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Neck Shaving


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Lads & Lasses...


Im looking for opinions about neck shaving. ( Im waiting for the jokes )


I love my R9. Ill never part with it, but I must say that the beefy neck has started to get to me.

I had a Gibson USA a few years back with the '60's slim taper. I loved that neck, it was perfect for my hands.

Then, thanks to Tim I got historic fever. I had to have one and I have no regrets even to this day.

For those who dont know, some of the historics ('58 & '59 ) have the thick, beefy necks. If you have X large hands you

may enjoy it, but some parts of my body are average *wink*....and my hands are two of them.


A few days ago a friend brought his new/used Lester over with a slim taper. I didnt realize how much I missed it.


The way I see it, guys like Page & Peter Green, Beck, all had their necks slimmed down and they still had amazing tone.

Some say itll take away from its resale value, but I dont look at my guitar as an investment. I look at it as my stress release

and creativity tool and I want it to feel 100% comfortable in my hands.

I have priced a shave by a luthier. $250 for the shave, and $350 for the restaining of the neck.



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I'll put my head in the noose first.


My R0 is the finest-sounding guitar I've ever played as, by now, I'm sure you have all heard me say ad nauseam.


It has a slim neck.


In Yas Iwanade's excellent BOTB one of the foremost 'burst collectors (Tom Wittrock with 14) states that, for him, the thing which makes a particular instrument 'special' is the neck.


"To me it is the neck. Whatever you do, you cannot change the neck."


Well; obviously you can change it...you can shave it!


The point of all this is I have found that the two guitars which have been most resonant - they really do sing - have both had slim necks.


This isn't to say "All guitars with slim necks will sing" nor "A guitar with a Baseball-bat neck will not sing" nor...well, I'm sure you get the point.


Shave the neck.

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I'll put my head in the noose first.


My R0 is the finest-sounding guitar I've ever played as, by now, I'm sure you have all heard me say ad nauseam.


It has a slim neck.


In Yas Iwanade's excellent BOTB one of the foremost 'burst collectors (Tom Wittrock with 14) states that, for him, the thing which makes a particular instrument 'special' is the neck.


"To me it is the neck. Whatever you do, you cannot change the neck."


Well; obviously you can change it...you can shave it!


The point of all this is I have found that the two guitars which have been most resonant - they really do sing - have both had slim necks.


This isn't to say "All guitars with slim necks will sing" nor "A guitar with a Baseball-bat neck will not sing" nor...well, I'm sure you get the point.


Shave the neck.


You lads have convinced me. Im going to get it done this week. Ill keep you posted.....cheers!

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reminds me i need to go to supercuts soon. anyways, i think you should go for it. if the only thing stopping you from completely loving the guitar is the feel of the neck, then it is something you'll really feel better about getting done.

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Is it the width of the neck that bothers you or the depth? For me it's more about width. I don't like wide necks.


I would be really nervous about getting that done on such a nice guitar. I hope your guy is good! Looking forward to hearing about the results.


By the way the most important factor for me is the neck. That's the main thing I love about my SG.

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...If the only thing stopping you from completely loving the guitar is the feel of the neck, then it is something you'll really feel better about getting done.




...By the way the most important factor for me is the neck. That's the main thing I love about my SG.


I agree. After I brought my R0 home I spent a lot of time trying to work out why it sounded different from the rest and concluded that it has to be the neck. It sets up sympathetic resonances all over the place...

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Is it the width of the neck that bothers you or the depth? ...


I've got the whole spectum in my collection - fat, thin, thick, slim and have no problems playing any of them. But, my favorite is the neck on my old 65 MM - 60s slim taper. I had it refinished once and sanded a tick slimmer. Love that neck.



Deepblue -


Shave the neck.

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When I first got my LPJ it was full nitro finish.

To much drag was my issue.

the difference after just stripping the finish was night and day.

I like the profile.

But I am also a firm believer in the "Stock Sucks, Hot rod the *****" attitude, I can never leave ant thing completely original.

So if you want to shave it go for it.

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The idea of shaving the neck of a perfectly good guitar reminds me of a phrase I heard from a guy about modifying a perfectly good old car I had into a street rod:


"Anyone can restore a car, it takes a real man to cut one up."


I cut my car up to enjoy driving it at highway speeds. I think you should shave the neck of your guitar so that you can enjoy it more. Hope it works-out well for you!

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I would think very carefully about having it done.


How about trying to find a Les Paul that feels and sounds just right to you, then sell yours and get one you really want. If you have the neck shaved and then don't like it you're not going to get anywhere near as much for your Les Paul, and then you could be stuck with a guitar you just don't like. If you search for one that is right you can get the best resale value towards it from your current LP. Just what I think.

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Thanks guys...

To me the problem is this. I love the way it sounds and looks, its just a neck issue.

Im not an expert by any means, but I do know that a shave could alter the tone.

I just found out that id need a total body restain if I had it done. It would be too

difficult to match the colour and I dont want that. As tempting as it is, im going to pass.

Its hard to be a Libra fellas. lol

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Why does the forum look like this? anyway...


I am doing the same thing to my R8, love the guitar, neck is absolutely positively huge.


I called Phil at philtone.com and he was such a nice guy to explain all details of the process, incredibly helpful guy he spent 15 minutes on the phone with me!


He quoted me $220 including the refinish, he is in Baltimore though I told him I could ship he said OK and looked at the details on his website. He also recommended me Joe Gasler locally in Nashville, top notch work for what I hear/read. Call them today, reshape and refinish $300 takes 2 weeks. I am doing this.


Initially I called Southbound Guitars here in Nashville and they quoted me prices similar to yours, that is too high.

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I personally wouldn't do it either, it would kill the resale of the guitar and the tone. Smart choice DeepBlue !


Mmmh how would it kill the tone? thinner neck? so 60's necks don't sound good?


Resale value in mind before playability sounds silly to me, but that is just me.


Deepblue, you do not need to refinish the guitar, a good luthier would use the same stain Gibson uses.


My guitar neck does not have the same exact color as the back of the body, Phil told me it does but because it is curved it looks different to you.


Call Phil, 5 minutes, ask away and know the answers from a Pro.

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I am still doing research, people think that shaving the neck is wrong but I am finding out guys that play for a living here in Nashville do it all the time.


Shaving a neck is not just that, if the guitar has enough meat all along the neck you can get a custom tailored neck to your preferences, exctly what you like, that sounds better than neck shaving doesn't it? Phil told me he has reshaped necks with strings on the guitar and all while the customer tries the guitar, once the shaping is done the refinish begins.


I am leaving the neck still on the thick side at the first frets and slightly smaller at the 12th fret and knocking down the shoulders, like a soft V that craddles in you hand.


I like the pickups, a bit on the vintage side for what I am used to but they fill a great spot on my guitar spectrum, I find them good for all purpose classic rock and blues. I also have an Explorer with ceramic pickups and a LPVM with BB Pros with the Alnico V.

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Mmmh how would it kill the tone? thinner neck? so 60's necks don't sound good?


I know my guitars tone as it is right now. If I alter the wood it will change. Maybe not much, but

im sure it would sound different. I really dont want to take a chance....thats my logic anyway. lol


Barbara Streisand/ Celine Dionne....amazing singers....correct?

But, not to sound cruel they both have odd looking faces. (im being kind here)

Do you know one reason why they dont have plastic surgery?....its not money, they have more than

some small countries.

Its because altering the bone structure of their faces would change the way they sound.

Their voices are their life, and they wont risk it for anything.

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I know my guitars tone as it is right now. If I alter the wood it will change. Maybe not much, but

im sure it would sound different. I really dont want to take a chance....thats my logic anyway. lol


Barbara Streisand/ Celine Dionne....amazing singers....correct?

But, not to sound cruel they both have odd looking faces. (im being kind here)

Do you know one reason why they dont have plastic surgery?....its not money, they have more than

some small countries.

Its because altering the bone structure of their faces would change the way they sound.

Their voices are their life, and they wont risk it for anything.

Are you saying Celine Dionne and Barbara Streisand shave their necks?

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Mmmh how would it kill the tone? thinner neck? so 60's necks don't sound good?


Resale value in mind before playability sounds silly to me, but that is just me.


Deepblue, you do not need to refinish the guitar, a good luthier would use the same stain Gibson uses.


My guitar neck does not have the same exact color as the back of the body, Phil told me it does but because it is curved it looks different to you.


Call Phil, 5 minutes, ask away and know the answers from a Pro.


If, deepblue, you have decided not to go ahead with the project then it may be a very wise decision.


I do, however, have to agree with the points raised above.


Firstly regarding the resale value. I think you mentioned that you were not intending to sell the instrument. If so then, if it were me, I'd get it as comfortably playable as possible rather than think about any future value. I'm sure a neck-shave would devalue the instrument - especially in the short-term - but I'm equally sure that there would still be many people willing to part with the hard-earned to get a very playable, beautiful, slimmer-necked, R9. In20 years time who is going to be that bothered about a 'period' neck-shave (especially if anyone remembers Jimmy Page!)?


Secondly as regards 'Tone'. As stated in my previous post the two best sounding LP's I've ever played have both had slim necks and one of them has the slimmest neck I've ever come across bar none. This does not mean yours will, with certainty, sound as good after the slimming process as it did beforehand and is the greatest caveat about the whole operation - it's far more important than any future fiscal-loss.

I'm sure a good luthier will be able to advise you on possible changes. I know luthiers can 'tune' acoustic tops to be more resonant when certain chords/notes are played - if you play in the key of Gm a lot, say - and it may be possible do do something similar with the neck.


Finally Colour. If you can tear your eyes away from the photographs long enough to read the captions in BOTB you will notice time and time again comments such as;

"...The colour contrast between neck and body is caused by the colour of the material and grain orientation...";

"...Colour contrast of the neck and body comes from the difference in wood colour..." and so on.


As Stiffhand suggests - call a pro and find out the possible disasters as well as the possible benefits.


I'm not trying to egg you on blindly, you understand. I'd be almost upset as you would be if you changed your mind because of something I wrote and the guitar turned into a dog...


It must come down to "How playable is it now?"


If the answer is "It's just fine. It could be very slightly better but it's just fine" then I'd advise leaving as is.

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I know my guitars tone as it is right now. If I alter the wood it will change. Maybe not much, but

im sure it would sound different. I really dont want to take a chance....thats my logic anyway. lol


Barbara Streisand/ Celine Dionne....amazing singers....correct?

But, not to sound cruel they both have odd looking faces. (im being kind here)

Do you know one reason why they dont have plastic surgery?....its not money, they have more than

some small countries.

Its because altering the bone structure of their faces would change the way they sound.

Their voices are their life, and they wont risk it for anything.


Sure but you are probably not able to play your guitar at your best and you know that.


You are comparing a placebo-effect, neglegible change in tone (that may be for the better by the way) versus the true mechanical improvement of your playing technique on this particular guitar which I am 100% would be noticeable.


By the way, check out the guy that did it to his R8 on MLP in the Customizing section of the forum.

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