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White Christmas.....


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Iowa ain't never much compared to the Dakotas, northern Wyoming and eastern Montana for blue whistlers, though.


Believe me. And yeah, I know where Cedar Rapids is. I once had a girl friend who went to school in Mt. Vernon a long, long time ago and I was going to the state fair in Des Moines in the 50s.


For what it's worth, she played a Goya G10 that came new in the box fresh from the manufacturer. Long time ago, eh? <grin>


Never saw what I consider a real blizzard in Iowa. On the other hand, are you more or less back from the 2008 flood?



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Well I had to mow the grass today since family is coming over for Christmas dinner! Actually I could have picked either one since were living about 50/50 between Phoenix and Chicago but for the holidays we chose to be with family so were in AZ until the 4th.


Next year the place in Maui should be completed so that makes the choice even easier, Maui always wins [biggrin]

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Snow here... not a problem except that freezing rain put a crust of ice on everything yesterday.


40 F is the predicted high for Christmas Day.



I can take 17 feet of snow, I spent a winter in Tahoe and loved it. I ran into Freezing Rain ONCE in Indiana! That's enough to last me a lifetime!

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Cold and frosty here in Middle UK

White on the ground from a cold spell...down as low as -18c, which for us is unusual and disrupts travel etc

Technically not a White Christmas as it's not likely to snow

I am currently enjoying light hearted Americana on TV

The Muppets 'A Christmas Carol' with Michael Caine and 'Singing in the Rain' with Gene Kelly


Simple pleasures...Seasons Greetings to All !!





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Okay I not only don't care if it's not a White Christmas and I'm happy no matter what, this apparantly makes me Scrooge, what I'm about to say will make me the Grinch.

I abhor Santa Claus, first off he's a lie. A huge lie, people say they do it for the "magic" of the children. but it was a way to make little kids beleive in anything. When I was a child I asked if Santa was real. I could get no straight answer. Santa also takes away from who the holiday is really about, many many children who celebrate it do not realize it is a religious holiday. I'm not trying to bring religion into the forums, but we must admit that it really is a religious holiday. Sure there would be no Santas to have children sit on their laps at the local mall. But I never recalled that being too great anywho.


PS. BAH HUMBUG [tongue]

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Iowa ain't never much compared to the Dakotas, northern Wyoming and eastern Montana for blue whistlers, though.


Believe me. And yeah, I know where Cedar Rapids is. I once had a girl friend who went to school in Mt. Vernon a long, long time ago and I was going to the state fair in Des Moines in the 50s.


For what it's worth, she played a Goya G10 that came new in the box fresh from the manufacturer. Long time ago, eh? <grin>


Never saw what I consider a real blizzard in Iowa. On the other hand, are you more or less back from the 2008 flood?




Good point...I actually just don't like cold in general...so really you could be me anywhere in the cold and I would "hate it". The dakotas always get knocked around it seems like. You are right...in comparison we really don't get it all too bad.


From a flood standpoint I got really lucky, we are actually outside of downtown so we really weren't directly effected from the house end of things. My wife's company was right down on the river so they were completely underwater...so she was working from home for quite awhile. The dealership that I now own was actually underwater as well, but that was before I took ownership so that really didn't effect me either.


All and all things are pretty well back to normal here in CR post flood. It was not a very fun time for anyone I don't think...but I think we learned a lot as a city on how people can come together quickly!

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