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For those of you with long hair...


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That IS weird. I only thought wimmens discussed hair... A special 'net page specifically for men to discuss long hair.... just ain't right. :-k


If you're going to grow it long, grow it long... leave the discussion about it to the women folk. :)

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Hypothetical conversation in Men's Room at "Roadkill Roadhouse."


"Say Rocko... your hair is beautiful. How do you keep it from getting split ends?"


"I use Alberto VO-5 with gluten and aloe vera. I brush it every night. 100 strokes on each side. Thanks for asking, it isn't often I get a man's opinion. Say... where'd you get that AC/DC shirt? I didn't know they came in fuscia."


me, "Let me outta here!" :-k

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I hate having long hair' date=' it is a pain to comb, to wash, it gets in your mouth, it gets in your face, everyone looks @ you funny, it gets ratty if the sun shines on it, it gets ratty if the wind blows it, it gets ratty if you wear a hat..................





Why have it?

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you gotta look credible as a musician



dudes that look like they just got out of the army, with their short hair, and tatoos, and their nose rings and crap, thats not rock and roll!

thats just some dude looking for attention


real musicians look like they barely got enough money to gas up their car, nevermind get a haircut!

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In the past I've had conversations about my long hair at a couple of the more refined and sophisticated watering holes in the NYC area.

The discussions usually started with "Hey Forknutz why don't you get a Forkin' haircut you Forkin' F@g@tT"..

Things usually went downhill from there!

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Really creepy site - don't think Ive ever had a conversation with another man about hair products in fact about the only conversation ive ever had was with my wife saying use this not Irish Springs soap on your hair.


And KSG don't worry about moving your part line or highlights in your hair - Age takes care of both of those it moves the part up your forehead and the highlights are grey but hey be carful what you ask for huh?


I turned fifty and have a full head of hair so "**** I won" I don't care how long or short or even what color it is anymore :^o

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I've discovered a way to buck the 'no long hair in the professional workplace' paradox...


-I grow it out and donate it to Locks of Love (it's gotta be 12"-18" for them to use it). My bosses have always been cool with me growing it for a good cause. Three positive things come from this: 1) I get to have long hair, and rock the #%$& out at gigs. 2) A kid with cancer will get a wig, and that helps them not feel self conscious during that horrible chemotherapy (kids can be cruel to kids that are different). 3) It's good karma.


I've grown it out and donated it twice now, and I'm working on my 3rd. Currently I'm in-between long and short. As you can tell from my avatar, I look like the dorky 3rd Duke of Hazzard, but I don't care.

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I've discovered a way to buck the 'no long hair in the professional workplace' paradox...


-I grow it out and donate it to Locks of Love (it's gotta be 12"-18" for them to use it). My bosses have always been cool with me growing it for a good cause. Three positive things come from this: 1) I get to have long hair' date=' and rock the #%$& out at gigs. 2) A kid with cancer will get a wig, and that helps them not feel self conscious during that horrible chemotherapy (kids can be cruel to kids that are different). 3) It's good karma.


I've grown it out and donated it twice now, and I'm working on my 3rd. Currently I'm in-between long and short. As you can tell from my avatar, I look like the dorky 3rd Duke of Hazzard, but I don't care. [/quote']

Hmmm...im doing that next time i get a hair cut with my long hair.


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