small bars I go to for shows. I think that people should be able to make decisions for themselves. The Mick is right. It should be up to the individual bar to decide if they want to be a smoking or non smoking establishment. I don't mind playing at smokey bars, but I've played gigs in bars that were smoke free, and it was pretty awesome.


I'm surprised that musicians don't embrace the ban on smoking in bars, just for their gears sake.


I don't think this issue can be resolved. Non-smokers are going to ask why they should be forced to breathe in 2nd hand smoke, and smokers are going to ask why they should have to change their behavior because of non-smokers whiney complaining. I agree with both.

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Not to keep beating the same point over and over, but alot of these smokers also voted for these laws with their lips. If they would quit blowing their damn smoke straight out in peoples faces instead of straight up (like I always did, in an enclosed area especially, when I smoked) they might not have gotten enough complaints to warrant this legislation. Not to mention having to wave their cigarettes around carelessly. Again, when I smoked, my cigarette was in my mouth or leaning in my ashtray. Not waving it around or holding it off to the side to share with everyone else. As a smoker i tried hard to be considerate of non-smokers. So, if you ask me, smokers basically asked for it. You know what they say, keep asking for something and you might get it one day.

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this is nothing new. In California all parks, public buildings, even beaches are off limits to smokers. You must smoke in designated places. Smoking in a car with children is definitely out too. You get a ticket for endangering you child.

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Yeah, I'm well aware of that.

I'm also the ONLY person in my family that never smoked.

My Dad quit when he was 40, my Mom when she was 70.

My younger sister doesn't, but all my other siblings still smoke, and all my aunts, uncles and cousins.

My sister in law just had her 5th baby, and smokes while breast-feeding.




The part about parks and trails is probably because idiots start forest fires by flicking lit cigarettes. Littering too.

Different issue.


I'm more Libertarian than "conservative" and it's funny how you can wind up shaking hands and agreeing with Liberals on some things....


Responsible smokers can destroy their health all they want to' date=' I don't care.


If I ever had a chance to build a venue to jam in - be it my own place or open as a bar - I would allow smoking.


[center']AND I HATE CIGARETTES![/center]


But drinking and smoking are inseparable for some people, as long as people can sit away from it then there's no issue.


An outside patio is fine, if weather permits then open ALL the doors on the place and smoke where ever.



The littering and fire problem is a problem in itself.

Here in Arizona, now that temps are well over 100 degrees every day and the air is so dry, we have fires in the brush along the side of the road every day - from tossed cigarettes.

There's no reason to EVER throw ANYTHING out the window of your car, butts, gum wrappers, soda cups, beer bottles...


I ride my motorcycle all over the deserts and mountains of this state, and cover lots of trails in my 4x4 truck.

Nothing pisses me off more than to be miles from the nearest human being, taking in the view from a remote vantage point that few people will ever even reach, and then see a fxcking cigarette butt on the ground.


People dump trash near my place all the time because I'm in the first real open desert you come to when leaving Phoenix to the west. Stolen cars turn up out here, and the occasional dead body from illegal alien smuggling.

Signs shot up, tires and trash in bags dumped on the road, even construction debris like broken concrete and lumber.



This all goes back to the same PEOPLE PROBLEM, not the fault of cigarettes, SUV's or guns.

It's the people.

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