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Magnitude 6 earthquake in East Turkey

Andre S

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Scientists say that earthquakes are more common than most people think. We just don't hear about them unless they cause massive destruction and death. Seems kinda strange that all of a sudden we are hearing about them more recently and they're hitting areas causing more death and destruction.


I wonder what the Mayans knew that we don't know???

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Nothing new for that region - not like they've never had an earthquake before.


After the Big One hit Chile, there was a major quake across the Andes in Argentina - nobody cared.

It wasn't big enough for film footage...

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The earth shifts all the time. It just takes longer to do it, over decades, centuries and milenia. When it finally does happen it happens for a little while then goes back to slowly building up for the next one. It's horrible, but it's just how our planet is, thankfully places like Chile plan and are prepared for these types of things, and that's why when they had their magnitude 8 quake the damage/loss of life was fractions than that of the poorest country in the western hemisphere, Haiti.


As for the 2012 "prophecy" I tire of hearing about it. Couple of things to consider.

1.) the only reason ancient "prophecies" come true is because they're vague and are applied based on interpretation.

2.) People have been predicting the end of the world every year, for YEARS. Eventually someone will be right.

3.) The Mayan's made calenders based on solar and lunar cycles, therefore it is completly conceivable that after completing an accurate total cycle they stopped, figuring they were good for another couple of THOUSAND years before they had to make another one. If you were to predict the end of the world based on how far forward we make calenders we'd only last until January of the following year, every year.

4.) After studying history (as my major in university) often times we get a taste of the self reinforcing principal. For e.g Someone writes the world is going to end in 20XX, 800 years ago. This person also happened to be bat **** insane, and knew there was no way to be wrong or proven wrong because anyone alive to read it from his time would be long since dead. THEN someone a few centuries finds an old book, and, because it's old gives it credit for validity for no other reason other than IT'S OLD. That person then writes a book, on the writings of the first crack pot, referencing this book as his source. Then two more people find this book, which was written based on an OLDER book and start referencing that in their OWN publications on the original crazy persons predictions. This process happens far more often than people think in histroy. Think; how many of you are guilty of writing something into a report or a paper as a FACT, only because you read it in some other book that sources other books.

It's a nasty cycle, but the end of the world? My bet isn't some solar event, but that scary *** Hadron Collider they have in Sweeden, or Switzerland and 4 other countires that has scientists trying to RECREATE the goddamn big bang they theorize created the universe. The best part? They have absolutely NO idea what will happen or if the little box they built will contain the blast that they think originally created the universe. Great.

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scary *** Hadron Collider they have in Sweeden' date=' or Switzerland and 4 other countires that has scientists trying to RECREATE the goddamn big bang they theorize created the universe. The best part? They have absolutely NO idea what will happen or if the little box they built will contain the blast that they think originally created the universe. Great. [/quote']

I suggest you apply the effort for a double major.

Include some physics in your diet, maybe it won't seem so scary.


Then of course, I know the kind of hare-brained sh!t some universities call "education" nowadays.

Maybe you're better off guessing, you might be closer to the truth out of ignorance than with their "wisdom."


What do I know - I only work in a nuclear power plant...



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lol, My time in school was more than adequate to allow to me think critically of certain things. While you might not be weary of what other scientists do I choose to remian skeptical of a "hare-brained" idea in the first place. The collider has already broken down; but personally I don't think they COULD recreate the big bang if they wanted to. Reading a little more into my post instead of the last paragraph, I merely meant people could be aware of real things that are actually happening right now as opposed to doomsday prophecies, but thanks for trying to discount my schooling anyway haha.

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My time in school was more than adequate to allow to me think critically of certain things.


Not trying to take a shot at you personally' date=' but I will offer a word of caution;

Your school was "more than adequate" in your estimation?

Ask anybody who's been to several different schools in several different industries over 20 years.

See if they feel their first stint was adequate for the rest of their lives.


I'll wager a frosty adult beverage they'll say no.

At 44, I'm more cautious of charging into the fire than I ever was.



It's what you learn [i']outside[/i] the sterile environment of a classroom that will take you places.

College is simply a more in-depth story-time session like you had in Kindergarten.

Reality is when you navigate the crosswalk alone for the first time.

It never really changes after that - only the consequences loom larger as your responsibilities grow over time.

A college degree only means you stayed in school after you got a High School diploma.

The rest of us will judge if your money was wasted....





I got nothing against College Boys - as we call them at work.

It can be amusing to watch them learn after they thought they knew it all...





I merely meant people could be aware of real things that are actually happening right now as opposed to doomsday prophecies' date=' but thanks for trying to discount my schooling anyway haha. [/quote']

No, I hear ya.

Wanna have a fun little experiment?

I'll let you in on how to freak EVERYBODY out....




Let everybody post their theories.

Let everybody have their fun.

Wait until a couple people take off and run with it, getting all serious because they "know" what's happening.


Inca, Mayan, Aztecs, Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Vikings, Mongols, people from Atlantis....


Aliens, crystals, auras, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, leprechauns in the forest, whatever they like.


Trust me, somebody out there will believe just about any fxcking thing.

And we're supposed to be polite and allow them their little flight of fancy without judgment or ridicule.

Then ask them what role they think God might play in this.

Politely offer to post scripture & verse to support your position.


:D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/




Mention anything involving Christianity and get outta the way cuz HERE COMES THE HATE!!!


It's not so bad here in this forum anymore, but boy oh boy the stories I could tell you....



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Ah Neoconman I must say, at least you make things interesting. I did learn a few things, I know there is much more to learn, and yes there were storytime classes also, no question. However I would say that my skill at taking a position and learning to defend my point has vastly improved over the course of my degree. I chose History because you get a more broad spectrum of education in terms of psychology, philosophy, english (literature), economics, and politics, as well as the ability to critically anaylize ideas. It took five years to get the high school OUT of my head and I still deal with thinking in black and white from time to time. I also minored in Chinese because well, as history goes, they win, and I wouldn't be surprised in the least if everyone else would be encouraged to learn Mandarin instead of spanish or french in our lifetimes. I am still young, but I am damn proud of what I've accomplished so far, and as a sage of these forums yourself, you know damn well school isn't what it gives to you, it's what you take from it. I didn't do that my first couple of years, I was still shaking out the crap high school tried to drill into me, but I sure as hell took a chunk when I smartened up.

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taking a position and learning to defend my point has vastly improved over the course of my degree.

THAT is a skill that will never be obsolete.




I chose History because you get a more broad spectrum of education in terms of psychology' date=' philosophy' date=' english (literature), economics, and politics, as well as the ability to critically anaylize ideas.[/quote'']

See above.




I also minored in Chinese because well' date=' as history goes, they win, and I wouldn't be surprised in the least if everyone else would be encouraged to learn Mandarin instead of spanish or french in our lifetimes.

"Encouraged" to learn Mandarin?

Looks like you're well aware that may turn out to be a brutal understatement at some point.


If you ask me, I think you're gonna do alright....


[biggrin] [biggrin]




As far as being the resident "sage" of the Gibson forum, I will defer such a title to those more deserving.

I could name at least half a dozen folks here who would easily qualify, but you'll recognize them in short order.



I'm just the resident Hard-Core Constitutional-Conservative Right-Wing Nut-Job with a federal firearms license.


Be cool AO.



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Ah Neoconman I must say' date=' at least you make things interesting. I did learn a few things, I know there is much more to learn, and yes there were storytime classes also, no question. However I would say that my skill at taking a position and learning to defend my point has vastly improved over the course of my degree... I am still young, but I am damn proud of what I've accomplished so far, and as a sage of these forums yourself, you know damn well school isn't what it gives to you, it's what you take from it. [/quote']


You're the man Art. I'm a much better person for having gone to college, and I had a useless major. College may not be critical for success in the real world, but what I took from college was priceless.

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As far as being the resident "sage" of the Gibson forum' date=' I will defer such a title to those more deserving.

I could name at least half a dozen folks here who would easily qualify, but you'll recognize them in short order.[/quote']






Don't get on my case, it was only a joke...

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