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Disappointment at GC


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In reply to NeoConMan:


Bob Turner has owned that store for 32 years.

Mike Patruno was a pimple faced kid when he went to work there 25 years ago, He's the manager now for the last 18.

He was also building guitars in another shop and giving lessons. He KNEW HIS SH!T when he was 18.

The other 3 guys that work in the store have all been there at least 4 years - not much turnover there.


I'm not saying that some folks don't make a career out of it; the store where I worked had a few guys who had been there for decades but they also had their fair share of people who came and went. They're a bit larger of an outfit than what you're describing though and I'd guesstimate that they probably employ around 20 full and part time people.




Mike himself checks out EVERY guitar they get before it goes on the wall.

On his two days off, they wait for his blessing until he returns.


When you say "checks out" do you mean "sets up" or "plugs it into an amp to make sure it works?" This is a lot of guitars to do actual setups on before putting them on display:




Silverbursted was complaining about the guitars not being set up. Every retailer checks out products before putting them on display; nobody wants egg on their face when a customer wants a demo but doing full setups takes time.




Missing parts: Customers STEAL.

I've asked Mike about this.

He can count the number of times he's lost a part off a guitar on one hand - over 25 years!


I'm not saying people were walking out with the entire store or that where I worked had a lot of it going on, but I'll bet Guitar Centers have higher instances of it going on just due to the clientele. No offense to the younger guys here, but adults with full time jobs are much less likely to swipe a cheap plastic knob.

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Click on this and you'll feel better.




Choose anything you want.



Hey Neo, I'm not trying to be a smart a.. I'm just curious what the reason is for not posting an entire link? You know, where half is a hyperlink and the other half has to be copied and pasted. Your sig and this GC link above is the only place I've seen it done like that before. Thanks.

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Hey Neo' date=' I'm not trying to be a smart a.. I'm just curious what the reason is for not posting an entire link? You know, where half is a hyperlink and the other half has to be copied and pasted. Your sig and this GC link above is the only place I've seen it done like that before. Thanks. [/quote']


It's not him. The message board, while it automagically creates most links by searching for strings like "http://" doesn't do so well when there's data being passed through the URL, especially when there's a lot of it. It usually gets most of what's past the "?" but then starts to mess up if followed by too many variables (strings that follow a "+" or "&").


So, for those times, rather than just pasting the URL into the message text box, you need to actually use the tool button for creating a link or do it like this:




Or like this:


[url=http://youtube.com/results?search_query=****+guitar+center&search_type=&aq=f]My rad link[/url]

So that you get this:




Or this:


My rad link

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Amazed, they're still in business! I try to buy from family owned music stores,

as much as possible. Service is much better, and they take the time to know

their customers, and make you feel welcome. UNLIKE "GC," sales people,

who always made me feel like I was "interupting" their mindless banter. But,

I will admit, I have been in 2 GC's that were run right! Good management, and

great sales people. But those were the exceptions, rather than the rule, IMHO.



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In reply to NeoConMan:

Mike himself checks out EVERY guitar they get before it goes on the wall.

On his two days off' date=' they wait for his blessing until he returns.[/i']


When you say "checks out" do you mean "sets up" or "plugs it into an amp to make sure it works?"

This is a lot of guitars to do actual setups on before putting them on display

Yes. It IS alot of guitars. Most do not need a full blown set up.

He tunes them, checks the action and intonation, makes sure the electronics work properly, runs up and down the neck like EVH, and then hands it to one of the other guys to wipe down, tag, and prepare for display.

Takes him all of sixty seconds if everything is as it should be.


If things are WRONG with the guitar, and it cannot be quickly remedied, it goes back in the box for return shipping.

They will not accept turds, not even from Gibson.

Some of the cheaper imported stuff (they sell beginner guitars too) is only gonna work so well, but he makes sure they are decent and offer no playability challenges.

He doesn't like to say it, but he returns several Gibsons a year for QC issues that never should have left Tennessee.

I'm guessing they wind up in the online warehouses....




Silverbursted was complaining about the guitars not being set up.

Um' date=' I don't think so. I'm not gonna go searching for a post to prove you wrong, but I don't think that was Bizarre.




Every retailer checks out products before putting them on display; nobody wants egg on their face when a customer wants a demo but doing full setups takes time.

I know lotsa guys in the music scene, they will tell you that's not always the case at GC.

Of course, as bad as I've seen NICE guitars screwed up at GC, they must have been "adjusted" before being hung out.




Missing parts: Customers STEAL.

I've asked Mike about this.

He can count the number of times he's lost a part off a guitar on one hand - over 25 years!


I'm not saying people were walking out with the entire store or that where I worked had a lot of it going on' date=' but I'll bet Guitar Centers have higher instances of it going on just due to the clientele. No offense to the younger guys here, but adults with full time jobs are much less likely to swipe a cheap plastic knob. [/quote']

I'll be the first to admit Bizarre is nowhere near as "friendly" to kids as Guitar Center.

If you are wearing metal on your clothes, they will hold the guitar while you adjust your wardrobe to prevent damage. If you can't act like an adult, ask to see what you want, and avoid acting stupid with it, they will let you leave....

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It's not him. The message board' date=' while it automagically creates most links by searching for strings like "http://" doesn't do so well when there's data being passed through the URL, especially when there's a lot of it. It usually gets most of what's past the "?" but then starts to mess up if followed by too many variables (strings that follow a "+" or "&").


So, for those times, rather than just pasting the URL into the message text box, you need to actually use the tool button for creating a link or do it like this:




Thanks. I learn something new all the time on these forums, even if it's not always guitar related.


Or like this:


[url=http://youtube.com/results?search_query=****+guitar+center&search_type=&aq=f]My rad link[/url]

So that you get this:




Or this:


My rad link

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It's not him. The message board' date=' while it automagically creates most links by searching for strings like "http://" doesn't do so well when there's data being passed through the URL, especially when there's a lot of it. It usually gets most of what's past the "?" but then starts to mess up if followed by too many variables (strings that follow a "+" or "&").


So, for those times, rather than just pasting the URL into the message text box, you need to actually use the tool button for creating a link or do it like this:[/quote']


Thanks. I learn something new all the time here.

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I dunno' date=' the one at my disposal in New London, those guys have been really good to me, I get freebees every time I go there, then again Joel (manager) remembers me from the "King Of The Blues" competition, so that helps too, I guess. And while yeah, they got their share of P.F.K.'s, they also have some pretty knowledgeable guys working there, but that's just my experience.[/quote']

Guitarandfeather, When's the last time you've been to GC in New London, (Joel Les Paul) what a name, has been gone for some time now. Rich Sherman took his place as manager, real nice guy. I knew him from the Warwick RI GC store before he transferred to New London. Anyway, I have mostly good things to say about GC. Remember when you shop at a GC, do your homework first because a lot of the help is young and inexperienced but they are sharp and willing to learn. I've purchased two guitars, from them and nobody in other guitar stores could come close to matching their price. I've always had them order me a new guitar rather than take the floor model with the condition that if the new comes in not acceptable they get me another. So far I've had no problems and they have been more than helpful. They have beat the prices on other purchases like pro headphones, strings, and a strobe tuner. Something's can only be sold at a manufactures price so getting a better deal on those items is impossible even if you search the net it won't be lower unless it's B stock or refurbished. The only thing that annoys me at GC is when schools out, it's alwaysfull of young kids playing to loud inside and it makes it hard to talk to anyone with out yelling.

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Don't get me wrong Roadhog, I was not slamming all GC's, just the one in Tempe, AZ. I usually go to the GC in Scottsdale. They have a dedicated room for Gibson and there are only two guys that I'll even talk to, they know me pretty well, and are very knowledgeable and helpful. But since joining this forum, I have learned my lesson and the truth about GC. I am happy to buy "stuff" like strings and cables from them, and sample different guitars, but all of my future GAS attacks will be cured by Bizarre Guitar in Phoenix.

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I've always had them order me a new guitar rather than take the floor model with the condition that if the new comes in not acceptable they get me another.

I'll step out of character here for fairness.

Andy Besecke was an assistant manager at that Tempe store.

When I bought my Guild BluesBird there' date=' it was a nightmare that lasted about a month. Absolutely unbelievable.

I was AMAZED at the lengths they would go to just to avoid holding up their end of a deal that THEY put together!

Let's just say, they never met a bigger d!ckhead than me. I held their feet to the fire and shoved it in their asses.


Anyhow, Andy was the ONLY guy there with a lick of sense.

This was in 2003, and I challenge ANYBODY who worked in that store at the time to tell me different.


When I was shopping for an EDS 1275 double neck in 2005, I went to GC just to see if they has one I could play.

My dealer did not at that time, nobody else did either. At GC store in Phoenix, a guy told me the only one nearby was at the new Summerlin store in Las Vegas. Well, I was prepared to drive 300 miles up there over the weekend and take the wife along for a little excursion, so I asked him if the guitar was new by GC standards, or actually NEW.

He said he could call the manager and find out, I told him I would call myself to get the story straight.


I asked what the manager's name was, he said Andy.

Andy? From Tempe Andy?

Yes, Andy Besecke was the manager at that new store. This is looking a little better now.....


So, I call Andy, and he remembers me from two years previous, remembered the Guild fiasco, and [b']apologized AGAIN![/b]

For the first time in my life, I'm impressed with Guitar Center.


So I tell Andy I'm looking for a double neck. It's at the OTHER Las Vegas store. There was a misunderstanding in Tempe.

No sh!t.

Okay, so I explain to Andy I want a NEW EDS 1275 because production has just been moved into the Custom Shop.

He mentioned price, I told him I didn't care about price until I determined the guitar was new, perfect, and Custom Shop.

I told him I would like to buy it from HIM and HIM only, no more bullsh!t like I went thru in Tempe.

He agreed, said he would look into it and call me back.


That very same afternoon, I get a phone call from him.

He tells me I don't want the guitar.

He says it's gonna be shipped back to Gibson.

Seems it has a "truss rod problem" and it wasn't a Custom Shop piece either.


Andy Besecke was still the manager of that store last time I was there in 2006, but I didn't see him.

He is a stand up guy, honest, and fair. I hope he can make some changes in the way GC does business before he gives in and just starts doing business their way. I hope they never beat him down and he makes a good salary there.


Oh, I ordered my 1275 from Bizarre in March 2006, got it in November.

Incredible piece of work, single piece body.

Think about that for a minute.....

A double neck with a single piece of Mahogany for the body. Only one I've ever seen.

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I'm disappointed that you went to GC in the first place. I'm also disappointed that I went to GC as well... Shame on us!!


We've become so accustomed to poor service that we've accepted it as the way things are done.


As I often say, it seems mediocrity is the new standard of excellence!!

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I too look around at the GCs in phoenix, scottsdale,etc, but will buy my Gibsons only from Bizarre Guitar. Just bought a Les Paul Custom silverburst 6 months ago and a used 57 goldtop brazilian and sg silverburst 2 months ago. Bob and Mike know me too well. Just bought my first fender from them on friday!

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Another Bizarre believer!

Go ahead, tell them I'm not exaggerating about that store!


Honestly, have you ever seen a guitar shop anywhere in the USA that had as many Gibsons?

That kept ALL their guitars as clean and in tune?

That consistently sold at good prices and usually beat GC without even asking?


I've seen only two stores in my travels that are even in the same league.

Hollywood GC with the Vintage Vault. But take that away and it's just another f-ing Guitar Center, but with higher prices!


Make n Music in Chicago, but their selection was tiny by comparison. Good store though, very clean, very cool.


Nothing else I've been in a dozen major cities even comes close.

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I don't know how you guys can stomach ordering guitars. Sure, if it's not a good one, you can either not accept it or send it back but that seems like it would require too much time and hassle. I prefer to choose from available stock so I know what I'm getting in the first place. I've tried too many turds on display from Gibson, Fender, Ibanez and so on to trust that a guitar that I would be ordering would be a good one. I'd rather go with second or third choice of finish on a great example of model than wait a week (or months), try the guitar, reject it if it stinks then repeat over and over until a good one comes in. Sometimes you get lucky; my 52 RI Tele was the first one I tried out and it's an outstanding guitar but that was definitely an exception.

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I have taken friends to Bizarre Guitar and the first time they are there, they are stunned, seeing so many gibsons on the left side of the wall. MIke and BOb do let me pick up guitars without asking that are lower as they know I buy a lot and don't destroy. I went to the guitar center in phoenix and their gibson black beauty had binding problems, the set-up was terrible. I have bought one guitar from there 3 years ago and it was a EVH Charvel that they just brought out of the box, so I knew it wasn't man-handled in the past. THeir EDS-1275 they have there is in terrible shape and costs $400 less!

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The worst thing about GC here in Tulsa is that they replaced an excellent Gibson (and Fender) dealer here, Music Sound World. They'd match any online price, set up the guitar for you, and had exceptionally good personnel. Unfortunately GC ran them out of business (after Gibson pulled their dealer license) and now we're stuck with a GC that is a lot closer to the Tempe store than it is to BG.


Silverburst, I've got a Kia I've had for 5 years. Best vehicle I've ever had. Never even had a small problem with it.

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i agree with this whole thread about how GC's service is just ridiculous. coincidentally all the guitars i want to look at aren't even functional. the floor people are there purely for commission and they will tell you "oh yea i have that pedal/strap/guitar/amp and turn around and tell another customer the same exact thing but for completely different setups. yea their prices are sometimes pretty damn good, but not even worth buying from there. it'd be better off i try the equipment in store, and possibly buy it online or find some other place (maybe a local shop) who looks like they take care of the place. i have a better experience at george's music or any small time music store than with GC

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One of these days, I'm gonna have to go see Saul....


Bizarre usually will eat the tax if you deal with them a little.

You can get out the door for about what's on the tag, at least 30% off MSRP List.


Ordering a guitar can be a real leap of faith.

At GC, I was ready to shoot everybody in the store and burn it down when I left.


I ordered two from Bizarre.

My PRS took over two years to be built, Mike was on top of them the whole time.

My double neck came within the 8 months they told me, and it was a single piece body. Perfect!


There were a couple price increases on both guitars while they were on order, Mike honored the original price.

Guitar Center will NEVER do that.


Try getting a new Custom Shop EDS-1275 anywhere now for $2475.....

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I gotta say, my first (and only) experience with GC has been a delight!


I ordered that Teaburst R8 they had for $2000 US.

However, they don't ship to Canada.

I call GC in Buffalo and they said no problem, I could just have it shipped to the Buffalo GC.


GC ended up canceling that R8 on me because they ran out of stock.

They give me a BourbonBurst R8 for $2,500 US. I tried to get it for $2,000, but no dice.

So, I ordered the Bourbon over the phone.

I gave GC.com cell # and said the guitar had to be delivered by July 14 or else I wouldn't buy it. They said fine.


A guy from GC.com called me and told me that the order went through.

Then, somebody else called me on and told me that the guitar had been shipped.

Finally, I get a call from Michael saying he received the guitar.


Now, I'm sure this is a freak thing and that GC rarely keeps their customers informed, but this excellent customer service!

I was surprised at how well they kept me in the loop.


So, for this one time only...=D> GC!

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you are so right. I bought my '57goldtop reissue from BOB in april. I told him, hey buddy I buy a lot of things from here, I just bought a SG silverburst GOTW from 2007 one month before. HE was awesome, he got me out of the store at the price the guitar was listed for, i.e he included the tax in the price of the guitar, saving me about $500 in tax! they are awesome and i have turned a couple of other people onto his store, free advertising!

we should meet up there sometime, I am usually there once a month...

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You betcha!

Don't forget Silverbursted, I've just missed him twice.


Of course, anybody else is welcome to come along!


So YOU got the Silverburst SG....

I've been watching their Les Pauls come and go off the end of that wall, I know the 57 you bought - I think.

What color is the back?


My schedule is pretty light after this week, taking some long overdue vacation after a YEAR in the classroom.

Finally gonna move into my new job!


Woo Hoo!!!

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