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steve vai & dweezil zappa : guitar duel

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Whadda ya mean, "zappa gets owned"? It's not a "duel"; it's a duet. It's not a competition. It's a guitar "conversation".


And my opinion?...these guys are entertainers. Entertainment is for the people. And I think that with most people, the name "Zappa" will register before the name "Vai".


But, hey; to each his own. I'm glad you posted this. I enjoyed it. It's a nice break from the Cowboys/Texans game.

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i agree, you misunderstood me...forget the technique but zappa was well out of his depth there and he new it...


just my opinion


I don't think I misunderstood. What I'd like to know is why does someone always have to be better than somebody else with you Steve? This is art not sports. They were both great as was the guy playing the Les Paul, the saxophonist and the 2 drummers. Or did you think one drummer was better than the other??????? B)

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I don't think I misunderstood. What I'd like to know is why does someone always have to be better than somebody else with you Steve?


because as human beings it's natural to want to be better than the next person, it goes back to the caveman days FACT [tongue]

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"moore" who? You know, Steve, it's a shame you don't respect either of these gentlemen enough to capitalize the first letter of either of their names.


mr n, a lot of my comments are made with my tounge firmly in my cheek [biggrin]


i mean no harm B)

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i agree, you misunderstood me...forget the technique but zappa was well out of his depth there and he new it...


just my opinion


Zappa was not out of his depth one bit. They both had pretty tasty stuff going on. And this isn't an appologetic for anyone. The way I saw it, no one was "better" than the other. They were both "on".


Some opinions are more agreeable than others. Some opinions are really stinky.... I mean if it was dem00n and Zappa, I'd probably agree, but I wouldn't use words like "owned". That's so jr. high. Zappa stood toe to toe and he is obviously a very good player. Underrated? Oh, oh... smells like an old thread. I enjoyed it!

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How about Dweezil Zappa and Don Johnson?

(Yes, that Don Johnson - from Miami Vice)


Solo starts at about 2:40




Found out later that Zappa didn't even play, but was featured in the video.

Took me a few years to get past his MTV "professional celebrity" bullsh!t and give him any musical credibility.


When I met Mark Kendall (guitarist for Great White) I asked him where he got his custom Hamer.

He smiled, gave me the oddest look, paused, and said "Dweezil Zappa gave me that guitar."


Went on to tell me that Zappa did indeed inherit some licks and smarts from his dad.

Not knowing myself, I'll just have to believe that what many people say about him might be true.


I was never a Zappa fan originally, and Dweezil hasn't done anything to thrill me, but I'll give him his due.


(To be completely honest, I was never a huge Vai fan either.)

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why must you take something beautiful like that composition and turn it into a competition?

It's music. It's not "Gee, lets see who's the better guitarists."

Two very skilled players using a call and response technique.

Sometimes Vai overplays. It's not how many notes you can cram into a solo, it's how it's crafted.

Zappa did a great job.

If you were half the player he was... well you might be getting more gigs.

Just saying.

Nice post by the way. I loved that video.


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what has a name got to do with it? :-s oh you mean living off his dads reputation?


I guess he does make a living off his dads name in a way, but honestly - the ZPZ band is probably the best Zappa experience you're going to get these days, along with Enseble Modern for the more serious stuff. Dweezil has put a lot of work into getting it going and they do it incredibly well. And they don't just copy either, they add their own feel to the music. I think if Dweezil just wanted to cash in on his dad's name and music he'd just call up a bunch of old Mothers and what not and put a band together. It probably wouldn't be too difficult, and would guarantee even more interest from the fans than going out and auditioning people who were more or less total nobodies. Ok, so he did bring Steve, Napoleon and Terry for the first tour, but I think that was more as a safety net, not knowing before hand how the interest would be. As far as I know they tour with just the band these days.


I really think it is a labour of love for Dweezil, and I'm glad he's doing it. I'm hoping to be able to score some tickets to go see them again in November.

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Now, now, Steve. You are being a bit naughty posting stuff like this!




Clearly they are both very talented musicians.


Neither 'owned' the other. I rather suspect they both rate each other's playing highly; otherwise why would they play together?


Steve; would you say Gary Moore 'owned' either B.B. King or Albert Collins when they guested with him? And do you think GM asked both of them to guest with him so he could 'best' them both in some undisclosed competition?


(FWIW ; I, too, preferred Zappa's playing.)


Good clip!

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I enjoyed that video too, that SG sounded sweet.


Steve, you better be careful with some of these posts. You might have to trade in your Lester for one of these:








[biggrin], people get upset too quickly...by comments made by some fat bald bloke on the internet :rolleyes:

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