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Some Pictures.( gear and where I play.)

Andre S

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How I have set up to play in my room and other random bits of gear.

Featured: Martin OM-1, Les Paul Studio, moderately modified, Fender Super Champ, Line 6 Spider 3, some table, I use for my guitar books, and a subwoofer, with 2 computer speakers ,that I use to listen to recording through the laptop which goes on the little table..


Enough rambling. The pics ought to have uploaded to photobucket by now.


PS I usually have a stool by the Gibson, where I sit to play.


I found the Gibson looked so badass at that angle, I moved the stool.


Speaker set, with cleaning kit, cloths, strap, pics, and random screwdrivers




Right Below the Speakers




Closeup of my Martin and Fender Amp.




And best for last, though the Fender Amp should have gone on this side.


Closeup of super badass Les Paul Studio, that looks particularly awesome in this pic.




You can see, I didn't finish sanding out the faux binding, in the cutaway, below the fingerboard,



I'm gathering courage, not to F**k it up....

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Hey Kid,

Not trying to steal your thunder or anything....

You're way ahead of where I was as a teen - no name electrics, and no clue how to play 'em or take care of 'em.


Anyhow, here's a few pics of the living room that became a guitar room at the NeoCon Compound.

You should be able to top this with ease within the next 25 years.





1981 JCM 800 full stack, Fender Hot Rod DeVille 2x12.






I guess this would be my "backline" for lack of a better description. 1970's Peavey Musician 400 on the left.






All my ancient stereo gear - ADCOM amps and Sony cd/dvd players, speakers I built, and a 1986 RCA 26".






Storage cabinets for guitars. Note Shania Twain leopard-print Lazy Boy. (Long story...)






Storage cabs opened up. The empty space is because a couple of my Strats were taken out.






In case you're wondering why Mrs. Neo would be so cool to permit a "living room" to be completely wasted...

I keep it CLEAN.


I've found that wives are not much different than mothers in this regard.

Keep it clean and they'll back off a little.

Leave it messy, or God forbid it stinks in there, and she'll be up your *** forever.


All you young guys - trust me on this one....

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Neo- you are a lucky man. That's awesome. I posted pics a little while ago, but I'll post again.




My LP and my amp, too loud for home use to get great tone out of it. I am in the market for a smaller amp, but it gets the job done, and when I can open it up... WHOOOOO BOY!


The whole room is about 12X12, and I do love my parents for allowing me to commandeer a whole room to myself


gibsonlp1993- that's awesome. How do you like the Fender amp you got? I am considering getting one

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Hey Kid' date='

Not trying to steal your thunder or anything....

You're way ahead of where I was as a teen - no name electrics, and no clue how to play 'em or take care of 'em.


Anyhow, here's a few pics of the living room that became a guitar room at the NeoCon Compound.

You should be able to top this with ease within the next 25 years.





1981 JCM 800 full stack, Fender Hot Rod DeVille 2x12.






I guess this would be my "backline" for lack of a better description. 1970's Peavey Musician 400 on the left.






All my ancient stereo gear - ADCOM amps and Sony cd/dvd players, speakers I built, and a 1986 RCA 26".






Storage cabinets for guitars. Note Shania Twain leopard-print Lazy Boy. (Long story...)






Storage cabs opened up. The empty space is because a couple of my Strats were taken out.






In case you're wondering why Mrs. Neo would be so cool to permit a "living room" to be completely wasted...

I keep it CLEAN.


I've found that wives are not much different than mothers in this regard.

Keep it clean and they'll back off a little.

Leave it messy, or God forbid it stinks in there, and she'll be up your *** forever.


All you young guys - trust me on this one....


No prob Neo, when I was designing this half of my room, I was looking onine here to see how you guys set it up in the one or two Music Room threads.

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Hey that doesn't look bad where you sanded the guitar to make it loo like a binding.... Good idea. Why don't you tape it off and shoot it with some clear varnish to protect the wood... Actually what you did was expose the nature wood color of the cap...


I know, I took the idea from somone else on MLP, or LPF, and PRS


But I haven't finished yet, the other side, has to go down to the mahogany a little more, and the cutaway part.



But I don't have the ewuipment to shoot it, so if anything I would buy some of stewmac rubbing laquer.




Shellac or something like that.


Besides, I already checked locally, nowhere has nitro and it can't ship overseas.

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That's more stress than I like to see on a Gibson headstock.

You need a stand.




Actually Neo, the guitar was moved, from the stool I use to sit on, for a minute, when I snapped the shot.


And actually, I am planning ot buy a wall hanger, so the acoustic can go right above the Line 6, next to where the LP is in this pic, and then the LP can have the stand.

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I really like that Binding Look' date=' too. Kinda makes me want a Studio LP so I can totally Copy Your Idea (that's what guitarists do, right [biggrin'])


Hey I don't mind, after all I did take it from someone else, although mine is cooler than is.


Don't do it,

too much stress when the wood starts to get dirty

and to keep the rest of it scratch free,


mine isn't


I got a few scratches

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You can see' date=' I didn't finish sanding out the faux binding, in the cutaway, below the fingerboard,



I'm gathering courage, not to F**k it up....[/quote']


The pickguard, by the way, was a regular black pickguard with masking tape on the edge.


I don't have a choice, because I can't seem to find the 5 ply anywhere.

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I see ya put that hand weight to great use also............. lol




It was all I had at the time to use to tilt it back, I didn't want to buy an amp stand...


Besides, they are too light to be of much use now,



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