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Too Many ("Personal") Guitars? What's the Limit?

charlie brown

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Sometimes I think it's the hunt and capture that excites me....



I don't have kids and to friends who are non musicians and have no understanding of the joy of acquiring new stuff, I have explained that when my wife announces I can get a new bit of gear, it is the perhaps the equivalent of their wife announcing she is expecting a baby. It is obviously said in a light hearted way in the comparison, but I am so over joyed when I am looking for something new! I probably spend close to nine months too reading magazines, reviews of the guitar/amp in question and then when I get it, I can't wait to get it back and nurse it in my loving arms msp_biggrin.gifmsp_biggrin.gif




ps (edit), in 2001 when I got my Middleton classical guitar I just couldn't stop thinking about it when I was away from it. Before going to bed I would just check on it! Jeez nothing has been so exciting as getting that guitar. A Close second maybe the Gretsch Brian Sezter and the Gibson Robot.

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There is no upper limit, I suppose. The lower limit is one.


I went through the 'buy something as soon as the money's there' stage - especially as a student - and bought lots of stuff. It was fun! Got rid of most of it a year or so after buying it. Kept a hard-core of three Strats for a very long time but sold-off most of the 'chaff'.


I kept a few; my very first electric, my acoustic flat-top and an old 'Manouche' jazzer. A couple of years later I discovered a couple of guits that had been left at my folks' house in Scotland so I'd have something to play when I went visiting. They came down after my folks died and we had to clear the house.


Then, several years ago, I thought very seriously about what I really wanted from an electric guitar. I realised that the only thing which would make me really happy would be to find 'my' Les Paul. After finding that I really didn't seriously consider buying anything else. I'm currently trying to 'lose' a few of the less-loved ones (I gave a guitar away last night, as it happens. I was just never playing it). I have bought a couple more very nice ones in the last 2 years - including an R9 that's roughly 97.35% as good as my R0 - but in all honesty I'd be happy with just the R0.




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Better to ask "Why does a chef buy so many spices? Isn't salt enough?"



I don't buy guitars, pedals and amps. I buy sounds and tones; they just come wrapped in those packages.



Well said! (he says, enabling his own desire and want for more and more 'spices'). Truthfully, not 1 guitar of mine is the same as the other. I don't have 2 LP's with 2 buckers, I have 1 with a p90 in the neck, mini bucker in the bridge, 1 LP with the Jimmy Page wiring, the 50's tribute, a '72 thinline reissue, a '72 custom deluxe I refinished and wired myself (TV Yellow), a Dot Studio modified with 2 GFS Retrotron Liverpool pickups, Bigsby, 2nd tone and volume knob, Casino, Gretsch 5120, Fender Blacktop Jazzmaster, and a tele copy I just picked up with a P90 in the neck and a Seymour Duncan mini 59 in the bridge.

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I don't have anything against collectors of things, I'm just not the type. I generally view my equipment as just that, equipment. When I don't use something, I get rid of it. Guitars are not my babies. I don't name them. I don't check on them before going to bed. (And while I can understand the metaphor, Matt, that getting a new guitar is like having a child, I can assure you it is not [biggrin] ).


Generally my take has always been that if I have a Les Paul, a Strat, a Tele, and a good sounding acoustic I'm set. Currently, however, I have two Les Pauls and three Strats because I inherited one of each. This complicates matters for me. I can't bring my self to get rid of the ones I inherited (a rare bit of sentimentality on my part) and I like the ones I had. The result is that I've made them as different as possible. I customize everything anyway - nothing is stock. So one LP has Pearly Gates pups and remains in standard tuning. The other has Burstbuckers and is generally set up for slide and tuned to open E. I think of one as a rocker and one as more of a blues guitar. I'm currently in the process of customizing the newest Strat, going with higher gain, 70s type Strat pups instead of the mellower 50s type. The Strats also look quite different from one another. I may end up keeping one in open G as well. The last Strat is just a partser I made with one humbucker a la early Van Halen -- just for fun. Still, even though they are different, I often feel I shouldn't have the duplication and consider getting rid of things. Just my personality I guess.


It's the same for pedals. I buy them constantly, but generally get rid of the ones I find myself not really needing. Amps seem more varied to me. I love having different amps to play through and don't sell them as often - though I have sold quite a few. If money were no object, I could probably see myself becoming an amp collector before a guitar collector.


Sorry if that's a bit long-winded. Students are taking an exam so I have the time (I'll pay for it later when I have to grade all these essays [crying] ). I'll try to throw in some +1 and LOLs later to bring my average post length back down to a something more reasonable. [biggrin]

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I'm back under twenty guitars, picked up a 1976 Explorer through some trading.


Got too much going on elsewhere to be "on the hunt" for guitars right now.

That, and there's a hurdle with the prices on the ones I want - everything I don't have yet is $$$$$$$

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Let me not enable your disease any further.....





The crazy thing is my wonderful wife is all for me getting more guitars. She finds them to be beautiful works of art.

My current total is 13 and holding..........until .......2011.........I.........think....



ChanMan, that pic may or may not have effected the "target" person, but it's eating me alive !!

Cookieman, I feel your "pain", i'm at 14 and my Mrs. still beats me to the various fliers and "new gear" e-mails, and tells me all about what she thinks i'd like.........she also finds them works of visual as well as sonic art......she's my "enabler".

My wife has been "chomping at the bit" and trying to entice me to buy a LPC, or SG in Silverburst for the last 3 yrs......it won't surprise me if she goes ahead and buys me one next year as a "Silver Wedding Anniversary" gift.

Hmmmmmm......She's my enabler.......what a title/chorus opener for a Blues tune....... :-"


Edit: the reason I don't "shed" the few that I don't play much is that we have a Niece that is quite interested in music, guitars in particular, and as she ages/advances in talent these will become hers, along with the amps I don't use.........and when I pass, she'll inherit the entire collection to do with as she sees fit.

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I don't have anything against collectors of things, I'm just not the type. I generally view my equipment as just that, equipment. When I don't use something, I get rid of it. Guitars are not my babies. I don't name them. I don't check on them before going to bed. (And while I can understand the metaphor, Matt, that getting a new guitar is like having a child, I can assure you it is not [biggrin] ).



Hopefully I'm not sounding overly spiritual here, but my guitars were a living thing at one point, so it's hard for me not to recognize that when I play them. I find it interesting how I can play a different guitar and how it affects the way I'll play. Maybe it's a side of me that's wants me to play that way when I'm playing a particular guitar, but I still hold out that it's the guitar that leads me down a certain path.

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If you are in the market to buy a re-issue and are not comfortable with the 59 neck, please try the R0.

It is soooo lovely in every way.





I'll second that, I was looking at an R8, R9 and then I played a R-0.


Surfpups right it isn't like a child. I've never been wakened by a bawling guitar! [tongue]

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Your right it is ridiculous to personalise them msp_scared.gifmsp_biggrin.gif



I always imagine Rik and Tony (my two main classicals) have this long running dispute with one another. For example Tony says *****y things like




"best I do this concert Rik, my projection is a little bit better due to my Brazilian rose word top; besides - I don't think Matt think's you can cut it in a live situation"


Rik ( snidely under breath)

"that's why I was taken abroad recently was it...?"


Tony (whispers nastily back)

"that's because he doesn't give a **** if anything happens to you"








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Hopefully I'm not sounding overly spiritual here...I find it interesting how I can play a different guitar and how it affects the way I'll play.


No, not too spiritual. I agree with the idea that different instruments affect us differently as players. Sometimes to play a certain way it just has to be a certain guitar for me as well. And they can be quite inspiring - same with amps and pedals really. I guess I just look at it more scientifically than spiritually. The equipment sounds different because of magnets, wire, wood, etc. That's not soul it's science. But it sure feels like soul sometimes...


Ultimately the science of the instrument has to become art and that art comes from the player. Players need inspiration, and if a player perceives something as nebulous as an instrument's "mojo" then that becomes real to the player and therefore affects the art. Ergo, an instrument's "mojo" or "soul" is not real -- and yet very real.

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I always imagine Rik and Tony (my two main classicals) have this long running dispute with one another. For example Tony says *****y things like




"best I do this concert Rik, my projection is a little bit better due to my Brazilian rose word top; besides - I don't think Matt think's you can cut it in a live situation"


Rik ( snidely under breath)

"that's why I was taken abroad recently was it...?"


Tony (whispers nastily back)

"that's because he doesn't give a **** if anything happens to you"




You need help, Matt. And now I will be imagining the conversations my guitars might be having whilst hanging on the wall awaiting my attentions. Thanks, buddy!

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I'll be the first to say that each guitar nudges me in a different direction.

I have a certain mindset when I choose one to play, then they sorta choose the direction from there.



I'm far from being a badass gunslinging guitar player - if I was, I don't know how much it would change.

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On a related note, I love a guitar project. Whether it be doing mods or building a guitar and piecing it together there is great satisfaction when the end result is what you wanted... I have done 2 such project and now I'm thinking about having a double cutaway Telecaster built, like this one





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I've seen that before - somewhere...


Always thought that was a cool look. [thumbup]


Who makes 'em?


They guy who made that one is here in Spain... He is a very well know Luthier about 40 minutes south of Valencia. He is the same guy that did my 22K Les Paul project. He is the best in town if you have the time and patients. He's the best but slow as sh¡t... See his work here.

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Having too many that I don't play is the bugger for me. At one time I had 26 and only played 4 on a regular basis, so that really didn't justify having the other 22 one would think. But in the unplayed 22 there were a few excellent guitars amongst some pretty good players and then some clunkers.


I'm down to 13 now so that's not too bad, except that I only play 2-3 on a regular basis. The other 10 are mostly sentimental favorites that I really should sell off except that I'd feel like crap if I did and on top of that I couldn't get $5K for the lot of 'em and so it wouldn't be really worth it and I'd never forgive myself in the long run. Geeez


Now here's something else I think about and I'm sure some of you have done this. The guitars that you did sell/trade in the '70's and 80's, or whenever, that were really keepers because now they are worth a gazillion dollars, but you sold them just because you didn't play them. (I'm getting sick).... Dang CB, why'd you do this??

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Charlie Brown wrote:


"I can see, actually, needing a "Humbucker" equipped guitar (LP, SG, ES-335-etc.),

a Strat, Telecaster, Ric 12-string (or some other model),

a Gretsch, and a P-90 equipped (Casino, ES-330, or LP Junior/Special)

and possibly, a "Jazz box" of some sort. Beyond that (7) or so...

it becomes less "clear" as to the real "need," doesn't it?

OK...maybe a couple of "Acoustic" guitars...6 & 12-string. (Smile)

Now, we're up to 9...LOL"






In ways I've got a decent set of "types" except...


I've got the following "types" and...


An SG "type," a semi-hollow "type," a jazz box, a nylon and a steel A-E, a 12 acoustic with a soundhole pickup, a little parlor A-E that needs some work and a lousy bass that needs some work.


If I had a lotta cash? Probably new versions of an SG, new Gibson 335 semi and 175, a nice cutaway A-E steel; a not-need-work A-E parlor guitar and a nice bass.


Other than that... I dunno. Maybe a better PA and mikes? A much better 12 A-E and/or an electric A-E? For what it's worth I like the Rick 12 but I'd almost prefer to have back my solidbody Hagstrom 12.


I'd accept a Tele but... I'd probably go nuts trying to find a Gibson-style neck that would fit it.


Edit... Oh - and I wouldn't mind a reeeally nice classical and preferably an A-E cutaway with a more or less regular classical neck.



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All I can say is bring on January when I tour the US. The price of guitars there is so cheap you dont know how lucky you've got it. For example my LP Standard Desert burst has a retail of something like $5500 here thats about 2k above the US price and our dollar is nearly identical. Mesa Trans Atlantic $2400 here USA $800.00 its staggering. But hey I think I can carry two or three back with me..

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Enmitygauged... and other friends/members from Oz...


I just got this one from a friend in Brisbane.


For what it's worth, switch "Australian" for "American" and "Canberra" for "Washington" and it's still wonderfully funny.




"The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in the Australian Capital this Christmas season.

This isn't for any religious reasons.

They simply have not been able to find Three Wise Men in Canberra.

The search for a virgin continues.

There was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable.

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Cookieman, I feel your "pain", i'm at 14 and my Mrs. still beats me to the various fliers and "new gear" e-mails, and tells me all about what she thinks i'd like.........she also finds them works of visual as well as sonic art......she's my "enabler".

My wife has been "chomping at the bit" and trying to entice me to buy a LPC, or SG in Silverburst for the last 3 yrs......it won't surprise me if she goes ahead and buys me one next year as a "Silver Wedding Anniversary" gift.

Hmmmmmm......She's my enabler.......what a title/chorus opener for a Blues tune....... :-"



lol Thats too funny!!


Now what rhymes with enabler?

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If you are in the market to buy a re-issue and are not comfortable with the 59 neck, please try the R0.

It is soooo lovely in every way.



Dave, my r68 has a 60's neck, and I do like its, especially with those 57's [thumbup] .

Thanks for your recommendation. I deff. Will get the r0, since its has bb1 and 2s (my justification [biggrin] )

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Enmitygauged... and other friends/members from Oz...


I just got this one from a friend in Brisbane.


For what it's worth, switch "Australian" for "American" and "Canberra" for "Washington" and it's still wonderfully funny.




"The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in the Australian Capital this Christmas season.

This isn't for any religious reasons.

They simply have not been able to find Three Wise Men in Canberra.

The search for a virgin continues.

There was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable.



Ha ha love it good sense of humor in the land of Ranga

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Why not, Charlie? I know I have too many guitars but I don't actually think way. I look at is as my own private music store.


Have you ever been in someone's home where the entire place was littered with gear? I have - a local guy was selling his 50th anniversary R9 and I went to check it out. Pretty big, old house that I'd say was around 4,000 sq ft. I went in through the side door (because I later saw the front door was blocked by a Marshall stack) and literally had to step over a few amps blocking the doorway to get in. The guy said he had well over 100 guitars (a good 50 of them were just lying around on stands, couches, the floor, on one another, etc.) and somewhere around 50 amps...and I'm not talking cheap stuff, either - '52 Les Paul, '61 SG, maybe 15 '50s/'60s Strats/Teles - just sitting there like garbage. The house was just littered with gear. I was at a loss for words.


that's really sad that he's got all that vintage gear but doesn't take care of it.... [crying] give that guy a call and tell him i'm willing to give some of his gear a good home and i'll take really good care of it!! [thumbup]





Your right it is ridiculous to personalise them msp_scared.gifmsp_biggrin.gif



I always imagine Rik and Tony (my two main classicals) have this long running dispute with one another. For example Tony says *****y things like




"best I do this concert Rik, my projection is a little bit better due to my Brazilian rose word top; besides - I don't think Matt think's you can cut it in a live situation"


Rik ( snidely under breath)

"that's why I was taken abroad recently was it...?"


Tony (whispers nastily back)

"that's because he doesn't give a **** if anything happens to you"






that made my day!!! [lol] [lol] [lol][biggrin][thumbup]

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