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Anybody around here witness some southern snow?


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Today it snowed in Florida for the first time in probably 20 years. I live right on the border of florida (southeast GA) and even though it was colder here, got no snow[crying] . Anyone else around the florida area who had better luck than me? I heard that Daytona got some snow!

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After our Christmas weekend blizzard - 2nd time in 6 years I've been unable to get the Jeep out and around - then the -22 this week...


Yeah, I know. Different rules in the south. Half an inch in Memphis and they'd cancel school and drive the parents nuts.



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We got some snow here in Atlanta. About 1-2 inches stuck to the ground. The roads were iced over pretty badly. Yup milod, people freak out in the south when just a little cold comes through. I have a bunch of friends down in Miami who start shivering when it drops below 65 degrees F.

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we got about 1" here in the Alabama foothills (1/2 way between Atlanta & Birmingham)

the shady part of our backyard still has snow standing, and theres still ice on the roads & in some parking lots.


but nothing like the "blizzard of '93" when we got 26" overnight, or the "ice storm of '88" when we got 8" of solid ice in a 4 hr period.


those happened in March & April respectively........it never gets serious here until then.

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I had a "work trip" on a cruise ship once in the so-called "winter" around Memphis and Little Rock where I was mostly working. Here I am quite lightly attired - short sleeve polo shirt, even - and in the Bahamas folks were wearing parkas.


I wudda laughed except I figured they're not really used to cold.


OTOH, I never felt comfy with the combination of heat and humidity around Memphis. Nashville was more comfy, but I s'pose the altitude was part of it.



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Today it snowed in Florida for the first time in probably 20 years. I live right on the border of florida (southeast GA) and even though it was colder here' date=' got no snow[crying'] . Anyone else around the florida area who had better luck than me? I heard that Daytona got some snow!


What's the latitude and elevation? The reason I ask is that I live in a more temperate area than florida but we've had no snow recorded since records began.

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Like ChanMan said 1 inch here in Nashville, melted a bit on the roads and it got cold enough to ice over. I live on a hill slope, we had to park my car on top of the hill since my wife is a nurse and has to go to work.


There is a patch of ice at the top of the street that had not melted until today, I had to drive to the bottom of the hill drive up and let the foot off the gas while going over the 20-foot patch of ice.


People freak out with ice in the South because we don't have the road cleaning capacity that cities in the North have, the Interestate was clear but backroads on slippery hills were not. I don't care where you are from you cannot drive a car on a sheet of ice going uphill, if you clear the road or have special tires or chains yes, but then so could I.


It was a bummer that we only had enough snow to make it a hassle.

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what I learned from living in Memphis, too, is how few people "get it" when it comes to driving on that type of road conditions. Here it's something you train for more or less, and it's there so much of the time that it's just part of regular life for months. I personally know of folks in "the south" who don't quite understand why their brakes don't work on ice. My brother in law was driving me to the Dallas airport some years ago when we were passed by a guy doing 75 using his electric razor. Etc., etc., etc.


But then, I don't think it's "cold" until it's hitting around 0, not counting concern for camera batteries.



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Here is South Florida, we recognize the winter visitors by their lack of clothing when the temperature dips below 60F and by their ability to go swimming in the ocean when the temperature is under 80F.


I live between a salt water lagoon (called the Indian River) and a wetland area near the east coast of the mainland of Florida. To the east of the lagoon is a barrier island and then the Atlantic Ocean. The water gives is a micro-climate that is usually 5-10 degrees warmer in the winter and 5-10 degrees cooler in the summer than the rest of the county. But the wind has been so strong for about a week now, that we have lost most of that advantage. We haven't had any frost on the ground, but there have been some who live on the lagoon who had.


I think the last time it was this cold was back in 1989. We had just got off a cruise ship where we were gigging for the last 8 months in the Caribbean (St. Martin, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, etc.) and the day before we got off the ship, we were in 80 degree weather. You can imagine our shock when we got off to freezing temperatures with 35mph winds blowing. I was ready to get back on the boat.


We are supposed to have an overdue warming trend here. I hope they have underestimated it.



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I spent the 4th of July 1980 at Bayview Idaho camping at Farragutt State Park, there was a large group of Canadians staying there, it was very cold on the night of the 3rd, I awoke to a snow covered camp site. Most visitors were bitterly complaining about the freak snow storm, the Canadians were walking around in shorts and sandals! But a good time was had by all.

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