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i realy don't see the point in this...

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if you wanna be a guitar star then learn to play "in the real world"!...jeeeezussss [biggrin]




I don't believe most of the people who play/buy that game have any interest in learning how to play the real guitar. Its a party game that you play with your non-musician friends, thats all.


Its pretty fun if you like the tunes...

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I don't know, I wasn't as offended as a musician as I thought I would be by that article. Here's my pov;

1.) Video games are a multi billion dollar industry now and as techonology grows so will revenue from these games.

2.)Rhythm games like DDR, Guitar Hero, and Rock Band experienced phenominally successful stints

3.)The market for "digital content" (aka songs downloaded in exchange for Microsoft points, or credit card payments per song) is also, in the millions of dollars. Artists have found a way for fans to actually pay for their music again using this medium.

4.) Unless you have a deep deep passion for the guitar, or any musical instrument, the majority of kids DO NOT LIKE TO PRACTICE (at least at first, learning the basics and such). It's obvious, that everyone, not just kids like to see immediate rewards for their minimal efforts on a solo on RB or GH. It's possible that this device will encourage playing to a whole generation "lost" to practicing and hard work by using an extremly common video game medium to promote it.

5.) Cost is also a factor here, some parents WANT to get their kids into music but are afraid they won't hack it, or they'll toss the whole kit'n kaboodle in a week, so the average cost of investment for the kit they're advertising here is cheaper than a new guitar and amp and gear.


That being said I understand the arguement that if you want to learn then get a real guitar, but having a video response to gauge their progress might be what some kids need to get started.


Just my two cents.

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I don't believe most of the people who play/buy that game have any interest in learning how to play the real guitar. Its a party game that you play with your non-musician friends' date=' thats all.


Its pretty fun if you like the tunes...[/quote']


yea i understand that, i'm just stubborn [biggrin], i'm just for the masses picking up real guitar and rocking out!!!!! [cool]

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I'm wondering when the ultimate iteration will present;


"iPoser" A generic wannabe game that allows players to select, via downloads, their own fantasy and persona (avatar). You can be a biker, a guitar-god, a model, a movie star...anything you wanna be. And you don't have to be tough or musical or attractive or even talented. All you gotta do is make faces and push buttons.


iPoser...it's the next best thing to being real!

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I'm wondering when the ultimate iteration will present;


"iPoser" A generic wannabe game that allows players to select' date=' via downloads, their own fantasy and persona (avatar). You can be a biker, a guitar-god, a model, a movie star...anything you wanna be. And you don't have to be tough or musical or attractive or even talented. All you gotta do is make faces and push buttons.


iPoser...it's the next best thing to being real![/quote']


i'll have some of that cruz!!!!! [confused]

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yea i understand that' date=' i'm just stubborn [biggrin'], i'm just for the masses picking up real guitar and rocking out!!!!! [confused]


Me too man...i rock out with my musician friends and i play rock band with my non musician friends...works out nicely. And I get carpal tunnel from both. :)

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You guys are talking like there isn't anyone in the music industry who's pretending already, you do know about auto-tune right? Posers with money like that woman from The Real Housewives show get record deals/songs produced all the time who have absoluetly zero talent (Don't believe me look up "tardy for the party" by Kim something on youtube)


The only difference between the game and people being posers for playing it is that it's not shoved down our damn throats at every mall/grocery store, it stays within their home.

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I'm wondering when the ultimate iteration will present;


"iPoser" A generic wannabe game that allows players to select' date=' via downloads, their own fantasy and persona (avatar). You can be a biker, a guitar-god, a model, a movie star...anything you wanna be. And you don't have to be tough or musical or attractive or even talented. All you gotta do is make faces and push buttons.


iPoser...it's the next best thing to being real![/quote']



You jest, however there are sites that provide this. I think it called Real Life your something of that nature. They even have a Gibson world.

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You guys are talking like there isn't anyone in the music industry who's pretending already' date=' you do know about auto-tune right? Posers with money like that woman from The Real Housewives show get record deals/songs produced all the time who have absoluetly zero talent (Don't believe me look up "tardy for the party" by Kim something on youtube)


The only difference between the game and people being posers for playing it is that it's not shoved down our damn throats at every mall/grocery store, it stays within their home. [/quote']


Pray, what gave you the impression that it was any surprise to anyone that the world is populated by posers? My comment had to do with the marketing of the wannabe mentality as a video game.

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I guess I'm the only one that's Glad there's Guitar Hero and Rockstar games. Just a few years ago, I thought we'd be playing our guitars on the porch, while all the stages in town were dominated by Techno DJ's. Then along comes Guitar Hero, little kids are being exposed to Mountain's "Mississippi Queen" and the big reward for passing a level is AC/DC.


Now I notice that folks in thier late 20's and early 30's would rather dance to lame Rap or Dance Pop, while the 21-25 year olds would rather listen to a Real Band play Real Music. We get most of out tips form 21-25's and the 35 and up crowd. I think Guitar Hero has a lot to do with that, and satellite radio.


Guitar Hero hasn't taken the real guitar out of anyones hands. Personally I like Race Games and War Games, specially if there's sniping involved. I don't think my gaming ruined my chances to become a Formula 1 Racer or World Class Sniper. I'm not cut out to drive that fast or actually explode someones head like a watermelon.


{edit} almost forgot to the Thread Topic. I don't see that game taking off. Too complicated for the gamer and too Lame for the real guitarist.

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it is R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D that this is what it takes to get some people into music. the minimal effort produces an awsome guitar solo guitar hero thing is just setting people up for failure when they realize that at work you actually have to do something to get rewarded.

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You do make some good points' date=' Shon. I wouldn't sell yourself short as far as a career in sniping, either, until you've at least given it a shot. [img']http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/BBS/images/smilies/peepwallsmilie.gif[/img]

I could probably take an online course from the University of Phoenix, get a BS in Sniping:-k

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That Power Gig looks interesting IMO.


I don't see anything wrong with these games. Not everyone plays guitar (or any musical instrumet). Never have, never will. I don't think these games will prevent those kids who would otherwise play a guitar from doing so. Hell, I play real guitar, but sometimes enjoy playing GH with my sons. I don't think the people playing these games have any illusions that they are playing real instruments. They're just having fun.


Plus, like others have pointed out, it exposes younger kids to some great classic songs and I have heard some good modern music rock that I might not have heard otherwise.

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Realistically speaking, there is an extremely small percentage of people who would actually think they could play guitar because they're good at guitar hero and rock band. I'm not saying there aren't people like that, what I am saying is that the majority of people who play video games don't play a racing/shooting/rpg and automatically assume they can drive an F1 race car/operate and reload an M60/slay an orc just because they've played the video game. The revival of classic rock and blues lately can be attriubuted in part to games like that. Not to mention it can expose you to artists/songs you like that you've never heard before by playing through levels or set lists etc, broadening some people's music tastes.

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I don't know....


In a way these guitar games are probably a good thing in attracting potential players that normally wouldn't have had any interest in playing guitar at all.


If the sub-par rock scene cant lure young people into playing guitars, then let the video games do it..... It also exposes youth to groups like the Beatles, which IMO is always a great thing[cool]

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