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Introducing the Les Paul Studio 50’s Tribute – Limited Run from Gibson USA

Gibson USA

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Glad to hear you scored a GT from Sam Ash, Hollywood. Yes, Adam is a cool guy, so is Scotti. Good thing you called them before they closed today.

Lots of Adams selling guitars these days? NYC Sam Ash sales guy who I got the GT from was named Adam. And so is my GC Sales Rep...

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Yes, all single coils are hummy. That is just the nature of the "BEAST". :) Looking forward to your CB on youtube.

Well, the CB has to get here first and my friend at GC named Casey has worked on his day off to try to get an answer for me on delivery date. No luck. I'm thinking maybe I can get a white one on the cheap and refinish it surf green, throw in some fat wound crunchbuckers and then ride the wild waves out here.

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Sam Ash Music is the name of the local stores http://www.samashmusic.com/


They are probly one of Gibson oldest dealers, hence the first deleivery http://www.samashmusic.com/history/


My WGT is in transin with Fedex from SAD warehouse in Florida due in 9/4


The GT I demo'd in the White Plains NY store had the scratches on the pickguard, pickups and control cover, plus a 2" scratch in the side were it goesunder your arm, I left it in the store, it may still be there.

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How dull are the finishes? Do you think they'd benefit from a hand polish - like people were doing on the faded standards a few years ago?


The finish on my ebony is fairly dull. Dull enough anyway where you can definitely notice a difference when it is hit with just a little rubbing compound, especially on the back of the neck and headstock. I dig the glossier look, now if it only had a little binding to contrast with it! :)

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SCORE! Called my most local Sam Ash (120 miles away [cursing] ) and they just got a HSB in. Holding it for me, will be picking it up next weekend, had to cancel my CSB with Sweetwater, so if you're looking for one, there could be one available at Sweetwater, ask for Wayne, very cool guy, actually felt guilty about cancelling my order.

But, I got the color I wanted, and I'll have it in roughly a week. The wait is now officially almost over. I recommend calling your local Sam Ash dealers, they may just have one in stock.

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SCORE! Called my most local Sam Ash (120 miles away [cursing] ) and they just got a HSB in. Holding it for me, will be picking it up next weekend, had to cancel my CSB with Sweetwater, so if you're looking for one, there could be one available at Sweetwater, ask for Wayne, very cool guy, actually felt guilty about cancelling my order.

But, I got the color I wanted, and I'll have it in roughly a week. The wait is now officially almost over. I recommend calling your local Sam Ash dealers, they may just have one in stock.

Hey Congrats!!! Another kudos to SAM ASH. Folks, like mentioned before, look into Sam Ash to get your hands on the 50s tributes. They are getting them before anyone else.

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I scored too! Hi everyone...I've been lurking here for months...had a Cherry Burst on order from MF. Took the Sam Ash advice from ya'll on here. I first called and spoke with someone in the Sam Ash Direct online section, since I do not have a local store. He told me they were all spoken for...keep watching for the next shipment. Then I thought about it and decided to try once again. Called and got the Tampa call center, and they said there might be a CB and a white one floating around. 10 minutes later I had the CB paid for and supposed to ship today. No tax and no shipping charge $849 total cost...wooHOOO!!! Thanks to everyone for the great info!!!!

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I scored too! Hi everyone...I've been lurking here for months...had a Cherry Burst on order from MF. Took the Sam Ash advice from ya'll on here. I first called and spoke with someone in the Sam Ash Direct online section, since I do not have a local store. He told me they were all spoken for...keep watching for the next shipment. Then I thought about it and decided to try once again. Called and got the Tampa call center, and they said there might be a CB and a white one floating around. 10 minutes later I had the CB paid for and supposed to ship today. No tax and no shipping charge $849 total cost...wooHOOO!!! Thanks to everyone for the great info!!!!

Congrats!! Keep them coming!! [thumbup]

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Well, I also decided to take the advice here to heart and though my local Sam Ash is actually way on the other side of Chicago from where I am, I decided to call down there yesterday afternoon and made the drive down there last night. Sure enough they had a 50s Trib yet to come out of the box, and, after playing it for about 45 minutes, I drove home with a Gold Top. It plays great, sounds excellent and the set up seems spot on. This morning I found it had stayed in tune overnight. Only slight "wear" in a few spots along the edges of the top. Same wear others have noted on the pickguard and cavity cover, though I wouldn't have noticed the pickguard scratches without looking for them and they're no worse than what would probably be there after a month of play. About a 3/8-inch scuff on the bridge pickup, but looking at it this morning it seemed much more minor than I'd recalled. One cool thing: the salesguy, Dave--a big LP guy, about flipped when it came out of the box. Evidently he's got a '62 LP Gold Top and said the finish on this one looked just like his.


I'll try to get pics up later. Now I have to decide what to do with the M123 ebony order, but I guess there's no rush with that.

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Well, I also decided to take the advice here to heart and though my local Sam Ash is actually way on the other side of Chicago from where I am, I decided to call down there yesterday afternoon and made the drive down there last night. Sure enough they had a 50s Trib yet to come out of the box, and, after playing it for about 45 minutes, I drove home with a Gold Top. It plays great, sounds excellent and the set up seems spot on. This morning I found it had stayed in tune overnight. Only slight "wear" in a few spots along the edges of the top. Same wear others have noted on the pickguard and cavity cover, though I wouldn't have noticed the pickguard scratches without looking for them and they're no worse than what would probably be there after a month of play. About a 3/8-inch scuff on the bridge pickup, but looking at it this morning it seemed much more minor than I'd recalled. One cool thing: the salesguy, Dave--a big LP guy, about flipped when it came out of the box. Evidently he's got a '62 LP Gold Top and said the finish on this one looked just like his.


I'll try to get pics up later. Now I have to decide what to do with the M123 ebony order, but I guess there's no rush with that.



This is all clearly a lie as there are no pictures to back this façade up [flapper]


(congrats on scoring a goldie, the Sam Ash & Gibson connection appears to be pretty damn tight)

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As promised, here are a boatload of pics of my new HB. Zonk already knows my first impressions of this guitar (I'm quoting my PM to him almost verbatim here), but here goes.


Here's my initial impressions of the guitar (I'm picking some seriously tiny nits here)...


First off, I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that the neck pickup was stuck sort of cock-eyed in the cavity. I had to take the pickup out to see what was happening, and it is spring mounted to a metal plate (that's a nice touch), but one of the springs was off the mounting screw and jammed the pickup assembly into the cavity. Fixed that easily enough.


Trying to tune it, the nut is plastic POS, IMHO, isn't cut deep enough and needed to be lightly lubed to be serviceable, but once I lubed it, tuning was breeze. I won't be keeping that nut if I keep the guitar. Finish is overall pretty good. On par with a really good Agile, not bad for an under $900 American made guitar (not as good as my Am Std Strat though). Some spots where the finish is rough, like dust under the finish that you can flick off with your fingernail. The seam around the neck (where the fingerboard is attached) is on the sloppy side. You can definitely see the seam and it's rough to the touch. IMHO, they could have sanded that smooth - PRS does so on their $600 SE series - and it would have looked a bit more finished.


The faux binding is well done. The frets are nicely done also. I mentioned in my previous post that *I* think they made a poor choice to brush the plastic. It doesn't look worn, it just kind of looks silly. I took a light polishing pad and swirled that out on the neck pickups and it looks a lot better (actually looks worn). I'll be doing that to the other pickup and the pickguard as well if I keep it. So... all of the stuff I mentioned above, while mildly puzzling is fixable.


So, what about the sound? Here's the guitar shines. In a word, it sounds fantastic. I think Gibson really did a good job with the pickups and electronics on it, and to me, it does not sound chambered at all. It cleans up great and when you dig in rewards you with some true gritty, smokey tones. Really, really nice. One thing worth noting is that, on my guitar at least, the pickups are NOT RW/RP and I get hum in all 3 positions. It's still fairly quiet for a P-90, but it's worth mentioning. Anyone else notice this?


So, will I keep it? I'm trying to like this guitar, I really am. You know how you just instantly like some guitars? Then there are others that at first glance and first playing you're left wanting? That was this one. I'd play it for a while, set it down, then I'd pick it up a bit later. Then later on last night, I grabbed it and compared it with the other P-90 gits I have. Each time, I appreciate it more. But why do I have to try to like it?


Both my Edwards, I instantly liked. Fit, finish. etc. They're better than the Gibby. For me the true comparison will come this Friday when I take delivery of an Edwards E-LP-92SD/P Goldtop with SD P-90s.


Anyway... sorry for the long winded post. I think Gibson did some very right things with this guitar, and some very puzzling things with it, but one they did right is make it sound like a tone monster. On to the pics. First some general shots:









The next two are as good as I could do to show the plastic "distressing" in this morning's light.





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It really makes one wonder why people are walking into stores or calling stores and they are in stock, while reorders aren't even close to being filled??

I think the theory of 126 per color, which someone mentioned earlier, is in my personal guess not close to that.. Again, that's my theory, no disrespect to anybody out there intended!

If I'd known how easy, well relatively easy, to pick up a Honey, I would have persued that path in stead of my Burst, of which is still showing delivery date of tomorrow.

But, that's o.k. I still like my Epi. Cherry Burst, just hoping that there's not a lot of red on it though... Can't complain, at least I'm not out in the cold, so to speak.. [biggrin]

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Wow!!! That Honey Burst is AWESOME! It would have been my first choice too, but CB was the only thing I could find, so I hope I'll be happy with that. Should get it here in Reno by Wed/Th next week. The poor thing will be shocked having come from the humidity of Nashville and Tampa, and finally landing in the DRY high desert. I'll treat her right though!!!

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Great review Steve! And you take some of the best pictures of guitars I've seen. Better than the professional shots on any Gibson or Fender calendar IMO.

Rock On Steve!!

As you mention it, I think he should get a job working for Gibson taking pictures of their guitars for them.

They are quite well taken. Of course, you would have to keep the guitars you have taken pictures of as well.. Don't you think?? [laugh]

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Great pics and write up, thanks! I'm puzzled about the nut on yours, seem to have had no issues with mine. The website says it's Corian, with the slots cut on the Plek, just like on a Traditional. Same width too, should probably be the same nut. I guess they can get it wrong even with the Plek.


Really great looking guitar (it's not all the guitar, the photography is top notch [thumbup]). If you do decide not to keep it, I am betting you will have an easy time selling!


BTW, did you clean up/polish the control cover? One of mine looks perfect, the other has the wire brush (or whatever) treatment to the max.

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This thread is uber exploded!! The 50s Tribute are awsome!. I just joined the forum after I sold a gold top and a honey burst to a few of ya ;) and they recomended the site. I work at the Sam Ash in Hollywood. If any1 has any questions concerning a honey burst shoot me a pm ASAP!

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So is that it? Sam Ash is the only Online seller in the USA that got any?

I think so. So far.... A lot of smaller shops got some too (<speculation/+heard that somewhere), so the local independent shop is another place to check (harder to find, you've got to know more of where to look). But remember, Gibson will be shipping these out for the next few months. Others will get theirs, it will just be a little while longer (I won't pretend to know when that is, my GC connection tried to find out after the warehouse mislead him to think they'd show up there two days ago). But it'll happen!

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So, will I keep it? I'm trying to like this guitar, I really am. You know how you just instantly like some guitars? Then there are others that at first glance and first playing you're left wanting? That was this one. I'd play it for a while, set it down, then I'd pick it up a bit later. Then later on last night, I grabbed it and compared it with the other P-90 gits I have. Each time, I appreciate it more. But why do I have to try to like it?




I never doubt my first impressions. They're almost always right. Some guitars, you just don't "bond" with.

It's ok. Doesn't mean the brand, model, or even that particular guitar is "bad." Just maybe not your thing,

or what you expected. Who knows, I may feel the same way, about my much anticipated "Gold Top," when it finally

arrives. If so...I won't purchase it...long wait, or not. I'll just put my retainer/deposit on something else,

or even take the refund.


So, if you're "trying to like it," I doubt it's really for you??! But, who knows?


Good luck!


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