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Notes -- always wanted to ask' date=' who is the singer in your signature photo (and if yours, does she have a sister?):) =D> =D> :D [/quote']


The singer is my lovely wife, Leilani.


She is my second wife. After the first one bombed, I decided not to get hooked up permanently with anybody unless they were in the business.


When I met Leilani, she was singing in another band. She too was recently divorced and we hit it off very well. We became each other's "groupies" for a while, and then got into a 5 piece band together. After some personnel problems in the 5 piece band (that's a good "road story" for another thread - but probably off topic) we decided to learn how to sequence and start a duo. The result is The Sophisticats and you can hear a demo there if you like.


Years later I've decided Leilani is the best thing I've ever stumbled into (I can't claim credit for being smart enough to recognize it from the start). She is a great woman, fantastic singer, and that wasn't enough, she plays guitar and tactile MIDI controller!!!


Yes, she has three sisters. Two married and another divorced but not looking right now (I suppose that could change for the right guy ;-) ).



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Well here it is' date=' at last.. Let's hope this one is better than the last!


(I got the first post!! Hoo-Hoooo!) :D/ [/quote']


Hello everyone,


This site looks real different, hopefully without the bugs of the other forum.


Just wanted to see what everything looked like over here. Welcome one and all!



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Polls, stickys, admins actually posting and not just deleting threads, and best of all, I can actually log in and post. I'm impressed. After months of forced lurking abbreviated by random posting whenever the server decided to let me (which ended up being once every three months), I might actually be able to participate in this community. Good times!


...post editing, too! Whooo!

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Hi gang, Yahoo I actually was able to log on! I wish I could remember all the pithy, sarcastic, witty etc. etc. comments I have been unable to make over the last couple of months. oh well I'm sure you guys will give me plenty of ammo!! Feels like home.:D

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