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damn it!


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I got a new computer for christmas... a 21,5 imac and it's really nice... I tried to see if it was compatible with my audio interface and DAW controller and it was! But now trying to install the DAW I use it's not compatible!


I use Nuendo 2, never made it to #3 as there were lots of changes and I dind't have the time to learn all of them, and when I say changes I mean they changed all the thing, how it looks, how it works, how you set it up to record, how you save your projects... now they are in #4 (that got some weird new changes too!) and I go and see if it's upgradeable from 2 to 4 and it isn't (#3 isn't compatible with the new imac+interface+controller either).


So how much does #4 cost? Close to 2K... for a piece of software I don't even know how to start with! I think I'm gonna stick with my trusty robust PC for a while longer... maybe I'll get a pair of 22-24 inch monitors and more memory for it.


New tech sucks!!!


:-k[cool]#-o[angry] [angry] [angry] [angry][angry]

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[angry] [angry] [angry]

[angry] [angry]




But I still want a first gen robot guitar![cool]

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Ok, steinberg's (the makers of nuendo and cubase) official position is that both cubase 5 and nuendo 4 will be compatible with the new Imac line (cubase already is) and cubase 4 and nuendo 3 already are.


But, no word on cubase 3 and nuendo 2 (I own both DAW softwares) and no word on my interface working + the controller + new Imac + cubase3 or nuendo2


Now I have a nice computer that looks great and is all fancy but cannot use it for what it was bought for!

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Macs suck.

Get over it america.

Yea right. PCs are so much better, they give me time to turn it on, go to the head, get a cup of coffee, take my time to say good morning to everyone, and about the time I get back to my desk, it's almost ready to log in...almost. Yea they are so much better. If I used a Mac at work, I wouldn't have time for any of that, it would screw up my whole morning routine.

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Yea right. PCs are so much better' date=' they give me time to turn it on, go to the head, get a cup of coffee, take my time to say good morning to everyone, and about the time I get back to my desk, it's almost ready to log in...almost. Yea they are so much better. If I used a Mac at work, I wouldn't have time for any of that, it would screw up my whole morning routine.[/quote']


Try Windows 7... boots up just as fast as a Mac.


I use both quite a bit. They both have their strengths and weaknesses... neither better than the other.

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Yea right. PCs are so much better' date=' they give me time to turn it on, go to the head, get a cup of coffee, take my time to say good morning to everyone, and about the time I get back to my desk, it's almost ready to log in...almost. Yea they are so much better. If I used a Mac at work, I wouldn't have time for any of that, it would screw up my whole morning routine.[/quote']

Mac's are for lazy americans.

Speaks for the country as well!

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TG, in the end the software companies will get you. I bite the bullet every time and upgrade my software (just upgraded to CUBASE 5). I have both a PC and a Mac and there is not doubt that Mac's blow away PC's. It's not even close. The issue here is that if you don't upgrade then eventually your software will become obsolete whether it's running on a PC or a Mac. The question for you is how long do you want to hold out? Seems like you're willing to wait, but like death and taxes the day of retribution will be upon you. Good luck my friend...

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Do you know who you're talking to?



Yes i do acutal.

You see Macs are for lazy ppl because you dont really need to do anything once you get it.

On the other hand PC can last around 3 mac life times with upgrades and can be cheaper.

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What's up dem00n? Why all the negativity? Insulting people who own Mac's just isn't cool. If you have an intelligent argument then let's hear it. Otherwise' date=' chill out...[/quote']

This is me have an intelligent argument. :-



I think ill go into hiding mode now.

Cya on the other side. :-#

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Okay, here's the real frustration...


Regardless of which platform one might use - and I s'pose we might toss in Linux, too - a major problem does have to do with hardware and drivers.


TG, there used to be a number of driver web sites that might help...


My big complaint is the old Mac and PC "SCSI" or "Scuzzy" interface. I've a wonderful old Nikon film scanner - and a batch of other stuff - that simply don't work with the newer machines, either Mac or PC.


Then I've a couple of wonderful laser printers, ditto - both set up for parallel interface and my newest machines - 2 laptops and a nice dual core pentium - don't have the interface. Yeah, I could pull a card out of an old machine sitting in the closet, but then there's diddling with drivers again.


I've also had major problems getting updates to work with old software I prefer on both platforms. Nope; especially on the Mac, there are real problems. Vista on PC didn't work with a batch of them, so I didn't switch, but XP and supposedly Win 7 should. But I've gotta talk to my bro on 7. Frankly I'd prefer not changing until I've no choice for software reasons.


So... now I've OCR and photo scanning ability, but don't wanna spend the money for about 3 Grand in new software to replace what I've got that works just fine for my needs. Even if I had the cash, it'd go for a new guitar. <grin> I record audio rather well through a very simple little usb interface.


I dunno. I think both MS and the hardware and software makers, and Apple as well, kinda conspire to force us into new stuff when the old works faster and better, but with some fewer bells and whistles. I dunno...


Frankly I think you get more bang for the buck on PC platforms; Mac has some really nice specialty software that may work better for some applications, but you pay through the nose for it.


What really gets to me, though, is that this has been going on for the 30 years I've been into computers of increasing hardware capability but that end up going slower with "updated" applications because of more poorly written software. And yeah, I used to build my own and even mess some with writing code.



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Guys - you might want to set up virtual computers inside your computer to use your older software. I have some friends that have done that in the past. Not sure how to do that anymore as I personally had no use for it, but Milod, you may have the experience to do that. I too, build my own - but left code alone.

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I think we should all look in to helping rather than put down ones preferences. Thundergod has helped so many on the forums and still continues to do so. So rather then put down his computer, help him.


I wish I could help you Thundergod. I personally think you may have to bite the bullet on this one, I'm very sorry .

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