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World Cup...why?


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Let's see here Blue, you are an avowed hater of all sports but you recognize Cheever's mask? What really bores me is how you take every opportunity whenever someone else mentions a sport to give your 2 cents worth, yet you start a thread about the biggest sporting event worldwide. O.K. we get it, you hate sports. Who is ramming this down your throat? And you people that find the fastest sport boring! Hockey is hands down the most exciting and entertaing sport period.

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Spoken like a true Australian Rules Football fan[biggrin] [cool] :D..


lol. I'm not much of an AFL fan these days truth be told - my local team was so frustrating to watch play' date=' put me off the game.


Who is ramming this down your throat?


I was wondering the same thing.

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It does not really matter how popular' date=' what does matters is how much we slaughter the USA on Saturday! [biggrin'] ](*,)[biggrin]


It might mean a lot to you Brits, but most Americans could give a rats *** if we won or lost.

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It might mean a lot to you Brits' date=' but most Americans could give a rats *** if we won or lost. [/quote']




It's about as important as winning that game of rounders you play over there.


One thing that's always puzzled me is why the main championship (I think...) is called the 'World Series' when no-one else on the planet can be bothered to take part!



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Well, I'm not a big Soccer fan either, but you should take into account that Soccer is in fact much more popular than Football, Baseball and Basketball on a global level.


When the World Cup takes place, people from all over the World watch, and teams from all over the World take part. The World Series is enjoyed primarily by Americans, and all of the teams are American.


As to it being crammed down our throats: Yes, they will continue to do that, until Soccer is popular in America. There is a lot of money to be made by marketing the product "Soccer", and businesses are investing heavily in this product.

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Basketballs require more as they need to bounce. Hoops have to be a certain height for it to be fun and have to not fall everytime you shoot at it etc..


That's why.... they are ubiquitous.

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actually' date=' is american football not just rugby for wimps wearing padding??[/quote']


Thats FUNNY !! :) The NFL is SO much more !! Its a chess match, world class athletes banging heads, throwing 50 yard bombs, 250 pounders running through the front lines,

I gotta admit, your rugby players ARE tough, Ive watched some of those games and they are tough indeed, most dont have any teeth left but they are tough [biggrin] :P

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For the record' date=' I find US Football painful to watch. But i feel that way about most sports....MOSTLY BASEBALL. I'd rather watch golf. hehehe[/quote']


yes, for some reason I cannot sit and watch Canadian football either,, I think we build a loyalty to a specific team and or a specific player or coach, thats part of watching the game for me, if I turn on another sport where I know nobody there I have a hard time with it many times too

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...actually' date=' is american football not just rugby for wimps wearing padding??...[/quote']




Hey tartanbeastie! Here's hoping no-one posts any clips showing all those fat guys wearing checked skirts throwing telegraph poles whilst listening to someone strangling an octopus at the Highland Games...


And to think we Scots find other peoples sports funny!


"Ah! Wha' would the giftie gie us,

to see oorselves as others see us..."


as someone once wrote!

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I think American football made the big separation from rugby when a scrum was switched to begin with players disengaged until after the ball was passed to a player to begin action, and only players in certain positions could carry and pass the ball.


I have no idea when or how that happened, but it already had happened by WWI when my Grandpa played. Even then they really didn't have much in the way of pads. That's evolved over the past century to the plastic armor now worn.


I think the holdback of the scrum as guys stood off a few feet from each other as in sumo prepared to charge each other is one reason the "line" in North American "football" grew into larger and larger players.


There were more heavier hits with that "scrimmage" per minute than in rugby or Oz rules even in the olden days - although a lot of stuff that had been considered "dangerous" has been made illegal over the years. The "Flying Wedge" and "Turtleback" are two examples. The "chop block" that was my own major reason to be on the field is illegal nowadays. Grandpa told of several plays in his era when they'd pass my Uncle Jim over the line of scrimmage ball and all. Literally. The extension of 5 yards to 10 for a "first down" added to changes as did change in the shape of the ball and changes both in kicking and "passing" games.


I'm not a "sports fan" per se, but I enjoy watching a good American football game largely because I see it as having a number of similarities to chess...



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Within the next 5 -10 years the NFL will be here in Canada. Sorry Buffalo' date=' but youre moving to




They've been saying that for many many many many years already. It hasn't happened yet. I'm not holding my breath....

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Yep gotta agree soccer is a pretty boring sport and it's not anything like American Football. Soccer is a lot more popular now as a kids game and even up into college and that's cool as it seems to be a very healthy sport. Many of us that our American and a little older definitely don't get the worlds interest in soccer and the World Cup. I have never watched a World Cup game and don't see that changing.


When I was growing up soccer was what all the wimpy kids that could not play sports played in PE while the rest of us played competitive sports.



It is a common but erroneous claim that soccer is for sissies.


True, it is not as physical as American Football, Rugby or Australian rules.


But I'd challenge anyone to Head a water logged soccer ball coming at your face at 60 miles an hour. It is not for the faint hearted, I can assure you.


What I hate about soccer is the faking in order to get free kicks. It really sucks and damages the game.

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