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Wrong. Cattle are ruminant animals. Their natural diet is grasses' date=' not grain. At the feed lots they have to force feed the calves grain (corn) to get them used to eating the stuff. Hay is OK, though, since it is a grass. What else are the cattle going to eat in the winter time?



I don't know where you are learning this type of information but if your paying for it your being taken.

Go ask for you money back. Force feed corn to a cow. Read that over a few times and pic the scenario

in your mind. You must get to the country and work in the feedlot like Neo did so you have a better idea

of what really happens. Force feed thousands of cattle. This is the best one I've hear in a long time. My

grampa must have done that before I got out there to help feed them hay and grain. We'd put hay and grai

out. One wild guess where the cattle were first.



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I've had some interesting discussions with people who are anti-gun. Keep in mind that I'm Canadian.


A friend of my wife's used to live in downtown Toronto and lived there her entire life. One day she explained to me how guns are evil and they are only for killing.


So I took her into our spare bedroom and placed some of my guns on the bed.


"Kill!" I yelled. The guns didn't move. "Shoot! Shoot damn it!" Yet the guns still laid there silently.


Eventually my not-so-subtle point got to her. People are responsible for their actions and I control where and when my guns are used.


She also eventually got the point that law-abiding citizens are not the problem. Those who do not obey the laws of decent society --- also known as criminals --- are the problem.


I also asked her why she should not have the right to protect herself from criminals. I used the example of someone breaking into her home and asked why she should not be able to protect herself.


"But someone doesn't deserve to die just because they broke into someone's home" was the answer I rec'd.


And that line of thinking comes from someone who is a law-abiding, respectful citizen who can't grasp the fact that evil scum do not obey the laws of our society like she does.


You don't know why that person is coming into your home. Could it be to rob you? Maybe to rape you? Will that person be armed illegally and panic and then do you harm?


Why should a person not be able to defend themselves from evil?


And the police are not the answer. The police are the mop up crews of crime. If someone is breaking into your house or you see someone being robbed or assaulted on the street --- how soon are the police going to be there? Even if you're in an urban area...one minute is an eternity and could be the difference between life and death --- FOR YOU.


I should not be forced to be a victim.

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Besides' date=' hasn't anyone here listened to "Saturday Night Special" by Lynyrd Skynyrd? Van Zant said handguns aren't good for nothing but killing people, and they're about as redneck as you can get.[/quote']


Sorry but I gotta say that whole "guns are used for killing people" is silly. You can kill anyone with just about anything. "If guns kill people, the pencils and pens misspell words." Yes, their reason for existing is to shoot stuff. Targets, deer, whatever. The purpose of a knife is to cut stuff. People? in some cases it has been done. Scissors; same thing. You could kill someone with scissors.


I don't own one, I don't make judgements of people who do and/or carry them. In fact I'm all for guns in the hands of responsible people if they choose to own them.

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I've had some interesting discussions with people who are anti-gun. Keep in mind that I'm Canadian.


A friend of my wife's used to live in downtown Toronto and lived there her entire life. One day she explained to me how guns are evil and they are only for killing.


So I took her into our spare bedroom and placed some of my guns on the bed.


"Kill!" I yelled. The guns didn't move. "Shoot! Shoot damn it!" Yet the guns still laid there silently.


Eventually my not-so-subtle point got to her. People are responsible for their actions and I control where and when my guns are used.


She also eventually got the point that law-abiding citizens are not the problem. Those who do not obey the laws of decent society --- also known as criminals --- are the problem.


I also asked her why she should not have the right to protect herself from criminals. I used the example of someone breaking into her home and asked why she should not be able to protect herself.


"But someone doesn't deserve to die just because they broke into someone's home" was the answer I rec'd.


And that line of thinking comes from someone who is a law-abiding' date=' respectful citizen who can't grasp the fact that evil scum do not obey the laws of our society like she does.


You don't know [i']why[/i] that person is coming into your home. Could it be to rob you? Maybe to rape you? Will that person be armed illegally and panic and then do you harm?


Why should a person not be able to defend themselves from evil?


And the police are not the answer. The police are the mop up crews of crime. If someone is breaking into your house or you see someone being robbed or assaulted on the street --- how soon are the police going to be there? Even if you're in an urban area...one minute is an eternity and could be the difference between life and death --- FOR YOU.


I should not be forced to be a victim.


That was f-ing hilarious!!!!


You don't have to kill intruders. You can merely injury them. Protect yourself of course but if you are a good shot, shoot their leg and call the police to come take them away. That's why I would want one. Go to a shooting range for practice and if my house needs protecting from a dangerous burgler, shoot their leg and not miss because of all the practice. It would be a LAST resort. Banboo sword would be the first thing I grab.

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How many children her age drowned in a toilet in Australia last year?

Mop bucket?

Swimming pool?

Dog attacks?

Poison/chemical/drug ingestion?


How many die in car wrecks due to being unrestrained?


The parents are liable, no matter the cause of death.


Your knee jerking could injure any innocent toddler unlucky enough to be on your lap...

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You don't have to kill intruders. You can merely injury them.

In the dark' date=' in a hurry, in fear for your life....

Your skill would be that finely honed?


I've been shooting nearly 40 years.

I would NEVER assume that I could place a shot with such surgical precision, not even if I had time to spare.

Nor would I presume to know how much (or little) damage the bullet would do.


Center of mass - dead center below the sternum every time.

I can miss by a few inches in any direction and the job will still be done.

And nothing I own for self defense contains ammo docile enough to encourage survival.....


My Dad told me years ago;

You don't make the decision to kill them - they do that for you.

If they find themselves staring into a gun barrel, their actions in the next two seconds determine their fate.





Banboo sword would be the first thing I grab.

I fear you would wind up being called a Mojo-cicle.



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How many children her age drowned in a toilet in Australia last year?

Mop bucket?

Swimming pool?

Dog attacks?


How many die in car wrecks due to being unrestrained?


Less than all your firearm deaths combined. Anyway this is comparing apples to oranges.


How many concealed carriers do so to protect the constitution anyway? My guess is zero.


Here's one. The rest of you feel free to count off.


I missed your response before. Where is the immediate threat to your nations constitution that requires you to carry? That's a rhetorical question.

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just as a note to any AR enthusiasts' date=' DSG has 30 round mags for $6/mag. [biggrin][/quote']


Thanks for the heads up. I also have noticed that the availability of ammo is getting

back to where it was and the price is coming down again.



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I'd use the bokken 'stedda a bamboo jobbie. Just me. You're right that the real thing could be messy.


The wakizashi or European-style equivalent also is more practical in closed quarters. Unfortunately they also are dependent on a person being in relatively good physical condition. The firearm has the advantage of potential usage by those who are handicapped, elderly or frail, or ill.


Actually the research indicates that simply the presence of a firearm tends to stop most "attacks" in their tracks.


As for a sword... Given I was born in the Highlands of Scotland in 1453, yeah, I've got one. Or two. <chortle>



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A legal-length shotgun would be functional with about any type of shot at inside-home defense ranges.


Buckshot is rather large and has potential to go through walls greater than that of smaller shot.


A shotgun is more difficult to bring into operation in very close quarters.


"Mess" is rather irrelevant if you're truly under attack. The "rack" noise of a pump action shotgun having a cartridge loaded into the chamber has ended a number of encounters of various sorts without violence.


Any use of firearms inside a town or anywhere else there are other folks has the potential to be have collateral damage. On the other hand, I know some police agencies have stopped using shotguns - used for the reality that there is less potential for collateral damage - and carry rifles for reasons of less training with two firearms as opposed to three, especially in a world where recruits may never have touched a real firearm.



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I'm still waiting for Wisconsin to catch up to the rest and allow to carry protection.I don't want to ever have to use a gun on another,but I'd feel better knowing I'm protected the best I can be and I'd like to see the crime drop if that would happen due to allowing us to protect ourselves.

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While I do not feel $3.00 for a cup of Joe makes good sense, I may stop by the local SB on my way home.


Though I don't carry, open or otherwise, I personally, I would feel just fine and dandy and much safer, walking into a SB or other private establishment in an OC state with those carrying.

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I'm still waiting for Wisconsin to catch up to the rest and allow to carry protection.I don't want to ever have to use a gun on another' date='but I'd feel better knowing I'm protected the best I can be and I'd like to see the crime drop if that would happen due to allowing us to protect ourselves.[/quote']


California is going the other way... soon they'll try to outlaw ALL firearms except for "non-Anglo social gangs" when used in the pursuit of their initiation rituals!

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