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Why so much animosity?

Silenced Fred

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alot of rock stars wanted to be jocks when they were young but couldnt so they stayed home and played their instruments, same for the jocks, alot of jocks wanted to be rock stars but couldnt, so there is some childhood animosity that lingers somewhere with some of them I think,, not me though,, I'm GOOD at both [thumbup]:-&

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alot of rock stars wanted to be jocks when they were young but couldnt so they stayed home and played their instruments' date=' same for the jocks, alot of jocks wanted to be rock stars but couldnt, so there is some childhood animosity that lingers somewhere with some of them I think,, not me though,, I'm GOOD at both [biggrin'] [thumbup]


That's what I was assuming, that there is a natural "hatred" between the two, but there is really so many similarities.

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Well, I think the difference between High Dollar Jocks and Big Money Rockstars is that typically the rockstar won't strike on his fans for more money.

The rockstar understands it's their fans that gave them the opportunity to be a rockstar and not working 9-5 at a crappy day job and show appreciation.

The Jock....not so much. It's why I don't watch baseball anymore, strike strike strike.

How about you go toss the ball around and STFU or get a day job.


Plus, it depends on the sport, I live in the south but I like Hockey. Hockey players are busting more *** during their ice time than most players in other sports but are paid the least out of Pro Sports (at least this used to be the case, may have recently changed or not)

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The Music / Sports animosity is seeded in our school years.


Historically, Music and Sports have competed for money from their school's budget. In my experience, it is usually one of the school's coaches who feels he isn't getting his share of the budget and takes it out on the arts. Why? I dunno, but it could be he feels he is a big 'tough guy' and intimidates the namby pamby artsy fartsy types. Then whenever it comes down to sharing facilities, like the gymnasium or football field he gets all territorial.


His animosity is transferred the sports players. Some folks just never grow out of it. Not all Coaches are this way, but it only takes one in a school to get this 3rd grade jealously started, and most schools have at least one.


A few years ago, at a local University, the lyrics of a song played itself out:


"The Band refused to yield, what was the deal?"


The University's band had scheduled the use of the football field for a half time show rehearsal. One of the football coaches had it in his mind it was HIS field and was at HIS disposal 24/7. This lead to a heated dispute on the side lines between the coach (not the head coach) and the band director. The coach told his boys to 'practice' and one footballer ran right through the band taking out a couple musicians and instruments. "Real mature boys.:" The coach, rightly, lost his job. The player was charged with assault and battery. This was at the college level... idiots. [biggrin]


Let us all, as adults, find it within ourselves to act like grown-ups in these situations.


Sports is sports and people spend money to watch

Art in all it's form is art and people spend money to watch.


Neither produce any tangible output, but both are enjoyed by millions of people. They are both a pass time that people enjoy when they are otherwise bored. Anthropologists will tell you that when they dig up a site that reveals art, instruments and sport paraphernalia, that tells them the society had met is basic needs; Food, shelter, safety and security. Because of this, they had free time for non-productive pursuits. Seems we have more in common than most people realize.

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Let us all' date=' as adults, find it within ourselves to act like grown-ups in these situations.


Sports is sports and people spend money to watch

Art in all it's form is art and people spend money to watch.


Neither produce any tangible output, but both are enjoyed by millions of people. They are both a pass time that people enjoy when they are otherwise bored. Anthropologists will tell you that when they dig up a site that reveals art, instruments and sport paraphernalia, that tells them the society had met is basic needs; Food, shelter, safety and security. Because of this, they had free time for non-productive pursuits. Seems we have more in common than most people realize.




That's all I'm trying to say. The similarities far outweigh the differences

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when I was a young man there was a guy in England named Rod Stewart who was a pretty good football player (soccer)- He then got the singing gig..."gee-what do I want to do-sing rock and roll,party all night and have gorgeous 17 yr old girls going gaga over me or run my *** off playing soccer"?-The defense rests!

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It's a non issue outside of school, as far as I'm concerned. There was a certain amount of Band vs Football team rivalry in High School, but I didn't experience any in college. I was on the Rugby team and roomed with a tuba player... we all got along famously! I don't see any at the professional level, outside of individual personal spats.

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Most people are typically jealous of people who receive large sums of money for doing something they love...sports or otherwise...


Agree, you can add big time actors to the equation.


$5 million to make a movie and then you get some crew member talking nice about you on the extras section of the DVD.

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I've done sports since I was old enough to hold a baseball. I love sports personally, especially at the college level. I have a real distaste for the professional level, a lot of players are just entirely too full of themselves and generally way overpaid - not to mention they don't have the heart that you see in a high school or college game.

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Between musicians and sports? Seriously... people complain about players making millions of dollars' date=' but what about big name rock stars? I don't get it, both use their talents to earn a good living.


Feel free to discuss[/quote']


So, youre saying Slash is talented? [flapper]

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I think one advantage to a small-mid size school by Northern Plains US standards (probably Canadian prairie provinces too, but I dunno) is that there are enough kids and resources for a wide range of valuable extra curricular activities including sports, music, theater and static arts.


A surprising number of kids here may be all-state in a sport or two and play in the band or jazz band and then do some theater and painting too.


There are roughly 400 kids in the high school which, from my perspective is "big enough," that the community has resources for professional-level mentors; small enough each kid has opportunities to try most everything.


Problems? Yeah, occasionally. Sometimes the soccer club has problems with the football team or vice versa, sometimes a football coach will "ride" a rodeo rough stock rider to quit rodeo so he doesn't get too damaged to run the ball downfield. But the vocal and instrumental music programs also have a degree of competition because both have their "classes" at the same time of day.



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I don't see it as a issue at all here or even more importantly in the real world. People post a question about sports than get upset when somebody has an opinion that doesn't match there's no surprise it's the same on most subjects on the forum.


If you went to a soccer forum or any kind of sports forum and posted something about guitars some would complain and others would want to know why you brought it up at all same here. This forum is especially bad sometimes about people not understanding that an opinion isn't a personal attack against anyone it's exactly what somebody asked for what I thought about something.


I played football and Baseball all through high school and college while at the same time I played guitar. Obviously I wasn't in the band because I was on the field playing the sports but rather than be a point of contention most of the people in the band thought it was cool that I played guitar and wasn't just a jock.


The people that get all twisted up just need to relax and look at the big picture. Different opinions are all right and even kind of fun, I can't imagine how boring the forum would be if everybody was exactly the same we would have a bunch of random posts and then 30 +1 and then the always fun no Plus 1,000,000 and then we'd be back to the name that tune game or whatever that post is and bickering about Slash and Buckethead and who is the greatest? or maybe we would just endlessly debate the #1 question facing all of the world in these complex times - Pick-guard on or off...

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400 high school population, in my opinion is tops. Any bigger and the REAL trouble starts.


I was in sports and band... And I was pretty much mediocre at both.


Rodeo is where it's at. Now that's a sport! How many 200 pound line backers would not turn tail and run when faced with a 2000 pound opponent?


The broncs and the mud

the cheers and the blood

and they call the thing Rode o-o----o--oooo

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The high school rodeo season is ON!


Saturday there's a batch of 'em around. I'll be at one. I'd be Sunday, too, but I've gotta pick in public.


Then the last week of the month is the state high school finals rodeo here. Then a cupla PRCA and 4-H rodeos.


All kidding aside, where but in high school rodeo would parents put a couple-three or four teenagers into a $40-50,000 pickup pulling a $20,000 trailer with maybe $80,000 in horseflesh and send 'em off 200 to 400 miles for a weekend?



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It's like this, (didn't you guys watch porkies?). [biggrin]


The Jocks are boinking the band chicks and the cheerleaders are boinking the rock stars!


It all works out even in the end - everyone's getting some tail - thus everyone's happy & no problems!.


Sadly these days with both music and sport, some of the participants have got themselves somewhat confuzzled about the rulze, and the jocks are doin the rock stars, and the band chicks are doin the cheerleaders! [crying][blink]:-k :- :-$


Now THIS is where all the trouble starts.....because those that aren't gettin any tail, then want to watch the band chicks and cheerleaders at it - but they don't want the audience (well except the band chicks sometimes - some a them are right show offs) and so some gets unhappy, and then all the crap starts.


Least that's how I remember banned camp...(oops I meant band camp)! [blink]#-o


I learned all this watching the Porkies movie......Ohh I left out Stifflers mother.....- well another tail for another time maybe, (yeah - when [if] I get back from my inevitable trip on the short yella bus with the rest of the winda licker's, going to banned camp!) #-o done it again!



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...The Jocks are boinking the band chicks and the cheerleaders are boinking the rock stars!


It all works out even in the end - everyone's getting some tail - thus everyone's happy & no problems!.


Sadly these days with both music and sport' date=' some of the participants have got themselves somewhat confuzzled about the rulze, and the jocks are doin the rock stars, and the band chicks are doin the cheerleaders!...[/quote']


Just my luck. [crying] I was a "band dood" [biggrin]

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