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Airport body scans anybody?


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Don't bring in anything you don't need, or can't afford to have seized.


The vending machine guys get in and out pretty easy as long every box is already opened for inspection.

Same for bottled water, they're there almost everyday.

Just have to have access to EVERY box or bottle on the truck.


Contractors are cleared well before they actually arrive on site, their tools are given a cursory inpection.

Radioactivity is the biggest concern, but easiest to scan for.


Some require escorts 100% of the time until their equipment is in place for work and is completely inspected.



I'm supposed to tell you that this is strictly adhered to 100% of the time.

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Sadly Neo, I ain't got access to a Cessna.. unless you want to fly up here and shuttle me to where-ever..


Been to Europe this fall. Got a pat-down. It was, 'eh? I mean it was no different than a massage. Actually, not as gratifying as a massage. The German that felt me up never got a hold of the family jewels. I didn't see the woman checking my wife as I was being searched at the time. After all we are at war and the cowards who want to fight us are more concerned with shock value than actual damage to our fighting force or the supply train that feeds it. I felt better knowing they were doing a better job than they were last year. Maybe it was that the only time during the trip (two fights one out, one back) was at the terminal in Germany for the trip home. I don't think you call these guys TSA. I don't know what they are. On the up side the bad guys are philosophically opposed to the touchy-feely stuff, so, maybe this is enough to keep them out of the passenger compartment.


I don't know if they check luggage or cargo. I am appalled at the number of ocean coming containers that get into this country with nary a door opened for even a quick look-see.


Someone mentioned jumpsuits. Yeah, I figured some day it would come to that. Send your luggage UPS/FedEx, then arrive at the airport empty handed. Then, report to the locker room to strip, walk across the room, under the watchful gaze of the TSA. DO a couple jumping jacks to see if anything shakes loose. Next, to the jump suit distribution counter to be fitted for your standard FAA issue flight suit. Lie down on a cot, take a tranquilizer. Then after you're asleep, they'll stack you and your flight mates one rack on top the other, on top of a shipping pallet. Everyone is out for the trip. No meals, No movies, No comfy (?) seats, just wall to wall, floor to ceiling people. I bet they could shoe horn 1500 souls into a 777, stacked that tight. No flight attendants! No first class, no business class, no coach, just chicken class. (Ever see a semi tractor/trailer load of live chickens?) Think of the money the airlines will save! Then at arrival, back to the locker room for a hit of smelling salts, and to change out of your 'flight suit' into.... into... I haven't figured that out yet.




The thing that bugs me is that they are talking about... or maybe they are doing it. Certain people can get a get out of TSA free card because they have had thorough background checks. Yeah that worked. Ask the boys in green down there at Ft. Hood.

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The thread is back ?? Did it make it through TSA ?? Anyways, I just returned from a meeting with a friend who works very high up at an airport, and we spoke in depth about this very topic. Apparently there is more going on than we know in regards to TSA. And there are more lawsuits going on than we know about. Interesting stuff.....Neo, I'll PM you what I'm authorized to by my friend, if you want..

can't post it else the thread will disappear again.

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Honestly, getting scanned does not bother me personally at all. On the other side, my 56 year old mother from Nebraska should not have to pass through a full body scanner to get on a plane. Terrorists tend to match a certain profile. We just need to stop being so PC and target individuals that fit the bill. Opy Taylor with his diet of white bread and apple pie is not going to blow up a plane for Allah, so why spend the extra money and man power to make sure he doesn't have a bomb strapped to his junk.

Any person that is not a US citizen should be subject to increased inspection, period. If they don't like it......tough. Its disgusting that TSA has to be so PC that they have to treat every passenger like a criminal to justify screening the people that should be screened. Japan requires all non-ethnic Japanese residents to register with local authorities (even if they were born in Japan), so its not like we would be the only country in the world to target aliens with extra security. Hell, were one of the only countries that don't do it!

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"PC" is in the mind of the beholder. What I consider "PC" wouldn't be "PC" to my liberal friends. After all who is to say what is 'correct'? What the network media refer to as "PC" I call "PW": P... Wimpy. Ever notice that those who would do us harm, wrap themselves in our Constitution when we go on the offensive? It's a military tactic, they employ quite well.

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Headlines I found online;


Former Gov. Ventura Will No Longer Fly Due to Abuse He's Endured at Hands of TSA...


Woman With 2 Artificial Knees Describes 'Sexual Assault' By Screener...




Cancer-surviving flight attendant forced to remove prosthetic breast...

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You miss the point entirely, my man.


No one has said there should be no security at all. No one.


Let me be perfectly clear:


1. The current "security" measures of x-ray body scans have been misrepresented as non invasive to personal privacy, and do NOT actually make travel any safer than other forms of scanning such as puffers and thermal imaging. (thermal scans would have found the rat, for the record, and shown the dead body to be at "room temperature".)


2. Having someone perform a physical search that involves touching or groping someone's private parts is a violation of even the most basic of human rights, and does not provide for any additional safety. It is, however, cheaper than other more effective means of accomplishing the same thing.


3.There are no background/psych checks being performed on those conducting the physical search, else how would the pedophile that works with my Son's contractor buddy have been hired to frisk little girls?


4. Having sex in an airport is not a security risk. Period. Stupid? sure. Disrepectful? sure. Security threat.... no.


The point I've been making all along... we HAVE the technology to achieve what we're being mislead to believe is happening now. It is costly, and so it is not being implemented so that the arilines can maximize profitability. Instead, they are telling you "Let me smear peanut butter on your *** and you'll be bomb proof...."



Some of us say "Horse apples" and won't do it.... others are saying "Sure!!! Anything in the name of safety!"



If you want to fly, I highly recomend you INSIST on them taking the correct measures to insure your safety, and be willing to pony up the extra cash that the technology will cost you.



Again, this is all just my opinions.... and opinions are like assholes.... though mine is and shall remain a peanut butter free zone.

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It's amazing how times have changed. The first time I ever flew commercial I was wearing a folding Buck knife on my belt, after takeoff I walked back to the lounge ordered a scotch and water lit up a Pall Mall and chatted with the (all female) attendants...was served a nice dinner...

Those were the good old day's....and we never knew how good we had it...

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I guess the thing that pisses me off the most is we now have a government SO CONCERNED with our safety....



Yet they are utterly failing in every other respect.

Not gonna go on a "political" tangent here, but we have by far the largest gov't in history.

And they've screwed up EVERYTHING they've touched in the last six years.

(Yes, that would include players on BOTH teams, and the vast majority of 'em.)


This TSA "security" thing isn't gonna get fixed any time soon.

They are not service oriented.

They are not profit-motivated.

They are accountable to no one.

Things will simply get worse through the holidays and the end of the year.


Politicians will try to make hay with it in the next Congress.


Solutions of any kind are WAY down the road.


If I can't fly myself on my own terms (see original post) then I'm driving like I always do.

Lucky for me, I have no reason to go east of the 95th meridian or north of 40 degrees latitude.


And I'm boycotting California, going on 45 years now.

(I was born there - I'm entitled.)



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If I could talk to the decision makers, here is what I want to know.


If someone robs a bank, and leaves the scene in a red, Chevrolet, 4 door automobile, and I am in the area driving a blue, Ford truck, should the police pull me over and question me, so to make sure they are not guilty of profiling?


Seems to me, that common sense has been outlawed at the airport, along with my bottle of shampoo. [blink]

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What would stop a bad guy from going to the airport with his nasty little bomb and while in the security line he decides he can't get his bomb past them and he just sets it off in line. That would render the scanning and patdowns irrelavent.

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It would also be just as effective in accomplishing what they want to accomplish, i.e. shutting down air transportation.



I read an article just last night that mentioned the same thing, Grandpa. Also coined the phrases "Federal D!ck Measuring Device" and "Security Theater".


I also saw a video of the TSA strip searching a child. Pedophiles rejoice!!

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I was threatening to start stripping next time in a line at the airport.

Heard a guy on the radio this morning with a different approach;

A speedo.


Yes sir, I'm going to the airport wearing nothing but a speedo.

(And a pair of tennis shoes, gotta walk a lot nowadays.)

They still wanna see more of my big, flabby, un-tanned, gloriously hairy physique?

Okay, but put on yer shades cuz this skin is gonna be WHITE!







What would stop a bad guy from going to the airport with his nasty little bomb and while in the security line he decides he can't get his bomb past them and he just sets it off in line.

Well, then they would have to move the "protected perimeter" outside the doors of the airport.

Security would need to bottleneck everybody at the doors, in ANY weather, and do the searches there.

Think livestock.




So the guy's brother decides to blow up THAT security checkpoint, with everybody in it.

Now what?


Move the "protected perimeter" out to the roadway, the entrance to the airport.

Make damned sure ANYBODY entering the site is where they are supposed to be - like a military base.

Now we're talking cars used for IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) like our troops in Iraq face.

Pull up to the guard, play dumb (if not naturally so) and wait for help to gather to assist you.




Looks like that whole "protected perimeter" thing is gonna have to be expanded into the public streets.

So now check EVERYBODY, anytime, for anything, just so we can be sure they are doing nothing wrong.

(There are a couple names here on this very forum I would whisper into their ear...)


Now we're talking a Police State - which would evidently be okay with some people in this country.




Not something we wanna live with? #-o[-X




Didn't think so.


Well, then what do we do with the idea of this "protected perimeter" to make it work?





Move it to the borders of the country like ANY OTHER sensible government has done thru the ages.

Secure the coasts, the 49th parallel, the New England borders, the Rio Grande, and 700 miles of desert we've surrendered.


Draw the line there, and stand on it.

If someone still wants to die trying to cross it, accommodate them.

Nothing short of that will ever work, dozens of centuries of world history has proven it again and again.


My name is NeoConMan, and I approve this message.


[thumbup] B)

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If the airlines hadn't already done enough to destroy themselves, let the gov't finish the job.


Yeah, there will be a few people stirring up sh!t on the "No-Fly" bandwagon.

There will be plenty of news crews waiting in the terminals.

(More than the usual talking heads who tell us every year "it's the biggest flying day of the year...")


Gee, I never heard that before.

But since there's no news on the news, it will fit right in with Oprah and Lady Goo-Goo or whatever...

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