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What kind of strings do you use?


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just a little curiosity, but a guitars gotta have strings!

Me? I use Ernie Ball Classic Rock n' Roll Super Slinky's <-- some nice strings right there.

and also what gauge? Any strings you love but dont use? how bout ones you absolutely despise?

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There was this same thread, but that's ok.....I use Ernie Ball strings on electrics.....Various on acoustics, and haven't chosen a favorite brand for my basses. I'll change gagues; currently 10s. Gibson uses softer fret wire than other brands, so they recommend a string brand higher in nickel content as nickel is softer than steel based strings; just some info if you hadn't known this...But yup, love my earnie ball strings !


As for despising any brand, not yet...I will not use fender strings on my fenders or gibson strings on my gibson; could be the rebel in me...Well wait, I did try fender strings years ago and they were just AWEFUL...

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I use Rotosound Pure Nickel .011s on my LPs and Martin 80/20 Bronze .010s on my acoustic.


Reading through the replies so far I'm definitely in the minority...I really dislike D'Addario's. I find them way too bright-sounding. Just my personal set-up, I expect.



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