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Windows 7


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I've been running Win 7 for about 2 1/2 months. I like it. Smoother. I changed my recording computer over to it, not sure if that was the smartest idea but there's only been a few glitches. I need to check on a MOTU driver, but before Win 7's actual release, I could run Win 7 in 'vista 64' mode to recognize MOTU driver. That sold me, I thought it was so cool.

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I'm with you' date=' got a mac a year ago and have not looked back. Not for gamers though, but that is what my XBOX 360 is for.[/quote']

Did you just games are for consoles...you gota watch it old school nerds murder when they see that.

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I'm with you' date=' got a mac a year ago and have not looked back. Not for gamers though, but that is what my XBOX 360 is for.[/quote']


Mac is definitely the way to go, the user interface is so friendly and easy to use, i love it


never getting a pc again, and i also have a 360


odd, i prefer the windows game system, but hate their computers...

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I also have a Mac at home. I love it! it's great for the more leisurely computer things - surfing the net, email, pictures, videos, music, etc. I made the mistake of buying iWorks (Apples version of MS Office), it sucks. I use a PC at work (Windows XP!) and MS Office is way better. Numbers (Excel wannabe) is horrible. I can't do anything with it. Glad I still have the option of using Excel at work.

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I just love my Mac Pro...i made it so juicy and with the upgrade to Snow Leopard' date=' its so much faster. (Boot time, 10 seconds. NO JOKE)[/quote']


Hmmm.... haven't upgraded any of my Macs to Snow Leopard yet. Might have to try it...

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It's wise to wait to install any software until it's been out for a while. That way, you let all the early adopters be guinea pigs. That said, every review I've read about Windows 7 is saying it's the best and most stable OS they've ever released... but I'm still waiting until after the new year.

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First off, not to sound like a broken record, but get a Mac.


Secondly, it boggles my mind that Microsoft gets away with releasing the bug infested, POS operating systems that they do. Remember Windows ME? Guess we are supposed to forget about that. Then they turn around and do the same with Windows Vista. Riiiiiight.


I work in a Windows shop so I am forced to deal with it. At home, you will *never* see my house infected with Windows.

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But they say that with EVERY release. It's like a metal band saying that every album "is their heaviest stuff yet!!!" muhahahahaha


But seriously, I work in the IT Sales Industry....reviews on Win 7 are good....but only cuz everyone is comparing to Vista which was a disaster in the business space anyway....

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^ Ha! Well it is my industry, so I guess I have an excuse....i don't hate PC's in general though....though i do hate my Lenovo laptop that I have to use at work. Gahhh!


As far as mac's go....if you're just internettin n stuff, you don't need to spend that kinda dough....

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Good lord we're a bunch of nerds... Not only do we discuss guitar gear to every pointless detail' date=' but now we're getting into a Windows vs. Mac debate. '](*,)

Well when it comes to MP3's Apple owns us

When it comes to comupters that dont light on fire (Hey apple only 3 houses lite on fire last year thxs to u guys, good job!) Microsoft is safe. =D>

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