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just started reading Glen Beck's common sense......

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i think i was channeling bill o'reilly!

Another swing for the fences.... and a MISS!!!


Michael Savage - idiot that he is - doesn't even make the sort of statements you did.

Your "apology" contains more of the same hate' date=' accusations, and projection.



You and I have tangled on numerous occasions.

I have clearly pointed out that the positions you take are not isolated, or explained away as

a "moment of weakness" or Tourette's Syndrome. They are common all the way to D.C.


The commentators, public officials, and voters whom you so despise for their beliefs and actions,

despite their wanting only to retain what [i']created[/i] this nation, are being left in the dust.

The worst condemnation they ever received - for doing what is right for our country - is finally

being exceeded and surpassed due to the outlandish and audacious actions of the Left.


Like you Jannus, they respond to being publicly exposed not with explanations, but anger.


When Conservative, Christian politicians got caught in a lie, I ALWAYS wanted them out of the office they soiled.

They do not deserve the seat of power at any level if they have no integrity, but what's changed now?

It's just business as usual, nobody to throw the crooks out now because other crooks are covering for them.


To do what this nation was founded on is decried as dangerous and "unfair" while doing what worked in the

USSR, Nazi Germany, Communist China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela is glorified now in Washington D.C.


No matter how insane, and possibly lethal, a $12.1 trillion debt may be, that's where we're going.


The health care "debate" is only a power grab to create a voter pool.

Look at the result of their effort.



Millions of Americans, and illegal aliens will still not have insurance coverage.



They will still be treated just like they have been for decades - for free - wherever they walk in.



The cost will still be borne by those of us with insurance.



In addition to the $55,000 I already pay in taxes every year, my insurance will be declared income.



With that additional "income" in a benefit my company provides, my taxes will rise even more.



When the Single Payer (Huh? Millions are paying for it) kicks in, my company plan will drop me.



If I don't then pay the Single Payer, I'll be fined for not having health insurance.



Millions of Americans thinking their insurance will be free are idiots. They will still have premiums.



The ONLY way the gov't will control medical costs? They will refuse to pay for more procedures.



So nothing will be any better, gov't spending rises exponentially, and we've lost our liberty.



Exhibit "A" for Common Sense;

The Conservative Right are clearly proving themselves to be the only people

actively opposing such monstrous, Socialist, and irreversible destruction of our Way Of Life.


Glenn Beck's Common Sense seeks only to ensure people hear what they're missing from our

government, schools, and news media - that we were founded as a nation to be different.


We were never intended to be just like Europe, let alone Communist Russia and China.


The Common Sense of Thomas Paine, Ronald Reagan, Abe Lincoln, and those lessor known but just

as smart, educated, driven or passionate as the Founding Fathers gang was that we would not only

live better than anybody else on Earth, but that we could sustain it indefinitely.


Everybody knows about the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Mayans, Incas, etc.

When they put aside Common Sense and stopped doing what made them great, they perished.



So, who do YOU really want to follow?


Who do you REALLY believe in?


Whose methods are tried & true, honest & proven?


Who left us a comprehensive body of literary work to guide us in perpetuity?









Who lies, cheats, ducks and covers?


Who actively endeavors to limit our freedom & liberty, to rule what we can eat, drink, wear,

learn, say, earn, invest, spend, keep, "donate", drive, ride, taste, hear, touch and smell?



It's not Glenn Beck.

And Glenn Beck doesn't hate you, or anybody else.


Most revealing, who really hates who, who really wants to silence who.....

That's where my whole NeoConMan persona was created, and I sprung from a phone booth in 2003.


That's why I created my own website, www.neoconman.com - to stick it in the face of those who desperately

deserve it and seek nothing more than to expose them for what they are, shine the light on them, then stand

back while they try to explain, justify, or rationalize their positions that are destroying this nation.


My challenge remains the same, and usually remains un-answered.


Disagree with me (or Beck, Limbaugh & Palin) all you want, that's fine. Now tell me where I'm wrong.

Hate isn't working for you, not any more than you claimed it didn't work for us.

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Another brain-dead, America hating Lefty commentator.





On Beck, how many times have you seen his show?

More than once?

Did you listen?

Did any of it make sense?

Did you learn anything?


More than anybody, YOUR age group should be watching, and comparing it to what you get at school...

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DAS44' date='

On Beck, how many times have you seen his show?

More than once?

Did you listen?

Did any of it make sense?

Did you learn anything?


More than anybody, YOUR age group should be watching, and comparing it to what you get at school...[/quote']

Seen it once, I tried to listen but honestly halfway through I got bored and changed it.

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With that lack of interest' date=' you're destined to be marking a ([b']D[/b]) on your ballot until you die.

I beg to differ, dont get me wrong you're well informed, much moreso than me. The thing is, ignorance does not equal democratic status. A bit self righteous of you IMO.


We all have opinions.


I am neither republican nor democratic thank you very much.

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...........More than anybody' date=' YOUR age group should be watching, and comparing it to what you get at school............[/quote']



there is too many stats and numbers to be sent via text message for my generation..........[biggrin]




I believe that right now, today, this year, and in the next 4 years, the decisions made will effect the entire world for 100 years! again to paraphrase from the book


people are sitting around and waiting for their government to save them, but most people don't trust the members of their government enough to invite them into their house.....



our government was founded on the idea of the government fearing the people, respecting the people, not the other way around!

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That's where my whole NeoConMan persona was created' date=' and I sprung from a phone booth in 2003.



He isnt kidding about the Superman reference here. The opening of this thread cracks me up. If Jessenoah wants to ask Neo out he should just get it over with and do it. His (and frankly many posters) Neo lovefest draped all over these forums just cracks me up. But his huge ego gobbles it up because he is (queue 50s radio announcer voice) NEO CONMANNNNNN, DEFENDER OF THE CONSTITUTION AND GENERAL KNOW-IT-ALL!!. I will leave the subject alone. Just thought I would throw that out there.

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there is too many stats and numbers to be sent via text message for my generation..........;)




I believe that right now' date=' today, this year, and in the next 4 years, the decisions made will effect the entire world for 100 years! again to paraphrase from the book


[i']people are sitting around and waiting for their government to save them, but most people don't trust the members of their government enough to invite them into their house.....[/i]



our government was founded on the idea of the government fearing the people, respecting the people, not the other way around!

People say they don't trust politicians because they lie. I think alot of this is the voters fault. Let me explain.....the ones I am referring to that are the problem are single issue voters. People so hung up on one single issue that absolutely controls their vote. Therefore politicians are basically forced to waffle or "flip-flop" to win office. No longer can candidates be judged as a whole politician. They are now selected because of their stance on 1 single issue. It shows how small peoples minds are.


Another thing ppl dont get is that sometimes the politician you vote for won't vote the way you would on every single little thing. They aren't YOU, they are THEM. Sometimes I wonder what people want from politicians.


One last problem voters seem to have is this belief that their "hated" party is the demonic party full of evil crooks and that their party is virtuous and perfect. Please. People really need to get a reality check and stop looking at the world thru such a narrow scope. For example this board. There are plenty of ppl on here with very "right wing" leanings that I rarely/never criticize. Because they arent obnoxious, in-your-face, messiah complex types like "you-know-who". Now, I bet "you-know-who" knows who "you-know-who" is . Hehe

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6:30pm and i'm STILL waitin' on my tele to be delivered. unreal. whole day shot. good thing i was hanging over and inclined to waste it. i know there was something else neo wrote to, or about, me up there. just too long to read so i didn't. hope it was nice though. saints are looking pretty convincing today.

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Just a short comment here...


I tend really to question people who admit they've done little or no research on something and yet vote on the opinions of other people whose appeal is emotional rather than in logic.


That's the kind of "democracy" that went after Socrates. Yeah, check back and see how "votes" did what they did. Socrates, of course, was grouchy enough to prefer honorable death to taking the potential of running. Or perhaps he was old enough not to care to live in the world he saw around him.



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6:30pm and i'm STILL waitin' on my tele to be delivered. unreal. whole day shot. good thing i was hanging over and inclined to waste it. i know there was something else neo wrote to' date=' or about, me up there. just too long to read so i didn't. hope it was nice though. saints are looking pretty convincing today.[/quote']

Tele pics when you get it please. Somehow I dont think what he said about you is positive, but maybe i am crazy. Oh, and Geaux Saints!!!! ;)

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One last problem voters seem to have is this belief that their "hated" party is the demonic party full of evil crooks and that their party is virtuous and perfect. Please. People really need to get a reality check and stop looking at the world thru such a narrow scope. For example this board. There are plenty of ppl on here with very "right wing" leanings that I rarely/never criticize. Because they arent obnoxious' date=' in-your-face, messiah complex types like "you-know-who". Now, I bet "you-know-who" knows who "you-know-who" is . Hehe[/quote']



well said!


GOVT seems very simple to me, the "haves" pay the same amount of taxes as the middle class and the "have nots", the "have nots" just barely enough help to keep them alive, not enough to make them comfortable, the have middle class is protected after their retirement, for their many years of constant labor, the "haves" must find ways to contribute, I have seen people donate to youth sports, to the arts, to education.............



perfect in theory at least!

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Tele pics when you get it please. Somehow I dont think what he said about you is positive' date=' but maybe i am crazy. Oh, and Geaux Saints!!!! [biggrin']





your prolly right about nothing nice being said. i'll somehow manage. here's the tele, finally...


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I will leave the subject alone.

Not before you throw out some hate' date=' insults, and general ill will.

See [b']Exhibit "A"[/b] below, and tell me who the hater is.




If Jessenoah wants to ask Neo out he should just get it over with and do it.

His (and frankly many posters) Neo lovefest

his huge ego gobbles it up


You're so eager to make sure everybody knows how my existence troubles you, while I don't care if YOU live

or die. I don't care how you vote - since it's your right - but I will always question your motive.

It's my right.


I've attacked or insulted NOBODY, part of the reason the thread may not have been locked yet.

I've posted facts, opinion, and even a little humor here and there.


Then I watch people crawl out of the woodwork to get here and insult those audacious enough to disagree.

Like moths to a flame.... or Islamo-fascists to Iraq...


Boy, did I nail that breed's distinguishing characteristics on my website, www.neoconman.com or what?





Someone has a man-crush on Glen Beck. Guess who?

Another cat from the same litter as Bol316. Same spots and all...


Two more chairs for Category Number 4 please...



People who get pissed off that he has a voice - and it does NOT speak for their values and convictions.

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Ok' date=' why is this Frickin' Thread still unlocked!?!?

The Haitian Earthquake thread and the Nobel Prize Thread locked[/quote']

The Haiti thread was to spotlight how people lose sight of ONE SIMPLE FACT.


People are dead, lotsa people.

Millions more are suffering in unspeakable ways.

And this is what we see?


"Never let a crisis go to waste" was the advice of a prominent U.S. government official....


Everybody wants a minute in the limelight and will stoop to anything to get it.

That's what the thread was about.






Locked anyway, go figure....




The Nobel Prize thread, the idea was how we're all supposed to give and give and give.

But when somebody has a $1.4 million dollar check in his pocket that he was supposed to give....


Where's the uproar?

Where's the angry mob?

Where's all the TV commercials with children living in squalor while the sad music plays?


What the hell is going on in this world when NOBODY HAS A FxCKING CLUE WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND THEM?

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